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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. [quote author=Wuhtzu link=topic=118478.msg484292#msg484292 date=1166042163] That sounds like PHP can be compiled with --enable-exif and then still turn it on / off in the php.ini. [/quote] No thats not true. If your host was using a Windows server then you can just add/uncomment php_exif.dll to the php.ini and thats it. However your host is using a linux server (freeBSD). So inorder for the exif library to be enabled PHP willl need to recompiled and the exif library will be available.
  2. You will need to enable the mysqli extension if you wish to use the mysqli library. I have a thread setup in the FAQ board [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95378.0.html]here[/url] - that should help you NOTE: That FAQ is setup to enable the standard mysql library, if you want to use the mysqli library then enable the php_mysqli.dll extension in stead.
  3. Search my posts in the Regex board. There is a simple BBCode parser I posted in a thread within that board. However I do urge you to readup on understanding regular expressions. Regular expressions are very powerful and can be complex. However once you know the basics you should be able to know what your doing. Also please dont post threads with undescriptive titles. I have changed your title to something more appropriate. EDIT: I have saved you the hassle of searching the forums, [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,101566.0.html]here is that thread[/url].
  4. Just download the php5.2.0 zip package from php.net and extract the contents of the zip to your old PHP folder and overwrite all existing files. Thats it. PHP is now upgraded. No need to copy any dlls to the Apache/bin directory, that depends on your setup. I dont advise moving any files from the php folder. Keep them where they are.
  5. yes the configuration command is what was used when PHP was compiled from source. If you want to use the exif extension then your host will need to recompile PHP with the [b]--enable-exif[/b] command option
  6. If you have a sub domain setup then you dont prepend www to the url at all. You only add www when you are not using a subdomain with your TLD. normal url for access a website with no sub-domain: www.mysite.com -- real-life example http://www.google.com if you have a subdomain, then you swap www. with your actual subdomain my-subdomain.mysite.com -- real-life example http://video.goole.com
  7. Use $_POST['email] not $email You will need to do this for all variables you use for access the fields from the form, eg: $_POST['to'], $_POST['firstName'], $_POST['lastName'] etc
  8. The reason is because you have the display_errors directive turned off in the php.ini. Turn this setting on. When you turn it on, you must save the php.ini and restart the server for the new php.ini changes to come into effect. If you dont restart the server the new settings will not be loaded. If you have done this, then confirm PHP is using the correct php.ini. You can do this by creating a new script (call it info.pphp) and add the following code to it: [code=php:0]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/code] Now load this file up and look for the following line: [b]Configuration File (php.ini) Path[/b] To the right of that it should state the full path to the php.ini file PHP is using, is this the correct path to the php.ini you are editing?
  9. Yeah, redownload PHP (make sure you download the zipped binaries, eg [url=http://www.php.net/get/php-5.2.0-Win32.zip/from/a/mirror]PHP 5.2.0 zip package[/url]) Extract the contents to C:/php overwriting existing files/folders. Do not move any files/folders from the PHP folder. Keep them where they are.
  10. [quote author=Nightslyr link=topic=118208.msg483007#msg483007 date=1165879821] My border: none is quite literally connected to the anchor element.  In other words: [code] a{   border: none; } [/code] But that didn't work. EDIT: but setting the images' border to 0 did.  Thanks, ToonMariner. :) [/quote] With that you are telling your browser to give links no border, what you'll want to do is this: [code]a img {     border: none; }[/code] This will now tell the browser to give any image within an anchor no borders. Its the image thats got the border not the link.
  11. What do you mean by index page? Do you want add a file to the DirectoryIndex ? example you have a file called homepage.html in the document root and when you go to http://mysite.com/ you want this file to load automatically? To do this you'll need to open up the http.conf file and find the following: [code]<IfModule dir_module>     DirectoryIndex index.html index.php </IfModule> [/code] Yours may not look that, but similar, now add a space after the last entry and then homepage.html Save the httpd.conf and restart XAMPP. Now when you go to http://localhost/ it should load up homepage.html (if that file currently exists in the document root). Is that what you mean? If not could you explain what you mean?
