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Everything posted by JonnoTheDev

  1. http://www.outlawdesignblog.com/2008/graphic-design-contracts-agreement-forms-webdesigner-contrats/ http://www.wilsonweb.com/worksheet/pkg-con.htm Just Google.
  2. LOL
  3. Unfortunatly I dont think its as simple as learning something for 6 months and then building a complete package. I have been using PHP for over 6 years and am still learning things every day. No textbook makes you a good developer although they will show you syntax, how to use common functions and core principals. If you are going down the games route then you really need to look at what others use, whether it be flash, php, java, etc. There really isn't a recommendation in terms of a language to learn. It is whatever tools you require to get the job done. Using different languages is common and if you are familiar with one then using another should be straightforward. For instance, if I had been developing Java for years and then came across php, it wouldn't take long to adopt it, just learn the syntax and the core functions and you're away. So, one person might say learn Java, another PHP, another ASP, another Flash, another Javascript, etc. There is no one tool to use. It is what you can use that will fulfill your requirements. Its like saying I want to build a car, should I use stainless steel, aluminium, carbon fibre. Well there is no answer, each have their pros and cons and depend on the type of vehicle you are building. All I would say is that 6 months is nothing in terms of learning and developing skills.
  4. Depends on how much time you are going to invest. If lets say its a couple of days around £500 - £1000.
  5. http://www.out-law.com/page-431 http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/news/18061_more_than_half_european_websites_are_illegal
  6. Can you not login to each server via SSH? Just dump the entire database from the source server using 'mysqldump'. FTP it over to the target server and then restore it. This is a job to be done through the command line. Forget programs like phpMyAdmin.
  7. It depends entirely on the website. If your website sells a single product, then registration to purchase it would annoy users. However a store like Amazon, a complete e-commerce solution cannot function without requiring a user to register. You need to setup an account to track your order, view your purchases, etc. Some of these features are required by law.
  8. If using sessions not cookies, you can restore the session from its key using session_id($key); session_start();
  9. With e-commerce law you must provide a way for users to view their order history, print invoices. So if a user logs in they can view all the purchases that they have made from your store. Also, having to input your details every time you make a purchase would be a pain in the arse i.e Name, address, delivery address, etc. So, the answer is no. I would still have a registration, login system. If your main system requires registration then why not just tie the 2 together. Makes absolutely no difference. You should make your website user friendly so users can navigate easily and don't become confused. The only consideration is that if you use sessions on 1 domain and require the session to remain active if a user clicks through to your subdomain you will have to add extra code to do this job.
  10. Email verification is a procedure that has been structured via your programming code. 1. User registers 2. Email verification sent 3. User clicks link in email to validate 4. User logs in Once this has been done once a user does not need to register again. They simply login next time they visit your website. A session is completely different. The definition of a session: A semi-permanent interactive information interchange. Session management is build into php. It has core functions for starting, ending, storing sessions and session data. You are getting confused between the usage of sessions, not what a session actually is. I suggest you read the php manual on using sessions. If your code is structured in such a way that a user has to validate themselves each time they come to your website and login, then it is poorly coded.
  11. Ah OK, you didn't say that. There are several types of paypal implementations, however it depends on your business model on the one you choose. The simplest for a dynamic website to take payments is using paypal IPN. Checkout the info on your paypal account. If you want users to enter credit card details on your site then you require a business account and paypal website payments pro. Again the documentation is on the paypal website along with software development kits. If your business model requires you to make payments to sellers paypal accounts then this is more complex. You will have to look at the adaptive payments API. All of the APIS are documented on paypals developer network https://www.x.com/index.jspa
  12. Sessions simply hold data that persist through the application. Example: If a user is logging into a website, after they have entered the correct username & password a session can be set that will flag that the user is logged in. All member only pages on the site then check that the session exists and if not throw the user back to login. This code is purely hypothetical. i.e <?php // login .php session_start(); // user has entered correct details if($userfound == true) { $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true; header("Location:my_account.php"); exit(); } ?> <?php // my_account .php session_start(); // check user is logged in if(!$_SESSION['loggedin']) { header("Location:login.php"); exit(); } ?> Sessions are a way to store data that can be accessed through any page on your site as long as the session_start() function has been called. They are not an alternative to email validation. Email validation is a mechanism that is commonly used to stop spammers by requiring a user to validate that they are who they say they are by actioning an email. Once a user has validated themselves they can login and use the system. If you do not use validation you are open to abuse by automated programs. Although bots could effectively validate themselves by reading the email it is a very effective detterant.
