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Posts posted by Jocka

  1. [quote author=ober link=topic=110909.msg449285#msg449285 date=1160405621]
    It's Opera.  THE most standards compliant browser available.

    It's all you people that are stuck on that horrid FF that is gumming up the works.
    Hmm.. horrid? Maybe an update on your signature then? ;)

    I'm using IE right now lol. I'm stuck on an older computer and I'm even using dial-up. I fell like I'm 12 again. The only reason i'm using IE is because (get this) my ISP doesn't support any other browser. If I use FF, it goes WAY slower.
    On a regular computer though, I've used a few browsers myself. Even made one once. IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, whats that other one i'm thinking of?.. has a Y in it i think lol. Anyway, I hated all but firefox. While firefox still isn't "the best", it's as close to what I like as I can get.
  2. Alright. I tried some javascript and can't get it to work although now I'm thinking THAT is the easier way to do it.

    its something like this (just running one query through)
    function create_query(){
      var qstring = 'search.php'
      if(document.form.name.value !== NULL){
        qstring = qstring . '?name=' . document.form.name.value

      windows.location = qstring
    It almost works. I can't get it to redirect or something. It runs through but it wont' redirect correctly.

    ::EDIT:: if a mod wants to move this to the JAVASCRIPT section, be my guest.
  3. I read up on this a little but couldn't figure out quite how to get it done.

    What I have is a PHP file with numerous fields for searching. When I submit, the search goes and the url reads out something like: search.php?name=&city=[b]Dallas[/b]&state=&country=

    What I want this to do is get rid of any empty fields. so it'd end up more like:

    instead of ALL of that showing up. Anyone know how I can get rid of empty GET (query_string)'s?

    I'm steadily searching google. But that doesn't mean I'll find the answer :P
  4. i'm not too good with the math side of php (at all) but you could probably just check it.

    list($dollar, $cents) = explode('.', $price); // splits price from dollars and cents
    if(strlen($cents) == '1'){
      $cents .= '0';

    something like that would work.. i'm sure theres a more simple way with the math part of php but again, i'm not good with it.
  5. yea, the whole thing is, I wanted to find a way where I didn't have to add all that extra code to get my value. Example:
    your code

    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='about'") or die("Error: " . mysql_error());

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
        echo $row["value"];

    what I'd like

    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='about'") or die("Error: " . mysql_error());
    $about = mysql_fetch_array($sql); // THIS IS IT

    I tried using extract but couldn't get it to work.. using
    "extract($row, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, "settings_")"
  6. I was making this script and I was trying to find an easier way to pull just ONE row from the database without using the mysql_fetch_array or assoc. I searched and searched. i could have sworn I used something before that only pulled one row and not all rows but I can't find it now. What I'm using now is something like:

    $results = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='about'") or die("Error: " . mysql_error());
    $about = mysql_fetch_array($results);
    $about = $about['value'];

    Is this my only option?
  7. That makes sense. I missed the call yesterday when he called to set an interview (had to take my son to the doctor). He then sent an email to me. I called him back and left a message but I haven't heard from him today through email or phone call. Should I give him another call or not push it?
  8. i think it might be best to maybe do some kind of random pick from the users in the database. Assign like 3-5 on one team and 3-5 on the other.

    The team idea seems better because this also gives designers and coders more people to call on for future jobs. For instance, I'm pretty bad at design. But I'm good at coding. If I was put on a team and we chose this certain guy for design and I liked it, on future projects I would find this guy and pay him / ask him for his help. More references is always better.
  9. Ok I'm following everything but rule 1. What does that mean exactly? I don't want to seem like a jackass, but I can't expand on what the resume says. The resume says it all. If they ask "What are your qualifications?". I'm going to say something like "I've done web design and administration for a little over 6 years. During that time I've learned the most basic programming languages used today and have nearly perfected them all.". Sound good? But some of that is on my resume :P
  10. I messed with it a little last night and got most of it working. I still have to use str_replace to get rid of the start and end of the loop tags though. I just added a function in there to kill all tags at the end of the script so I didn't keep doing it over and over and wasting time.

