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Much thanks again for your reply. Upon completion of a live transaction, I see this in 'Webserver SSL transfer log': - - [04/May/2023:17:25:53 -0400] "GET /aj/wallet/get_paid?status=success&amount=1.00&token=6H326569M0899450A&PayerID=ZVLJWCX8ST4TS HTTP/2.0" 302 - "https://www.paypal.com/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" Does this provide any clues? I look forward to any additional guidance...
Hi, thanks for your reply. I don't see any related transaction in video_transactions table. I don't see anything clearly in server logs. However, in the paypal.com API Event logs I see, under API Calls, from an attempt today: http status 201, and under debug ID I see Request, and I see Response. Request shows: { "application_context": { "cancel_url": "https://websitename.com/aj/wallet/get_paid?status=false", "return_url": "https://websitename.com/aj/wallet/get_paid?status=success&amount=2", "shipping_preference": "NO_SHIPPING" }, "intent": "CAPTURE", "purchase_units": [ { "amount": { "breakdown": { "item_total": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": "2" } }, "currency_code": "USD", "value": "2" }, "items": [ { "description": "Pay For item", "name": "Wallet Replenishment", "quantity": "1", "unit_amount": { "currency_code": "USD", "value": "2" } } ] } ] } And Response shows: { "id": "8CV39571RF9321610", "links": [ { "href": "https://api.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/8CV39571RF9321610", "method": "GET", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "https://www.paypal.com/checkoutnow?token=8CV39571RF9321610", "method": "GET", "rel": "approve" }, { "href": "https://api.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/8CV39571RF9321610", "method": "PATCH", "rel": "update" }, { "href": "https://api.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/8CV39571RF9321610/capture", "method": "POST", "rel": "capture" } ], "status": "CREATED" } Does this provide any clues? I look forward to any additional guidance...
Many thanks for your reply. I've looked many places I do not see any notification of a transaction. Paypal merchant support said they believe the "integration that caused the payment capture call not to be invoked after the customer approved the payment". Here is the paypal_cofig.php file, maybe this could provide a clue? $url = "https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com"; if ($pt->config->paypal_mode == 'live') { $url = "https://api-m.paypal.com"; } $pt->paypal_access_token = null; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url . '/v1/oauth2/token'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "grant_type=client_credentials"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $pt->config->paypal_id . ':' . $pt->config->paypal_secret); $headers = array(); $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $result = json_decode($result); if (!empty($result->access_token)) { $pt->paypal_access_token = $result->access_token; } I look forward to any guidance
I am using a web video script that has Paypal integrated. Upon attempting a live transaction to test, the process proceeds to Paypal, shows the transaction amount and returns to the web site successfully, however, no amount is added to the website and no amount is deducted from the paypal user account. I see no errors at paypal or on the website. After communicating with Paypal Merchant Support they said: "You do need to work with your developer and request them to find out why the capture request would not be invoked after the order is created and approved and fix it accordingly". However, the developer is unavailable, so I am attempting to find/fix the issue. Can you tell me if you see anything that might cause an issue with the code below? Or any clues I might look into? I look forward to any suggestions. <?php if (IS_LOGGED == false && $first != 'success_fortumo' && $first != 'success_aamarpay' && $first != 'cashfree_paid' && $first != 'iyzipay_paid' && $first != 'success_yoomoney') { $data = array( 'status' => 400, 'error' => 'Not logged in' ); echo json_encode($data); exit(); } require 'assets/includes/paypal_config.php'; $payment_currency = $pt->config->payment_currency; $paypal_currency = $pt->config->paypal_currency; if ($first == 'replenish') { $data = array('status' => 400); $request = (!empty($_POST['amount']) && is_numeric($_POST['amount'])); if ($request === true) { $price = PT_Secure($_POST['amount']); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url . '/v2/checkout/orders'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, '{ "intent": "CAPTURE", "purchase_units": [ { "items": [ { "name": "Wallet Replenishment", "description": "Pay For ' . $pt->config->name.'", "quantity": "1", "unit_amount": { "currency_code": "'.