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Everything posted by IvanTW

  1. Awesome! CroNix! Thanks for your help! I figured it was a quick fix!
  2. Hi, I have a quick question, just want to make sure I don't screw anything up before I do it. case "article": // single article item $sqlart = "SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE Article_ID = ".$_GET["id"]; $resultart = mysql_query($sqlart, $dbc); $rowart = mysql_fetch_array($resultart); $title = "mixrevu.com - Article: ".$rowart["Article_Title"]; $description = substr(strip_tags($rowart["Article_Story"]),0,100)."..."; break; case "article2": // single audio blog item $sqlart = "SELECT * FROM Articles2 WHERE Article2_ID = ".$_GET["id"]; $resultart = mysql_query($sqlart, $dbc); $rowart = mysql_fetch_array($resultart); $title = "mixrevu.com - Audio Blog: ".$rowart["Article2_Title"]; $description = substr(strip_tags($rowart["Article2_Story"]),0,100)."..."; break; As you can see above, my meta titles are displayed as ( mixrevu.com - Article " title of article is pulled here") but I want the article title to be displayed like this "title of article is pulled here" : Article - mixrevu.com. **So I just want to swap the order** Is it ok for me to swap the code on the $title line like ".$rowart["Article_Title"] :Article - mixrevu.com ????? Would I screw anything up? The question goes for "article single item and article2. If I am reading the code correctly the $sqlart to $rowart section is where the instructions are giving on what is what and the $title, $description is where I can acutally make the changes. Would I have to do anything to the inital $sqlart section????? Thanks for your help, -ivantw
  3. mac_gyver Thanks a bunch! I went the "save as new php file and upload to my current website server" route and I'm able to preview everything once I type the address into a browser! Thanks a bunch! I'm glad I came here for help! I can see everything, make edits, re-upload and check what I need, AWESOME!! Thanks again. -ivan
  4. mac_gyver, thanks for the response. I don't mean to sound slow, but where would I insert this? I am editing in Notepad++ and I have this: <?php echo $body = "<p><img src='http://www.mixrevu.com/img/logo.png'></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Welcome! We Absolutely Love New Members!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Follow Us For Mixrevu.com Updates: <a href='https://www.facebook.com/mixrevu'> <img border='0' alt='Facebook page' src='http://www.mixrevu.com/images/Facebook-logo-300x300.jpg' width='45' height='45'> </a> <a href='https://www.twitter.com/MIXREVU'> <img border='0' alt='Twitter page' src='http://www.mixrevu.com/images/Twitter_logo_blue.png' width='45' height='35'> </a> <a href='https://plus.google.com/+Mixrevu'> <img border='0' alt='Google plus' src='http://www.mixrevu.com/images/google_plus_03.png' width='60' height='45'> </a></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your signup is now complete.</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your Login details are:<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Current Email: ".$_POST["email"]."<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Password: ".$_POST["pwd"]."</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Hang on to this email just in case you forget those details. </p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>If you need any assistance, don’t worry we are here to HELP! - support@mixrevu.com</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Start Here</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>#1 Complete your profile by registering in the <a href='http://goo.gl/d2gBZX'>Forum</a>. This is where you’ll have access to our downloads when we upload them. Only members who’ve logged in to both will have access. You can also find previous Head2Head downloads <a href='http://goo.gl/L8gwXP'>HERE</a> that you can use for practice.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#2 Be sure to check out the Mixrevu <a href='http://goo.gl/AUvo87'>Head2Head Rules</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#3 Mixrevu Head2Head Free Downloads are announced via Newsletters to all members first. You’ll automatically receive those as a site member. **If you have music of your own you want in a Head2Head, upload that too!!! We have genre specific spaces available.** <a href='http://goo.gl/FqzG6o'>Here’s how to upload</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#4 Our Sites Best <a href='http://goo.gl/5L8lzM'>Trivia</a>, <a href='http://goo.gl/yShmdh'>Quizzes</a> & <a href='http://goo.gl/smfV8z'>Audio Articles</a> are in our <a href='http://goo.gl/4Nmfqn'>Audio Blog</a>. - Exclusive content guaranteed to improve your mix process.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#5 Upload your photo to our <a href='http://goo.gl/DOMMbP'>photo wall</a>, If you win a Head2Head this will be your featured photo!<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#6 Ever wanted to understand your studio better? We cover everything from EQ, Compression, Monitors, TDR, to Studio Acoustics & More in the <a href='http://goo.gl/KjCYxn'>Signal Path Series</a> .<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#7 <a href='http://goo.gl/kxQOik'>Exclusive Audio Engineer T-Shirts</a> & <a href='http://goo.gl/6KC31j'>Exclusive Downloads</a> you won’t find anywhere else are in our shop! Everything is ON SALE & Free Shipping in the U.S.!</p><br> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>-mixrevu team! </p> \r\n"; ?> When I try to Run in Chrome, it says Webpage not available. Do I have the call and echo placed correctly? For assigning variables to the $Post values, do I need to do this to see how my $body of my email will look? If I do, can I just insert ($_POST['email'] = 'TEXT HERE' to make the page work? I just want to see how this page/email will look to make sure it works once it's sent out. Thanks for the help and my basic questions. When I try to run it as an html page I just go to Run > run in chrome to see the actual page. Is this the correct way to see he body of the email? Thanks again. -ivan
