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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. It "over hanges" because there is another tabled cell above where it over hangs. it actually doing what you're telling it do. Just pad it out by sticking an extra tabel cell (<td></td>) after the closing td tag for .box nsd amke it colspan 2 cells rather than 3.
  2. Wheres the layout gone. I cant help if you got rid of thelayoutt. The simpliest whay of doing curved corners is with the script I told you to use called CurvyCorners (search it in google). All you need to do is download the script. Then use the script tag to include the javascript in the page. And use another script tag to tell curvyCorners which elements you want to have curverd corners and their radious. Read up on how to use [url=http://www.curvycorners.net/usage.php]curvyCorners[/url].
  3. Dont use postition use floats. Float #two to the left and the other div you have to the left too of #two Try to aviod using absolute postioning. Learnt to use CSS layouts with floats they are alot more easier.
  4. You use php. So use the $_SERVER['hostname'] variable to get your domain name and do something like this: [code=php:0]<?php echo 'http://' . $_SERVER['HOSTNAME'] . 'com' ?>/path/to/file_here[/code] Or hard code it in to a file that always gets included/required into your PHP scripts.
  5. Just enable the modules you want to use. The modules that where enabled by default when you installed Apache is fine.
  6. No the server, as in the server software (not hardware). Restart IIS, Apache or whatever you server software is.
  7. The errors you are getting is becuase of this: [code]$email = $_POST['email'];   $pwd = $_POST['pwd'];    $forename = $_POST['forename'];   $pwd2 = $_POST['pwd2'];   $surname = $_POST['surname'];    $gender = $_POST['gender'];[/code] You are not using the POST method. You are using the GET method. So you need to use $_GET rather than $_POST
  8. [quote author=killerbud99 link=topic=111551.msg452101#msg452101 date=1160918214] Hello, I am asking a question refering to this on the main page [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/142/0.php]http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/142/0.php[/url] I want to view the output of a sql as html or php as so it can be viewed as such not as a list [code]      // echo out the results to the screen   while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {       echo "{$list['image_url']} <br>";   } // end while[/code] Also I would like to pull more info not just the ['image_url'] can this be done? Thanks in advance  :) [/quote] Currently the query you use only returns one field. If you wnat all fields returned then use this as the query: [code]$sql = "select * from testTable"; [/code] The astricks (*) means all so now your query selects everything in the table called testTable. Now in the while loop. The variable $list holds an array of each field for each row returned from the query you just ran. If you do not understand arrays then Id recommend you to learn up on arrays over at http://www.php.net/array also read up on the [url=http://php.net/mysql-fetch-array]mysql_fetch_array[/url] to help understand whats going on.
  9. Is that the correct path (C:\PHP\) to php.ini? and did you turn on display_startup_errors too?
  10. Well the rewriterule you have does not match http://www.kilbad.com/photos So you must have someother rewrite rule doing the redirect for photos
  11. Are you renting webspace of off a webhost that uses a windows server? If you do then I'd recommend you to send an email to your host and see what they say. Also do you know what server is running on the windows box (for example IIS or Apache or other).
  12. Run the following functoin in a script: [code]<?php phpinfo(); ?>[/code] Do you get a mysql or a mysqli section? If you dont make sure PHP is using the correct php.ini by checking the line that starts with [b]Configuration File (php.ini) Path[/b]. Also turn on the [b]display_startup_errors[/b] too in the php.ini to see if PHP is loading up okay. Also make sure that you restart your server whenever you make any changes to the php.ini!
  13. Yes you can use images. However not whole images like [url=http://www.hasbadservice.com/images/adminleftcol.gif]this[/url] or [url=http://www.hasbadservice.com/images/adminrightcol.gif]this[/url].. Use images for the corners only (see this [url=http://kalsey.com/2003/07/rounded_corners_in_css/]tutorial[/url]) or use  javascript such as CurvyCorners or something similar.
  14. This is a php setting. Open trhe php.ini and dissable magic_quotes Once you have done restart WAMP.
  15. Make sure the folder you are writting to is not read only. If your server is IIS then I think you need to set some permissions. I'm not sure though.
  16. You have not set the correct permissions for the apache username to connect to  MySQL You need to setup permissions for the apache username.
  17. Yeah had it for ages.. :) It is a good extension. I use it all the time. Another extension I use is colorZilla. You can use it find out what colours are used on a page etc. It has other features too.
  18. Please read this [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95378.0.html]thread[/url] You need to enable the mysql extension in the php.ini in order to use the mysql functions for PHP.
  19. I suggest you get rid of the images for the three rectangles and and use a javascript called Curvy Corners to have rounded corners for the three white rectangles.
  20. Try using auto margins: margin: 0 auto; That should center your table. Make sure your table has a width set.
  21. Check your servers error logs for any errors. By IIS functions you mean the [url=http://uk.php.net/manual/en/ref.iisfunc.php]IIS Administration Functions[/url].
  22. If you mean a function within a function: [code]function myfuncA() {     // code for function A     function myfuncB() {         // code for function B     } }[/code] Then yes. However you have to called function A first before using function b. Example: [code]function myfuncA() {     echo "Called function A<br />";     function myfuncB() {         echo "Called function B";     } } // call function a first: myfuncA(); // now we can use function b myfuncB(); [/code]
  23. Looks like you are using an older/newer version of the gd extension for PHP4. Download PHP4.4.x zipped binaries and extract the contents of the zip to where you have PHP installed, making sure it overwrites all files in the process (it'll promt you). GD comes with PHP. All you need to do is enable the php_gd2.dll extension in the php.ini by removing the ; (semi-colon) in front of extension=php_gd2.dll or extension=php_gd.dll Also installing WAMP Server is the worst thing you can do!
  24. You cannot run a PHP function when you click a link/button/image or whatever. PHP is not like javascript where you can fire a function when ever user clicks something. PHP runs on the server. The only way to do it is by looking into a technique called pagination which you'll be able to adapt into your script. Or you can use javascript, however you'll want to look up on the HttpRequest method.
  25. They wont. As the session is stored on the server and not on the client. The only way for a hacker to spoof a session is by getting a valid session id. In order to get the session id they need to be in the same room as you. Also about $_GET you should be validating the input not use raw GET data.
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