$pt->config->paypal_currency.'", "value": "'.$price.'" } } ], "amount": { "currency_code": "'.$pt->config->paypal_currency.'", "value": "'.$price.'", "breakdown": { "item_total": { "currency_code": "'.$pt->config->paypal_currency.'", "value": "'.$price.'" } } } } ], "application_context":{ "shipping_preference":"NO_SHIPPING", "return_url": "'.PT_Link("aj/wallet/get_paid?status=success&amount=").$price.'", "cancel_url": "'.PT_Link("aj/wallet/get_paid?status=false").'" } }'); $headers = array(); $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json'; $headers[] = 'Authorization: Bearer '.$pt->paypal_access_token; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); $result = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch); } curl_close($ch); $result = json_decode($result); if (!empty($result) && !empty($result->links) && !empty($result->links[1]) && !empty($result->links[1]->href)) { $data = array( 'status' => 200, 'type' => 'SUCCESS', 'url' => $result->links[1]->href ); } elseif(!empty($result->message)){ $data = array( 'type' => 'ERROR', 'details' => $result->message ); } echo json_encode($data); exit(); } } if ($first == 'get_paid') { $data['status'] = 500; if (!empty($_GET['amount']) && is_numeric($_GET['amount']) && !empty($_GET['token'])) { $amount = (int)PT_Secure($_GET['amount']); $token = PT_Secure($_GET['token']); include_once('assets/includes/paypal.php'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url . '/v2/checkout/orders/'.$token.'/capture'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $headers = array(); $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json'; $headers[] = 'Authorization: Bearer '.$pt->paypal_access_token; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); $result = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { header("Location: " . PT_Link('wallet')); exit(); } curl_close($ch); if (!empty($result)) { $result = json_decode($result); if (!empty($result->status) && $result->status == 'COMPLETED') { $update = array('wallet' => ($user->wallet_or += $amount)); $db->where('id',$user->id)->update(T_USERS,$update); $payment_data = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'paid_id' => $user->id, 'admin_com' => 0, 'currency' => $pt->config->paypal_currency, 'time' => time(), 'amount' => $amount, 'type' => 'ad' ); $db->insert(T_VIDEOS_TRSNS,$payment_data); $_SESSION['upgraded'] = true; $url = PT_Link('wallet'); if (!empty($_COOKIE['redirect_page'])) { $redirect_page = preg_replace('/on[^<>=]+=[^<>]*/m', '', $_COOKIE['redirect_page']); $url = preg_replace('/\((.*?)\)/m', '', $redirect_page); } header("Location: $url"); exit(); } } } header("Location: " . PT_Link('wallet')); exit(); } ...
Thanks for the replies. Sorry for my lack of info. The php ffmpeg_submit.php file is for it's accompanying html ffmpeg.html form-submitting file. Whatever I enter into the Error will display successfully on the html page upon the 'if' conditions being met. I'd prefer it not being an Error message, but it's the only thing that will display, as I test and try to determine how to display a message there, rather than an error. if (empty($error) && $_POST['set_p_v'] == 0 && $wallet >=1) { echo "Hello"; $error = "Whatever I enter here gets displayed upon these if conditions being met"; $db->rawQuery("UPDATE ".T_USERS." SET `wallet` = `wallet` - 0.50 WHERE $wallet = $user->wallet"); } So, it would seem that the code is working successfully, because when the if conditions are met the error message is displayed successfully. So, my question is, how do I instead modify it so that, if conditions are met display the echo message, or is there another way to have the php display a message onto the html page? I look forward to your reply.
In my php, the error will display in the html, but echo will not: if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"){ . . . if (empty($error) && $_POST['field'] == etc... { echo "Hello"; $error = "Hello"; . . . etc. Any ideas how to get echo to display?