  13. This is a simple project that could become complex, however it cannot be put down on a forum post as ther are too many components. Are you a developer? If so break down the application requirements into parts i.e. Registration: Buyer, Seller Login: Buyer, Seller Shopping cart, Session management, Seller admin interface, Seller upload files, User account area, Payments system: Paypal website payments pro, express checkout, direct payments etc Also think about the database structure. If you are not a developer I suggest you employ one for this project. Otherwise check out hostcripts.com and see if you can find something similar that may work for you.
  14. This is much better [attachment deleted by admin]
  15. It has nothing to do with the hosting company. It was local to you as your friends could access the site. As I stated it was a DNS issue. Your ISP provides you with DNS servers. If them DNS servers cannot resolve the domain name to an IP address you are unable to view the website, FTP using the domain name, etc. All that has happened is that the DNS records for your domain have propegated to your ISPs DNS servers, now you can access the domain. If DNS records are changed it can take a while for them to be updated around the Internet. This is why your friends who use different ISPs might be able to view the website but you cannot. DNS is a fundamental part of how the Internet works.
  16. You only need public liability if you are having clients visit you or you are frequently visiting clients. If you are running your business from home with a small amount of equipment and clients dont visit you then you dont really need it. If you are freelancing at a clients premesis then you definately need it. It does not cover employees. Professional indemnity you need 100%
  17. Thats been posted on the boards before. How true it is.
  18. This will be a DNS issue. Go to a command prompt and ping the domain. If it is not resolving to an ip address I suggest you use alternate DNS servers. You could also try rebooting your router and you will be issued with dynamic DNS. Make sure that the DNS ip you are using on your pc is that of the router.
  19. Just browse the web for some quotes on indemnity insurance. I would look for at least 100k of cover.
  20. No problem. What you are likely to come across is setting up dedicated servers that you may purchase from a hosting company that run linux distros such as CentOs or Redhat etc.. These are where you will host your websites or your clients websites or whatever. Learning to configure apache, setup your firewall (iptables), configure DNS, compile php with all required modules, configure mysql, is what you will more than likely encounter.
  21. You need a regex pattern i.e. To replace 'abc' with nothing then: $subject = 'Hello abc'; $result = preg_replace('/\\babc\\b/', '', $subject); print $result; The \b are word boundaries so part words will not be replaced. If you are wanting to replace part words then you should use str_replace()
  22. For a complete noob who wants a desktop. Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntu.com/ However i'm not sure you are correct in saying you want to host your website. I think you mean use it to create and preview your website in a local environment. You would never host a live website on a laptop. A laptop is not a server. Proper webservers do not use graphical user interfaces (GUI). They are purely command line driven. I think you are looking for an alternative to windows for your laptop. Yes, you will be able to run php & the apache server on a linux distro, but you can also run php on a windows platform. If you want to learn about linux then Ubuntu is a good start.
  23. A string replace would work however it will also replace part words i.e if I was to search for 'and' and replace with & then it will replace: band => b& sand => s& andy => &y So you may be better off using a regex function such as preg_replace() http://uk.php.net/preg_replace You will first need to read the contents of the file into a variable i.e $contents = file_get_contents('/path/to/file.txt'); Perform your replacements and then write the new content back to the file. Edit: Thinking about it you are better off reading the file contents using fopen() and then writing back with fwrite() as you have a resource handle to the file. http://uk.php.net/fwrite
  24. You can take an array and implode it into a string i.e <?php $x = array('red','green','blue'); $string = implode(', ',$x); print "My favourite colours are: ".$string; ?> Hope this helps. http://uk3.php.net/implode
  25. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Text Edition. Badass!
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