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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. trim only gets rid of whitspace at the beggining and end of a string, it wont get rid of them if it is not at the begging or end of the string.
  2. Banner adds can be an animated gif, or they can be done in flash. No php involved. With PHP you can do a random banner add.
  3. There is a setting in the profile you can use to hide your email address. Goto Profile > Account Related Settings > Check the Hide email address from public? checkbox. > Scroll to the bottom enter your password in then click the Change Profile button.
  4. It probably comes with the openssl package. Download [url=http://www.openssl.org/]openSSL Here[/url]. php_openssl requires this package to be installed. Also prehaps having a read of [url=http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/ref.openssl.php]this page[/url] on enabling openssl.
  5. little confused. Could you post your code here.
  6. Looks like your $email_address variable is holding an invalid email address. Everythink else looks ok
  7. Oh your using an all-in-one installer which installs Apache and PHP etc. Lloks like openssl is trying to run a command which Windows cannot run. Do you need openssl. If you dont open up the php.ini and add a semi-colon infront of extension=php_openssl.dll Save php.ini, restart Apache.
  8. Where is you php extensions located to, they should in the ext(ensions) folder that came with php.
  9. It appears you havent restarted Apache. You need to restart Apache or what ever your server program is in order for the new php settings to come available.
  10. [url=http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.connection-handling.php]This[/url] has more indepth info on what it is used for.
  11. TO connect to mysql use mysql_connect: [code=php:0]// this connects you to the mysql server mysql_conncet('localhost', 'mysql_username', 'password_for_mysql_username'); // select the database to use mysql_select_db('database_name_here');[/code]
  12. If you want a header use the header tags (<h1> (biggest) through to <h6> (smallest). Example: [code]<div id="content_body">   <h1>Example Header</h1>   <p>Example text here</p> </div>[/code] As the header has big padding/margin you'll want to remove these otherwise it'll interfear with your layout. So use this CSS: [code]#content_body h1 {     /* remove the margin */     margin: 0px;     /* remove the padding from the top, right and left of the header */     /* add 15px padding to the bottom of the header */     /* padding: top, right, bottom, left */     padding: 0px 0px 15px 0px; }[/code]
  13. Not really no. You use paragraph tags to add paragrahps. You dont need the to format your text. You can just add styles to rthe #content_body style to format the text that is in the content_body div.
  14. You need to configure the extension_dir directive in the php.ini to sort that out.
  15. You mean the php file is not on the server which looks for a file on a remote PC. If thats the case then you cannot do that. As PHP runs on the server, it cannot interact with the client (remote PC). What your php script is doing is trying to find the csv file on the server and thus you are getting the returned error.
  16. Use INT if those last four rows hold a number.
  17. Use a for loop: [code=php:0]<?php $title1 = 'open'; $title2 = 'open'; $title3 = 'closed'; $title4 = 'open'; $title5 = 'closed'; $title6 = 'open'; $title7 = 'closed'; $title8 = 'closed'; $title9 = 'open'; $title10 = 'open'; for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {     if(${'title'.$i} == 'closed')     {       ${'title'.$i} = null;     } } for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {     echo '$tile' .$i . ' = ' . ${'title'.$i} . '<br />'; } ?>[/code]
  18. If you installed mssql did you enable the php_mssql.dll extension in the php.ini?
  19. You also want to make sure the display_errors directive is turned on too in order to get the errors to be displayed to the browser. To turn this setting on you need to edit the php.ini.
  20. Do you have an SMTP server installed locally? You need to install an SMTP server locally in order to send emails via localhost.
  21. To access your vars that is in the same class/function you need to use $this->[b]youVarNameHere[/b] just as drkstr pointed out above. This is the same for PHP4 and PHP5. You do not put the dollar sign after $this-> you just the name of the variable, ie $this->a
  22. [code=php:0]$yourvar = preg_replace("|\[quote=(.*)\](.*)\[/quote\]\]|is", "<div style='border: 1px solid #cccccc; margin: 5px 4px; padding: 2px; background-color: #e9e9e9; font-size: 11px;'>\\1 says: <br>\\2</div>", $yourvar);[/code]
  23. You need to slice up your layout in photoshop/imageready first. Note when you slice make sure the slices you want are the ones being exported, and not the ones that PS/IR put in automatically when you slice. And only export the images. Dont export the html and the images, as the html/css that PS/I generate is not good.  To position in CSS without absolute and relative positioning use float and clear. Floats are the best and easiest way to position elements on your webpage. Most CSS layouts are done with floats. You use [i]clear: both[/i] to stop elements from going underneath a floated object.
  24. Use 1 nl2br and not two. I would not recommend you to format your text when you put it in the database. You should format the text how you want it when you retreive it from the database.
  25. This is incorrect: [code]$Email_array = explode(_,$Email_raw);[/code] You should add quotes around the underscore: [code]$Email_array = explode('_', $Email_raw);[/code] If you dont want to use an underscore prehaps use a hash (#) or someother character like ~ To replace the underscores use str_replace: [code=php:0]$str = 'my_username_here@hostname_here.com'; $str = str_replace('_', '#', $str); echo $str;[/code] WIll return my#username#here@hostname#here.com
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