Thanks for your suggestions, this is where I'm at now, upon selecting the Submit button it successfully displays the pop-up alert. But "yes submit" doesn't upload the file: $('#submit-btn').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var form = $('.pt_upld_page_frm'); swal.fire({ title: "Are you sure?", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: "Yes, submit it!", closeOnConfirm: false }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { $('.pt_upld_page_frm').submit(); } }); }); The code, farther down in the file, that successfully Submits I've copied and tried to add to the Alert, like so: $('#submit-btn').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var form = $('.pt_upld_page_frm'); swal.fire({ title: "Are you sure?", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: "Yes, submit it!", closeOnConfirm: false }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { $('.upload-form').ajaxForm({ url: '{{LINK aj/ffmpeg-submit}}?hash=' + $('.main_session').val(), beforeSend: function() { $('#submit-btn').attr('disabled', true); $('#submit-btn').val("{{LANG please_wait}}"); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 200) { window.location.href = '{{LINK home}}'; } }) }); This successfully Submits the uploaded file, but doesn't display the Alert. My goal is to display the Alert anf have the "Yes, submit it" to actually Submit the chosen uploaded file. Any additional guidance is appreciated.
Thanks again for your reply/clarification. Can you provide some guidance with "using the confirm button of the alert to submit the form", can't figure out how to configure/code that.
Thanks again. Regarding "don't submit the form when they click the first button. Make that trigger the popup, then have the popup's button submit the form"; so, are you saying I need to integrate this: Swal.fire({ title: '<strong>HTML <u>example</u></strong>', icon: 'info', html: 'You can use <b>bold text</b>, ' + '<a href="//sweetalert2.github.io">links</a> ' + 'and other HTML tags', showCloseButton: true, showCancelButton: true, focusConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> Great!', confirmButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs up, great!', cancelButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-down"></i> Cancel', cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs down' }) into this?: $('#submit-btn').attr('disabled', true); And regarding this "block submitting the form based on whether the popup is visible: if not then cancel the submit and instead show the popup", do you mean something like this?: beforeSend: function() { Swal.fire({ title: '<strong>HTML <u>example</u></strong>', icon: 'info', html: 'You can use <b>bold text</b>, ' + '<a href="//sweetalert2.github.io">links</a> ' + 'and other HTML tags', showCloseButton: true, showCancelButton: true, focusConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> Great!', confirmButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs up, great!', cancelButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-down"></i> Cancel', cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs down' }) if ($Swal.fire.is(':visible')) { return true } $Swal.fire.show() return false } }) $('#submit-btn').attr('disabled', true); $('#submit-btn').val("{{LANG please_wait}}"); }, which, as you know, didn't work... I look forward to any additional assistance
Thanks again for your kind reply. Not sure what is meant by 'first button', but this code was tried without success (which means I was unable to select a file to upload); so I commented out the lines that were added and I can now proceed again with uploading a file, but still no message displaying beyond a 1 second appearance. $('#upload-form form').ajaxForm({ url: '{{LINK aj/ffmpeg-submit}}?hash=' + $('.main_session').val(), beforeSend: function() { $('#submit-btn').attr('disabled', true); $('#submit-btn').val("{{LANG please_wait}}"); //const result = await swal.fire({ Swal.fire({ title: '<strong>HTML <u>example</u></strong>', icon: 'info', html: 'You can use <b>bold text</b>, ' + 'and other HTML tags', showCloseButton: true, showCancelButton: true, focusConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> Great!', confirmButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs up, great!', cancelButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-down"></i> Cancel', cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs down' }) // if (result.isConfirmed) //}); }, any additional guidance is appreciated
Thanks for your reply. I'd like to wait for the user to read the popup and click a button - which would then Submit. Any additional help is welcomed.
Thanks for all the previous help. I’m trying to add some JS to this successfully working submit Form: $('#upload-form form').ajaxForm({ url: '{{LINK aj/ffmpeg-submit}}?hash=' + $('.main_session').val(), beforeSend: function() { $('#submit-btn').attr('disabled', true); $('#submit-btn').val("{{LANG please_wait}}"); }, success: function(data) { if (data.status == 200) { window.location.href = data.link; } to get a message to display before the Form submits, I tested: etc..... beforeSend: function() { $('#submit-btn').attr('disabled', true); $('#submit-btn').val("{{LANG please_wait}}"); Swal.fire({ title: '<strong>HTML <u>example</u></strong>', icon: 'info', html: 'You can use <b>bold text</b>, ' + '<a href="//sweetalert2.github.io">links</a> ' + 'and other HTML tags', showCloseButton: true, showCancelButton: true, focusConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> Great!', confirmButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs up, great!', cancelButtonText: '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-down"></i>', cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Thumbs down' }) }, (from SweetAlert). The alert displays successfully, but only for about 1 second. How can I delay or pause the beforeSend to give the Form submitter time to read the displayed message? I look forward to any assistance...
