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  1. We're very much in the same class. Thanks for the help!! lol
  2. I'm near completing my second php course . I've added my final just below. I'm sure you all know what the "array_merge" function does. I've added the array_merge to a new echo, so that I can merge two arrays together. I wanted to combine ($company->name, $company->department) together. <html> <head> <title>PHP</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.css" media="screen"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" media="screen"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/normalize.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/style.css" media="screen"> </head> <body> <div class="navbar"> <div class="navbar-inner"> <a class="brand" href="#">Week 9</a> <ul class="nav"> <li class="active"><a href="clients.php">Clients</a></li> <li><a href="potential clients.php">Potential Clients</a></li> <li><a href="previousclients.php">Pervious Clients</a></li> </ul> </div> </div><!-- END of navbar--> <div align="center"> <h1>CLients</h1> <? date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles"); # set default timezone $imageDir = ".../assets/images"; class Clients { const IMAGEDIR = "images/"; public $clients = "Clients"; } /** * */ class Nike extends Clients { public $category = "sporting goods"; public $name = "Nike"; public $department = "Multi Media Devision"; public $yearsWorked = 9; public $jobPerYear = 10; public $fullTimeEmployment = false; public $freelance= true; public $annualBudget= 100000; public $founding= "1999-10-27"; public $visitsBeforeHire= 12000; public $visitsAfterHire= 23000; public $expenses= 100 ; public $income= 500 ; public $activelyWorking= true ; # A Constructor is automatically called when PHP is loaded public function __construct() { # set path for imageDir $this->imagePath = parent::IMAGEDIR . "nike.gif"; } } $nike = new Nike(); class CoffeePress extends Clients { public $category = "coffee"; public $name = "Coffee Press"; public $department = "UI/UX Devision"; public $yearsWorked = 5; public $jobPerYear = 10; public $fullTimeEmployment = false; public $freelance= true; public $annualBudget= 50; public $founding= "11992-05-12"; public $visitsBeforeHire= 12000; public $visitsAfterHire= 23000; public $expenses= 1700 ; public $income= 2500 ; public $activelyWorking= true; # A Constructor is automatically called when PHP is loaded public function __construct() { # set path for imageDir $this->imagePath = parent::IMAGEDIR . "coffeepress.jpg"; } } $coffeePress = new CoffeePress(); class BarrettsFruitProduce extends Clients { public $category = "fruit delivery"; public $name = "Barrett's Fruit Produce"; public $department = "Branding / Marketing"; public $yearsWorked = 1; public $jobPerYear = 1; public $fullTimeEmployment = false; public $freelance= true; public $annualBudget= 10000; public $founding= "2011-08-25"; public $visitsBeforeHire= 12000; public $visitsAfterHire= 23000; public $expenses= 400 ; public $income= 600 ; public $activelyWorking= false; # A Constructor is automatically called when PHP is loaded public function __construct() { # set path for imageDir $this->imagePath = parent::IMAGEDIR . "fruit.jpg"; } } $barrettsFruitProduce = new BarrettsFruitProduce(); class LeisureLife extends Clients { public $category = "apparel"; public $name = "Leisure Life"; public $department = "Branding / Marketing"; public $yearsWorked = 3; public $jobPerYear = 1; public $fullTimeEmployment = true; public $freelance= false; public $annualBudget= 10000; public $founding= "1996-06-06"; public $visitsBeforeHire= 12000; public $visitsAfterHire= 23000; public $expenses= 900 ; public $income= 1500 ; public $activelyWorking= false; # A Constructor is automatically called when PHP is loaded public function __construct() { # set path for imageDir $this->imagePath = parent::IMAGEDIR . "leisurehouse.jpg"; } } $leisureLife = new LeisureLife(); class Nintendo extends Clients { public $category = "gaming"; public $name = "Nintendo"; public $department = "character development"; public $yearsWorked = 1; public $jobPerYear = 8; public $fullTimeEmployment = false; public $freelance= true; public $annualBudget= 10000; public $founding= "1985-01-06"; public $visitsBeforeHire= 800; public $visitsAfterHire= 900; public $expenses = 800 ; public $income = 900 ; public $activelyWorking = true ; # A Constructor is automatically called when PHP is loaded public function __construct() { # set path for imageDir $this->imagePath = parent::IMAGEDIR . "imgres.jpg"; } } $nintendo = new Nintendo(); # Create an array containing all the members classes $companiesNameArray = array($nike, $coffeePress, $barrettsFruitProduce, $leisureLife, $nintendo); // str_replace(search, replace, subject) // echo str_replace($companiesNameArray, $activelyWorking, %client%); $income = array( "Nike" => 500, "CoffeePress" => 2500, "BarrettsFruitProduce" => 600, "LeisureLife" => 1500, "Nintendo" => 900, ); arsort($income); foreach ($income as $key => $val) { echo "$key <i>annual income per year is</i> $$val\n <br /> "; } // # Let's introduce all our full time employment // echo "<h2>Cilents</h2>"; // for ($i=0; $i < count($companies); $i++) { // displayProfile($companies[$companiesName[$i]]); // } // #Let's introduce all of our freelance // echo "<h2>Freelance</h2>"; // for ($i=0; $i < count($companies); $i++) { // displayProfile($companies[$companiesName[$i]]); // } # Display our Jump Menu echo "<form name=\"jump\"> <p align=\"center\"> <select name=\"menu\" onchange='window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value'> <option selected>All Members</option> <option value=\"?sort=name\">Sort by Name</option> <option value=\"?sort=nameRev\">Sort by Name (descending)</option> <option value=\"?sort=ageLoToHi\">Sort by Age (youngest to oldest)</option> <option value=\"?sort=ageHiToLo\">Sort by Age (oldest to youngest)</option> <option value=\"?sort=paidLoToHi\">Sort by Paid (highiest paid)</option> <option value=\"?sort=paidHiToLo\">Sort by Paid (lowest paid)</option> </select></p> </form>"; $sort = @$_GET['sort']; # Let's introduce all our members echo "<h2>Clients</h2>"; for ($i=0; $i < count($companiesNameArray); $i++) { switch ( $sort ) { # sort=name -- sorts alphabetically by 'name' in the member array case "name" : sort($companiesNameArray); displayProfile($companies[$companiesNameArray[$i]]); break; case "nameRev" : rsort($companiesNameArray); displayProfile($companies[$companiesNameArray[$i]]); break; # sort=ageLoToHi -- sorts alphabetically by 'age' ascending case "ageLoToHi" : displayProfile($companies[$companiesNameArray[$i]]); break; # sort=ageHiToLo -- sorts alphabetically by 'age' descending case "ageHiToLo" : displayProfile($companies[$companiesNameArray[$i]]); break; # default -- spit out all band members according to their order in the array default : displayProfile($companies[$companiesNameArray[$i]]); break; # sort=paidHiToLo -- sorts lowest paid by 'income' descending case "paidLoToHi" : displayProfile($companies[$companiesNameArray[$i]]); break; # sort=paidHiToLo -- sorts highiest paid by 'income' descending case "paidHiToLo" : displayProfile($companies[$companiesNameArray[$i]]); break; # default -- spit out all band members according to their order in the array default : displayProfile($companiesNameArray[$i]); break; } } # FUNCTIONS - Store all functions down here - I could also store them in another file function displayProfile($company) { echo "<div class='characterProfile'><p>"; # spit out the image echo "<img src=\"".$company->imagePath."\" width=200px /><br />"; # spit out our caption echo "<h3>".$company->name."</h3>"; echo "<i>Company type:</i> ".$company->category."<br />"; echo "<i>Contracting Department:</i> ".$company->department."<br />"; THE FOLLOWING IS SPECIFICALLY WHAT I WANT TO MERGE echo "<pre><i>Company Department:</i> ".array_merge($company->name, $company->department)."<br/>";echo"</pre>"; echo "<i>Jobs per year:</i> ".$company->jobPerYear."<br />"; echo "<i>Company founded:</i> ".displayBusinessAge($company->founding)."<br />"; echo "<i>Age of business: </i> ".calculateAge($company->founding).".<br />"; echo "Number of visits before redesign: ".$company->visitsBeforeHire." per month.<br />"; echo "Number of visits after redesign: ".$company->visitsAfterHire." per month.<br />"; echo "<i>Costs for this project:</i> $".$company->expenses."<br />"; setlocale(LC_MONETARY,"en_US"); echo "<pre><i>Income received: </i> ".money_format( "%i", $company->income."<br />");echo"</pre>"; echo "<i> The Cost-to-Income Ratio for this project was:</i> ".calculateCostToIncome($company->expenses, $company->income)."<br />"; $currentEmployment = str_replace("%client%", "$company->name", "Box Car Studio is not currently working for %client%. <br/>"); if ($company->activelyWorking == true){ $currentEmployment = str_replace(" not ", " ", "$currentEmployment"); } echo $currentEmployment; echo "<i>cost-to-income rato:</i> ".calculateCostToIncome($company->expenses, - $company->income)."<br />"; echo "</p></div>"; } function displayBusinessAge($businessFounding) { # January 1, 1984 $openDateFormatted = date('F j, Y', strtotime($businessFounding)); return $openDateFormatted; } function calculateAge($businessFounding) { #$currentTime = time(); # as a Unix timestamp list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-",$businessFounding); $elapsedYears = date('Y') - $year; $age = $elapsedYears; # calculates number of years elapsed # If current date < opendate (i.e. Oct01 < Dec01), then subtract 1 year if ( date('n') < $month || ( date('n') == $month && date('j') < $day ) ) { $age = $age - 1; } return $age; } function calculateCostToIncome($costs, $income) { $costToIncomeRatio = round($costs / $income, 2); return $costToIncomeRatio; } ?> </div> </body> <script> function fasterFasterAudio() { myAudio.playbackRate = (myAudio.playbackRate + 0.2) % 2.0; } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.js"></script> </html>
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