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Posts posted by maxxd

  1. First and foremost, are you trying to display the database data in an HTML table, or do you actually have a string that comprises an HTML table and you're trying to extract data from the string? Looking at your attachments, it looks like you've got everything in a database, but it's good to be sure.


    Let us see the code you've come up with so far and let us know what results you're getting and I'm sure you'll get pointed in the correct direction.

  2. I haven't tried is_super_admin() because the preview window loads the page from a front-facing perspective, so I assume that would fail the same way that is_admin() does. I'll give it a shot, though.


    The remove_action() idea is intriguing - I wonder if I can flat out remove the widget section from the customizer panel entirely, and whether or not that would have any effect at all... hmmm...


    Thanks for the ideas!

  3. What you've got should actually work just fine.


    You'll want to do some more safety checks on the intended class, but that's the general idea. Something along the lines of this, for instance:

    $class = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : 'notAFile';
    //check to make sure the value of $_GET['url'] isn't mainpulating the file path to allow the user
    //	to hijack system files, etc...
    	$this->_inst = new $class();

    Of course, this is assuming you're using an autoloader and the file containing the class is named the same as the class itself; otherwise you'll need to include the target file before instantiating the class. You can google autloader implementations that help with namespaces and the corresponding pathing structure - I don't have an example handy, but it's not too terribly tough.

  4. Hey y'all. This is (hopefully) a dumb question and something I'm just overlooking.


    I've created a very simple widget that includes a separate php file. The separate .php file is actually just a large but simple HTML form consisting mostly of checkboxes. That's it. So, everything works great in the front-end and the widgets page of the back-end. I run into trouble, however, on the Customizer page. Including the template file like so:

    private function renderTemplate($template){
    	$form = ob_get_clean();

    will cause the entire page to load multiple times in the preview window. It's clearly in a loop, though the require_once() should prevent this (note that the method is private because I'm calling it from the public widget() method after a check to make sure the file actually exists and is what I expect it to be).


    If I comment out the lines of the method (so the functionality is gone but the call doesn't throw an undefined function error), everything works as expected.


    Has anyone else seen this type of behavior or know of a way to simply not render the widget in the preview window?


    I can't use is_admin() because the preview window forces a front-end perspective and is_admin() always returns false. I even tried a conditional on the value of the global $pagenow, but the value of $pagenow resets itself to index.php before the previewer loads the index page, so it's exactly like calling the method from the front-end. Which needs to happen, obviously, or the user wouldn't see the widget at all.


    I also tried to just use file_get_content() instead of require_once() on the template file, but ran into the same issue.


    Anyway, any ideas or experiences are very much appreciated.

  5. Not quite sure what you're asking, but passwords should only be stored in a database after encryption. You pull the password from the database, compare it to the password provided by the user, then let it go. Don't store it in $_SESSION or $_COOKIE or anywhere else.

  6. $_GET['event'] and $_GET['mood'] are simply examples. You wanted to know how to select an option of the DOM SELECT element. You'll have to get the current value and pass it into the function in place of the $_GET variables that are there now. I can only see the code that you posted, so I don't know where those values are coming from. Basically, I used $_GET as a stub for this section of my original reply:



    As for how to achieve the goal of the actual question, you'll need to pass a current value parameter to the buildSelectOptions function (once you're refactored it into one function, not two), compare that value to the value of $id in the while loop, and if it matches, add the string ' selected' to the option row.


    Probably could've explained that better earlier - sorry about the confusion.

  7. I don't know the setup of your database, so I just used stub table names. Obviously update the field and table names to match your current setup. And sorry about the $conn thing - you'll have to pass that into the getMoods() and getEvents() functions, like so:

    echo buildSelectOptions('event', getEvents($conn), $_GET['event']);
    echo buildSelectOptions('mood', getMoods($conn), $_GET['mood']);

    Like I said, I hadn't had my required amount of caffeine...

  8. I see you create a common function and then run that function for each of the queries!


    Yes. That way, you only have to make a change to one part of the code when things change, and it greatly improves readability. It'll make life easier, I promise.


    Do you mean mysqli_close()?


    No, I mean that - given the code posted above - the HTML select elements are never closed. Let's look at the code you posted:

    function buildSelectOptions($options){
    	$optionsHTML = "<select name=\"Event\">\r\n";
    	foreach($options as $id => $label){
    		$optionsHTML .= "<option value='{$id}'>{$label}</option>\n";
    	return $optionsHTML;

    Given this, the HTML output will look like this:

    <select name="Event">
        <option value='value'>This is an option</option>
        <option value='value2'>This is also an option</option>
    <!-- more html content -->

    Note that there's no '</select>' tag to close the select element. Modern browsers will (probably - honestly, I'm not sure) compensate for this, but the page won't validate properly and you're unnecessarily taxing the browser by making it figure out where you meant to end the element instead of specifically telling it. It's not much of a page load increase, but they do add up.



    The original code has run succesfully for the past year on my website, without any errors.


    I will try your suggested code and see what happens!


    While there's nothing technically wrong with the code you posted (it'll parse and run, and you won't get any errors or warnings), as you're finding out first-hand right now, it's a nightmare to maintain. And it's going to continue to be a nightmare to maintain unless you actually do some refactoring. I'm not saying you have to (or even should, quite honestly) adopt an OO style to the code, but a good code clean up will go a long, long way for you. There's some massive code smell coming off even the small snippet you posted.