    I'd still like to figure out whats going on but I know it's hard to help without the code. But it's something like this (just read it):

    preg_match("/\{$name\}(.*?)\{\/$name\}/is", $this->t_html, $matches);

    For the most part, it works. I THINK what might be the problem is my loops I save in the array. It saves without the loop tags and then I replace the templates html with what is in the loop array. Maybe it's just reading between the 2 tags and not the 2 tags AND everything between?
  11. After a few thousand applications (or so it seemed), I finally landed an interview. HOWEVER, I've never had an actual 'interview' for previous web design jobs. Any tips on what to say?

    By that I mean, should I give them a short list of everything I know (basically repeat my resume) or should I tell them only the things relevant to the job? I want to make myself look good but I don't want them thinking I'm too good/bad.

    Most of my jobs in the past were contract jobs. I gave them an amount and that was it, no matter what. How much should I ask an hour when they ask? One developer said to at least request $25/hr. Heres a short list of what I know (to help):
    • PHP - 3 (in years)
    • Apache - 4
    • MYSQL - 3
    • HTML / DHTML - 6
    • CSS - 2
    • Linux - 4
    • JavaScript - 1
    • Adobe Photoshop - 4
    • Windows - 6
    • And Web Administration Experience (of course)
    What should I request with this knowledge (not too much knowledge to some, far too much for others).

    And any other interview tips would be greatly appreciated!
  12. My codes on a different computer.. but let me try to remember how I set it..
    (code probably isn't 100% accurate here)

    preg_match("\/{$name/}(.*?)/{\/$name/}/s", $this->t_html, $matches);

    and preg_replace is about the same. I first store $matches in another area $this->loop . I echoed that with htmlentities and nothing. I checked out the source of the page to make sure and it showed no html. So I'm not really sure. My brackets are escaped properly, I know that. Because I'm getting the correct area changes and code (for the most part).

    when I did preg_match, I want everything saved.. such as: {loop} <b>{text}</b> {/loop}
    all that with the html in it. then I'd like to replace all that after I'm done. I can get {text} and thats it.. thats all I can change too, which confuses me.
  13. I was trying to make my own template class but I ran into problems I don't quite  understand.

    I use preg_match to find where loops start and end and read everything between. For some reason, it won't get the HTML when it matches. I can't figure out how to get it to show the HTML too.

    On preg_replace, I can't get it to replace the loop strings themselves. such as {loop} info {/loop} it changes the 'info' part but the {loop} parts are still there. I don't understand why. I have to use str_replace to get rid of those but that seems ignorant since preg_replace SHOULD be doing it.

    Any idea on why it's not getting the HTML and why its not replacing the {loop} areas?
  14. I downloaded the latest (not beta) versions of APACHE, MYSQL, and PHP. I then burnt it on cd and installed them on my computer. Here's where my problem starts of course.

    After installing apache with no problems, I did my manual php installation. It's very 'limited' on their instructions but I thought I had it figured out. However, when I go to load the page it shows "bad request". The server loads up and all, but PHP doesn't seem to or APACHE doesn't look like it's even trying to load PHP. That is installed as a cgi with apache, when I installed as a module, it came up with the error "Forbidden".

    I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here. Any help?

    At least I got the error to change. After doing what the page (post below) said, I got a new error. "Page Not Found". I'm searching google for something for this now and coming up with nothing.
  15. Sorry if I posted in the wrong forum but i'm not sure what forum I'm supposed to put it in since I'm not 100% sure of what langauge/s will be required.

    But does anyone know where I can find a tutorial on making a webcast on my site or maybe even a book I can read on it. I did a google search on "php webcast tutorial" but all it seems to have is tutorials that are webcasted or something.

    I'm thankful for any help and again, sorry if this isn't the right place to ask.

    But I'm not done. Does anyone here webcast? If so, about how much bandwidth does it take when you do it (assuming alot of people watch it)? I'm thinking I'll have to get plenty of bandwidth to handle the webcasts but I'm not sure about how much is "enough". Any advice on that?
  16. Well 2 things, please md5 the passwords so they won't get stolen so easily.

    2nd thing. When they sign up, if you want to give the option of keeping the name/info in the database but decline their signup, then add another field to that row called "accept". 0 is no, 1 is yes.

    Then on this part that echos all the information, simply put some form buttons at the bottom that tells whether or not to accept the person. YES = 1 NO = 0.

    Onto your page where it gets the info, what you want to do is read this from the form. Once it reads 0 or 1, simply update that row with the answer 0 or 1 (yes or no) and there you go. Then from your site, have it display users with the field accept that equals 1. WHA LA.
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