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Everything posted by phporcaffeine

  1. I use SSL on my server, the cert was made for the domain name WITHOUT the 'www' prefix. Obviously, when someone visits the site using the 'www' prefix the browser echos that the certificate doesn't match the domian it was issued for (you would think that the CA would take into account for the 'www' prefix). Is there anyway to use mod_rerwite (or something else) to truncate the 'www' prefix ??? Hopefully someone knows what I am trying to do?
  2. I'm sure Apache has an easy way to do this; Basically, anytime a user access my web server on port 80 (http) I just want Apache to flip them over to port 443 (https). Yes, I have SSL up and working on the server. I could use html, cgi, php .... blah. I'd rather not depend on script for this. Does apache have something for this .... mod_rewrite? -TIA
  3. I am finding out that getting an SSL cert to work on Apache involves a little more than just putting the .key/.crt/.csr in a subfolder on the server. I've google'd to 'ell and back and found all sorts of information on the subject, for someone who already knows a good deal about how SSL works with Apache. I'm looking for some information on how to go about getting SSL installed on Apache 2.2.4? Anybody got any ideas? -TIA
  4. I'm looking to destroy a session ... not just sessions that my browser has created, but all sesssions on the server, regardless of 'who' created the session. I understand the implications ... I just want to know if it can be done ... -TIA
  5. I can't get the syntax for symlink right, could someone take a look? <symlink link="${dir.top}/rthdevelopment/php.ini" resource="${dir.top}/rthdevelopment/installation/php.ini"/> Basically, I am trying to create a symlink to php.ini on the root of my third party host account. This way I can have php.ini in every folder but really only have one php.ini to maintain.
  6. The easiest way is to use mktime() and make a timestamp from your readable date.  If you don't track the time just use noon (12pm). then subtract that from time(); this will yield the distance in seconds, between the two dates. [code] //plugin your own vars where I have the month, day, year ... $distance = mktime(12, 00, 00, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')) - time(); [\code][/code]
  7. I am just learning CRON and I wanted to make sure this is what I think it is minute=30 | hour=10 | day=*/5 | month=* | weekday=* | would mean that this CRONTAB would run on the 30th minute of the 10th hour, every 5 days of every week of every month? Is that correct?
  8. I had a query like this : SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM tbl WHERE col5 LIKE 'myText' and that returned an empty result set when in fact there were rows that it should have found ... so then I googled and found something to try, when I tried this query: SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM tbl WHERE col5 LIKE '%myText%' it worked. My question is why did '%' make a difference?  I have tried to find the answer on mysql.com but no luck. -TIA
  9. Okay I did surround in quotes ... SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM tbl WHERE test LIKE '|48962|' I mean it returns an empty result set
  10. Example: column 'test' = '|48962||34545|' I need to be able to SELECT based on column 'test' but I may only have |48962| and not |34545|. I tried: SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM tbl WHERE test LIKE |48962| but it didn't work, any ideas? -Thanks
  11. Example: column 'test' = '|48962||34545|' I need to be able to SELECT based on column 'test' but I may only have |48962| and not |34545|. I tried: SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM tbl WHERE test LIKE |48962| but it didn't work, any ideas? -Thanks
  12. Does anyone know how to get copy() to work with a UNC for the destination path? I have tried to map the drive on the server and reference the destination by letter. I have tried ////server_cname//path I have tried //server_cname/path This is a windows box and the box does have permission to those resources. -TIA
  13. Right, I should have clarified, I'm looking at this from more of an API view.  I am trying to do this on a serial level
  14. My goal is to get PHP to interact with a USB device. I know there is no 'built-in' or 'standard' way to do this but I was hoping that someone would have an idea of classes & methods that I should look at. Would this have anything to do with sockets? -TIA
  15. Depending on your code and how you are evaluating you comments, it may be easier to use preg_replace() which will lead you down the dark 'regex' path ...
  16. I am using quotes, PHP doesn't echo quotes when it renders errors in the header (to the browser)
  17. here is the error: Warning: require(../ktrack_inclusion.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in F:\Apache2\htdocs\modules\ktrack\library\inc\headers\header.global.php on line 5 The file 'ktrack_inclusion.php' exists in: F:\Apache2\htdocs\modules\ktrack\library\inc
  18. ***SYS SPECS*** Apache 2.2.3 PHP 5.2 Win XP Pro Has Access to PHP.INI Has Access to httpd.conf ******************* here is a sample folder tree that I have /root |> folder_1        |> file_1.php |> file_2.php I want to 'require()' file_2.php FROM file_1.php.  Why can't I use [code]require('../file_2.php');[/code] in file_1.php? If it can be done that way, could someone show me how?  I have been playing with include_path in the .INI all day and I have yet to figure it out. If you have a better solution, I'm up for that as well.  My basic objective is to be able recursivly 'require' / 'include' files without having to enter the full file/url path. TIA
  19. Guys, thanks so much for all the input on the index copy.  I am pretty sure that I have addressed all the points mentioned!  I really do appreciate it because I want to propagate PHP in the most professional manner possible.
  20. I'd be interested to know some of the spelling errors that you have found
  21. The site isn't completely finished yet but the theme and purpose of the site are well established and I am trying to get the word out about http://ohiophp.com as much as possible. I look for the unfinished areas of http://ohiophp.com to be finished in the next week or so. Thanks for voting, I appreciate it!
  22. Does anyone know of a PHP SOAP/AJAX type of library or class that is used for displaying instant messenger status (MSN Messenger, Yahoo, Google Talk, AIM ... etc)? -TIA
  23. Anyone have any good sources for an html parsing class?
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