    Like I said, the code that I posted is completely untested so it may not work without modification. But compare the readability of your posted code to the sample code I posted. Add some comments into the sample code and it'll actually be useful to you when you have to come back to the code in a year or two to make updates - you won't have to scroll up and down the page looking for where a variable was set, which specific version of buildSelectOption() you're using at which specific point, etc.

  9. This is entirely untested, and I'm only on my second cup of coffee after a long-ish night, but this should make a bit more sense.

    function buildSelectOptions($name, array $options, $current=null){
    	$htmlString  = "<select name='{$name}' id='{$name}'>\n";
    	$htmlString .= "\t<option value='-1'> -- Please select -- </option>\n";
    	foreach($options as $value=>$option){
    		$htmlString .= "\t<option value='{$value}'";
    		if($value == $current){
    			$htmlString .= " selected";
    		$htmlString .= ">{$option}</option>\n";
    	$htmlString .= "</select>\n";
    	return $htmlString;
    function getEvents(){
    	$qry = "SELECT	 id
    		FROM Events
    		ORDER BY id";
    	$sql = mysqli_query($conn, $qry);
    	if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) < 1){
    		return array();
    	while($res = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
    		$ret[$res['id']] = $res['Event_Type'];
    	return $ret;
    function getMoods(){
    	$qry = "SELECT	 id
    		FROM Moods
    		ORDER BY id";
    	$sql = mysqli_query($conn, $qry);
    	if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) < 1){
    		return array();
    	while($res = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
    		$ret[$res['id']] = $res['Event_Sub_Type'];
    	return $ret;
    echo buildSelectOptions('event', getEvents(), $_GET['event']);
    echo buildSelectOptions('mood', getMoods(), $_GET['mood']);
  10. No offense, but the fact that the first line is empty really isn't the only trouble with this code.


    Where does $Events_info get set? Or $Mood_info? Why do you have 2 identical functions doing identical things, named and called separately? And none of the SELECT elements are ever closed, so your resulting markup has to be a complete mess.


    As for how to achieve the goal of the actual question, you'll need to pass a current value parameter to the buildSelectOptions function (once you're refactored it into one function, not two), compare that value to the value of $id in the while loop, and if it matches, add the string ' selected' to the option row.

  11. What does the data in table 'dtop' look like?


    It is weird that it's outputting all the php after the error - as scootstah suggested, you are using .php as your file extension, right? Also, if it's running on the live server and not on your local, that sounds like a configuration error - what version of PHP are you using locally? Compare the PHP and MySQL versions between the two systems, then update the local server to be at least equal to the live server.


    The select query you're running simply pulls all the rows from the table 'dtop', so as long as there is any data at all in that table, mysqli_num_rows() will be greater than 0, meaning that the error block should never run. The only other thing that I can think of is that the query is failing somehow. Try switching

    if (mysqli_num_rows($menu_res) < 1) {
    	//this URL does not exist << What URL? There's no WHERE clause in the query...
    	echo "<p><em>Menu error.</em></p>";


    if (mysqli_num_rows($menu_res) === false) {
    	echo "<p>".mysqli_error($menu_res)."</p>";

    and see what that has to say.


    @QOC - Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, I disagree. How can you have an extensible, flexible site without storing the navigation in the database? Caching will take care of any egregious database calls, and I can't remember the last time I didn't use - or see used - dynamic navigation in a site.

  12. I'm sorry - I must need more coffee, because I have no idea what you're trying to describe.


    If "but all subsequent tabs are going through the error coding that detects more than 0 rows are in the query" means the mysqli_num_rows() check on line 46; you're not actually limiting your select statement to any specific or specified Url, so as long as there's a record in the database table 'dtop' that chunk will never run.


    As for "because the query runs from the output of another query", do you mean you're running the code quoted above while inside another while loop pulling database records? If so, don't - rewrite your query to use a JOIN.

  13. Why not resize the full-size image to thumbnail when serving the thumbnail images? You upload and save the path to the full-size image, then pass that image through some GD functions on the gallery page. That way you're only storing the big image and can have thumbnails of different sizes if necessary. It's been a while since I've done it this way, but it worked well for me.

  14. @scootstah - Hunh.


    In the past (and granted, I don't use @font-face often - I tend to go Google fonts or system fonts), I've just named them differently:

    @font-face {
      font-family: 'SomeFont';
      src: url('SomeFont.ttf') format('truetype');
    @font-face {
      font-family: 'SomeFontLight';
      src: url('SomeFont-Light.ttf') format('truetype');
    @font-face {
      font-family: 'SomeFontBold';
      src: url('SomeFont-Bold.ttf') format('truetype');

    I seem to recall it working. And if it's one font with different styles embedded, I thought that was just controlled in the tag definition.


    Thanks for pointing that out - I didn't realize it worked that way! Definitely makes for more streamlined markup.

  15. You need to surround associative array indexes with quotes, unless they're a variable. So,

    $Events_info[id], $events_info[Event_Type]

    needs to be either

    $Events_info['id'], $events_info['Event_Type']


    $Events_info[$id], $events_info[$Event_Type]

    As for the second error type, you're assigning an associative array into an indexed array on line 45, so $label in your foreach() on line 53 is actually an array still.

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