  12. PHP isnt using the correct php.ini that case. Copy the php.ini from C:\EasyServ to C:\WINNT instead Restart EasyServ Is PHP now using the correct php.ini? Also could you post me to the EasyServ homepage too
  13. It comes with PHP. It should be located in the extension folder (ext) when you install PHP. PHP may be finding this module but cant find the libmysql.dll which it needs in able to load the module correctly. libmysql.dll should be located in the root of the PHP folder. Could you post me information about your PHP setup.
  14. What are you applying border: none too?
  15. If you place an .htaccess file in the public_html folder it will work in that folder aswell as any subfolders within the public_html folder too. Your rewrite rule will work in both directories, however it will differently. For example when u do this: mysite.com/id/123 it will translate to this: mysite.com/index.php?id=123 However when you do this same when you go to mysite.com/boo/id/123 it will translate to this: mysite.com/boo/index.php?id=123 In other words if you do mysite.com/ it will use the index.php in the root of the public_html folder whereas mysite.com/boo will use the index.php file in the boo folder and not the index.php in the root of the website (public_html).
  16. If you are getting that error message then it looks like you have not enabled the mysql extension in the php.ini. Please read[url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95378.0.html]this FAQ[/url] It should help. Also remove the @ from infront of mysql_connect and mysql_select_db too.
  17. Just add the background-color to the style: textarea { font-family:helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif;font-size:12;color: #000000;background-color:#e1e1e1; } that will give the textarea a very light grey background. Also this is a HTML/CSS issue so I am moving this to the CSS forum.
  18. login.php does not have any header redirects when the user logs in successfully. I see you setup the url but you dont use a function to perform the redirect to loggedin.php: [code=php:0]if($row){ //a record was pulled from the database. //set cookies and redirect. setcookie('user_id', $row[0]); setcookie('first_name', $row[1]); //redirct user to logged in page. loggedin.php //start defining the URL $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //check for trailing slash. if((substr($url, -1) == '/') or (substr($url, -1) == '\\')) { $url = substr($url, 0, -1); //chop off the slash     } //add the page. $url .='/loggedin.php';[/code] This wil do fine: [code=php:0]if($row){ //a record was pulled from the database. //set cookies and redirect. setcookie('user_id', $row[0]); setcookie('first_name', $row[1]); //redirct user to logged in page. loggedin.php header("Location: loggedin.php");                   }[/code]
  19. Is the banner an image with a white background? If it is edit the banner in an image editor such as Photoshop/Fireworks and then convert the image to a GIF and make it have a transparent background. Is that what you mean? If its not, could you explain what you're trying to do in more detail, or illustrate what you're trying to do by uploading an image.
  20. Open up the php.ini for editing and find the following: [b]upload_max_filesize = 2M[/b] Change 2M to 8M instead. This will allow you to upload file with a file size no bigger than 8MB You increase this if you wish. Save the php.ini and restart Apache server (done via WAMP control panel in task bar)
  21. OK is PHP using the correct php.ini? You can check this by running the phpinfo function and looking for the [b]Configuration File (php.ini) Path line[/b] To the right of that should be the full path to the php.ini file PHP is using. Is that the correct php.ini? If its not. Where is the php.ini you are editing? Also it does no matter what "installer" you use it will not help. As it is a configuration issue.
  22. Go to Start > Run now type in services.msc This will bring up the services that are setup. Scroll down the list of services and stop any services that are named MySQL. Retry the Server Instance Config Wizard should get the service running.
  23. Have you sorted the problem as looking at the site displays fine in IE(7). Or perhaps this is an IE6 issue.
  24. There two ways, the first way is to create a .htaccess file in the folder in which login_screen.php locates and add the following code to it: [code]Indexes Login_screen.php[/code] Now when ever you go to  http://localhost/ it should loadup login_screen.php automatically Or the other option will be to create an index.html file and then use a meta refresh so it loads up Login_screen.php
  25. [quote author=steviewdr link=topic=117256.msg479642#msg479642 date=1165396244] Download wamp server etc. if you cant install php correctly; it will do it for you. Installing php on windows *is* tricky. 0steve [/quote] Is not tricky... Dont know why other people find it hard. I get setup alright.
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