This works successfully: $wallet = $user->wallet; $upwallet = ($sell_video == 0 && $wallet >= 1 ? 0.5 : 0); $db->rawQuery("UPDATE ".T_USERS." SET `wallet` = `wallet`- '".$upwallet."' WHERE `id` = '".$video->user_id."'"); I'd like guidance with adding after that code: When the sell_video amount is 0 and the wallet amount = 0.5, change/update the sell_video to X. Any assistance is welcomed.
Any ideas/suggestions as to why this may not be succeeding? $up_user = $db->where('id', $video->user_id)->getOne(T_USERS); $uploader_wallet = $up_user->$user->wallet; $upwallet = ($sell_video == 0 && $uploader_wallet >= 1 ? .5 : 0); $db->rawQuery("UPDATE ".T_USERS." SET `wallet` = `wallet`-'".$upwallet."' WHERE `id` = '".$video->user_id."'"); Success would be deducting .5 from the uploader's wallet account, when it has 1 or more, and when the sell price is zero. (The sell_price is located in the db video table and the wallet is located in the db users table.) I have tried echoing, but saw no display. I look forward to any helpful suggestions/guidance
Thanks for all the previous help. The web script that I’m modifying has a Search Form that successfully appears when a particular type of page displays: <?php if (preg_match('#/?sub__(\d)+\b#',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$matches)) { echo "<form action='#' method='POST' id='sub_id'> <input name='search_sub'> <input type='submit' value='search' /> <input type='hidden' value='{$matches[1]}'> </form>"; } ?> I wanted to enhance the Form’s appearance and tested this HTML Search Form (which slides the text-enter-field across the page upon selecting the magnify glass icon) seperately successfully: <div id="sb-search" class="sb-search " > <form> <input class="sb-search-input " onkeyup="buttonUp();" placeholder="Enter your search term..." onblur="monkey();" type="search" value="" name="search" id="search"> <input class="sb-search-submit" type="submit" value=""> <span class="sb-icon-search"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></span> </form> </div> the HTML Search Form has this corresponding js: function buttonUp(){ var valux = $('.sb-search-input').val(); valux = $.trim(valux).length; if(valux !== 0){ $('.sb-search-submit').css('z-index','99'); } else{ $('.sb-search-input').val(''); $('.sb-search-submit').css('z-index','-999'); } } $(document).ready(function(){ var submitIcon = $('.sb-icon-search'); var submitInput = $('.sb-search-input'); var searchBox = $('.sb-search'); var isOpen = false; $(document).mouseup(function(){ if(isOpen == true){ submitInput.val(''); $('.sb-search-submit').css('z-index','-999'); submitIcon.click(); } }); submitIcon.mouseup(function(){ return false; }); searchBox.mouseup(function(){ return false; }); submitIcon.click(function(){ if(isOpen == false){ searchBox.addClass('sb-search-open'); isOpen = true; } else { searchBox.removeClass('sb-search-open'); isOpen = false; } }); }); I’ve combined the two Search form codes successfully like so: <?php if (preg_match('#/?sub__(\d)+\b#',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$matches)) { echo "<form action='#' method='POST' id='sub_id'> <input class='sb-search-input ' onkeyup='buttonUp();' placeholder='Enter your search term...' onblur='monkey();' type='search' value='' name='search_sub' id='search'> <!--<input name='search_sub'>--> <input class='sb-search-submit' type='submit' value=''> <span class='sb-icon-search'><i class='fa fa-search'></i></span> <!--<input type='submit' value='search' />--> <input type='hidden' value='{$matches[1]}'> </form>"; } ?> however, now the search Form does not slide the text-enter-field across the page, it is just already 'open' when the page displays. I’m looking for help with getting the text-enter-field to slide across the page upon selecting the magnify glass icon again, instead of it being 'open' (when the page displays). If that makes sense I look forward to any assistance.