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Everything posted by wildteen88

  1. Which is what? Where is your variable $logged defined?
  2. Is Apache running? Checked Apache's error log for any errors? Do you have other services installed which could affect Apache such as IIS, Skype etc.
  3. Use an HTML anchor tag. <a href="<?php echo $this->team->t_official_website ;?>"><?php echo $this->team->t_official_website ;?></a>
  4. You can assign the order in your SQL query $sql = "SELECT * FROM credits ORDER BY user_name ASC";
  5. Using thier payment API's. However before handling payments you should know what are doing.
  6. First have a search through the posts in the PHP Regex board. There must be 100 if not 1000's of posts for this.
  7. If the name of your button is called submit then you should check whether the variable $_POST['submit_x'] exists not $_POST['submit']. This only applies to using images as the submit button
  8. You need to float the #content div to the left too.Otherwise it will display below your left and right columns.
  9. If $list is an array. You can use array_chunk to cut your $list array into smaller arrays which hold 4 emails each. Then you can do $rows = array_chunk($list, 4); foreach($rows as $emails) { echo implode(', ', $emails) . '<br />'; }
  10. How weird. We got there in the end. FYI this code $sql5="UPDATE settings SET ad1='$ad1' WHERE id=1"; mysql_query($sql5) //execute query or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it echo mysql_info(); echo $sql5; //$sql6="UPDATE settings SET ad2='$ad2' WHERE id='1'"; // mysql_query($sql6, $connect) //execute query // or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it // // $sql7="UPDATE settings SET artist='$artist' WHERE id='1'"; // mysql_query($sql7, $connect) //execute query // or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it // $sql8="UPDATE settings SET logo='$logo' WHERE id='1'"; /// mysql_query($sql8, $connect) //execute query // or die(mysql_error()); // if error show it Can combined into just one query $sql5="UPDATE settings SET ad1='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ad1'])."', ad2='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ad2'])."', artist='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['artist'])."', logo='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['logo'])."' WHERE id=1";
  11. It is telling you to run a command. To run commands you need to open the terminal (listed in your applications list). You then enter the command it tells you in to the terminal. When running the command it'll promt for your password. Enter your password (followed by pressing enter) and the command will run.
  12. Ok... Change your query to $sql5="UPDATE settings SET ad1='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ad1'])."' WHERE id=1";
  13. If you remove $ad1 from query and replace it with a simple string like ad here does it update?
  14. Where are you running this code? What is the address you are using? What is this script called? Are you running this code on a sever that supports PHP.
  15. This if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo "Database is empty <br>"; } else { while(list($id, $name) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) } ?> <a href="download.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo $name; ?></a> <br> Should be if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo "Database is empty <br>"; } else { while(list($id, $name) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { ?> <a href="download.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo $name; ?></a> <br> <?php } } ?> Indenting you code makes it easier to read and maintain.
  16. Have a read of this post over at the support forums for wampserver. This shows how to disable IIS.
  17. Seems you need to write Perl scripts to configure Zeus Server. The syntax is alot different to mod_rewrite. I can only recommend you to look at the Request Rewriting examples here for more info and reading the documentation for Zues Server here.
  18. Change the double quoes to single quotes.
  19. Your previous installation most probably had a setting called display_errors disabled or the error_reporting level was set to ignore notices. Notices are not errors, these do not prevent your script from running however they are simple to correct.
  20. You need to enable the Apache module called mod_rewrite. To do this left click WAMP tray icon and select Apache > Modules > rewrite module
  21. Where is this code being used? Is it within a while loop? If it is take this code function show_league_image($type) { $images = array ( 'league1' => 'first.jpg', 'league2' => 'second.jpg', 'league3' => 'third.jpg' ); if(array_key_exists($type, $images)) return '<img src="images/awards/'.$images[$type].'" width="20" height="45" />'; return false; } Outside of the while loop.
  22. How are you using the function? Post your code here.
  23. create a function instread. function show_league_image($type) { $images = array ( 'league1' => 'first.jpg', 'league2' => 'secound.jpg', 'league3' => 'third.jpg' ); if(array_key_exists($type, $images)) return '<img src="images/awards/'.$images[$type].'" />'; return false; } Now to display the images you call the function <tr><td><? echo show_league_image($type) ?></td></tr> Hanging around WordPress to much? ??? No, never used it.
  24. create a function instread. function show_league_image($type) { $images = array ( 'league1' => 'first.jpg', 'league2' => 'secound.jpg', 'league3' => 'third.jpg' ); if(array_key_exists($type, $images)) return '<img src="images/awards/'.$images[$type].'" />'; return false; } Now to display the images you call the function <tr><td><? echo show_league_image($type) ?></td></tr>
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