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Everything posted by Piercezz

  1. I already figured it out. Thanks anyway.
  2. Freak Dr. First of all thanks for the quick response, second of all, ofcourse I have tried and came here as a last resort. Still trying tho (: I am really struggling with the fact of getting both substr and strtoupper in one line tho. I've got; echo substr($myvar,#,#); as where # is a number that i'm trying out atm
  3. Hello, A not so experienced PHP-user here. For my school assignment, I have to make the following: "Stolwijkstraat 8" has to be shortened into SW with use of SUBSTR and STRTOUPPER. My question: 1. How can I be able to use SUBSTR and STRTOUPPER in the same line? 2. How can I be able to remove everything in the line ''Stolwijkstraat 8", on behalf of ''S'' and ''w''? A quick response would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards.
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