  5. Hi, I am new to this forum and I came here because I am a website owner that is a novice in php coding and I want to adjust the coding my web designer created, because I want to update my auto email when members sign up to my site. I found my signup.php page and found the secton where the contents of the auto email are housed but I have no way (or atleast I don't know the way) to test my coding adjustments without going through the signup process on my site and I don't want to do that multiple times just to check code, so I decided to see if I could ask the questions here and maybe someone can "eyeball" my coding adjustments and ensure that they work OR maybe you can instruct me how I can test my code. Keep in mind, this is not an actual page on my site, it's the auto email when users signup. It's sent from my signup.php page once the signup button is "clicked". 1. I'll provide a snippet of the code my webdesigner setup and that should work fine 2. I'll provide my changes to the email contents (basically text, image and html links). Hopefully there is someone who can assist. Thanks A BILLION!!! -Ivan Below is the original code from my webmaster, shouldn't be anything wrong with this code. (You'll notice the links aren't html text links, I wanted to change that) $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: mixrevu.com <noreply@mixrevu.com> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: noreply@mixrevu.com \r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $to = $_POST["email"]; $subject = "Website Sign Up \r\n"; $body = "<p><img src='http://www.mixrevu.com/img/logo.png'></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Welcome! We absolutely love new members!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your signup is now complete.</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your Login details are:<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Current Email: ".$_POST["email"]."<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Password: ".$_POST["pwd"]."</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Hang on to this email just in case you forget those details. </p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>If you need any assistance, don’t worry we are here to HELP! - support@mixrevu.com</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Start Here</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>#1 Complete your profile so we know more about why you love pro audio mixing.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#2 Join the conversation in our forum, we’d love to hear from you. - http://forum.mixrevu.com<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#3 Submit your mix in the mix-revu to get feedback you can’t get anywhere else on the internet and maybe even win a winner’s spot on our homepage! - http://www.mixrevu.com<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#4 Our merch store is the place to show others you are a proud member of the mixrevu community, check it out! - http://merch.mixrevu.com<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#5 We need photos of our members in their mix environment, post some!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>-mixrevu team! </p> \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); Below are my adjustments to the body of the email (it includes image links for social media, and html text links replacing the basic website address links) ** All of the changes I made are within the $body of the email. $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: mixrevu.com <noreply@mixrevu.com> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: noreply@mixrevu.com \r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $to = $_POST["email"]; $subject = "Website Sign Up \r\n"; $body = "<p><img src='http://www.mixrevu.com/img/logo.png'></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Welcome! We Absolutely Love New Members!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Follow Us For Mixrevu.com Updates: <a href='https://www.facebook.com/mixrevu'> <img border='0' alt='Facebook page' src='http://www.mixrevu.com/images/Facebook-logo-300x300.jpg' width='45' height='45'> </a> <a href='https://www.twitter.com/MIXREVU'> <img border='0' alt='Twitter page' src='http://www.mixrevu.com/images/Twitter_logo_blue.png' width='45' height='35'> </a> <a href='https://plus.google.com/+Mixrevu'> <img border='0' alt='Google plus' src='http://www.mixrevu.com/images/google_plus_03.png' width='60' height='45'> </a></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your signup is now complete.</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your Login details are:<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Current Email: ".$_POST["email"]."<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Password: ".$_POST["pwd"]."</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Hang on to this email just in case you forget those details. </p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>If you need any assistance, don’t worry we are here to HELP! - support@mixrevu.com</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Start Here</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>#1 Complete your profile by registering in the <a href='http://goo.gl/d2gBZX'>Forum</a>. This is where you’ll have access to our downloads when we upload them. Only members who’ve logged in to both will have access. You can also find previous Head2Head downloads <a href='http://goo.gl/L8gwXP'>HERE</a> that you can use for practice.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#2 Be sure to check out the Mixrevu <a href='http://goo.gl/AUvo87'>Head2Head Rules</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#3 Mixrevu Head2Head Free Downloads are announced via Newsletters to all members first. You’ll automatically receive those as a site member. **If you have music of your own you want in a Head2Head, upload that too!!! We have genre specific spaces available.** <a href='http://goo.gl/FqzG6o'>Here’s how to upload</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#4 Our Sites Best <a href='http://goo.gl/5L8lzM'>Trivia</a>, <a href='http://goo.gl/yShmdh'>Quizzes</a> & <a href='http://goo.gl/smfV8z'>Audio Articles</a> are in our <a href='http://goo.gl/4Nmfqn'>Audio Blog</a>. - Exclusive content guaranteed to improve your mix process.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#5 Upload your photo to our <a href='http://goo.gl/DOMMbP'>photo wall</a>, If you win a Head2Head this will be your featured photo!<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#6 Ever wanted to understand your studio better? We cover everything from EQ, Compression, Monitors, TDR, to Studio Acoustics & More in the <a href='http://goo.gl/KjCYxn'>Signal Path Series</a> .<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#7 <a href='http://goo.gl/kxQOik'>Exclusive Audio Engineer T-Shirts</a> & <a href='http://goo.gl/6KC31j'>Exclusive Downloads</a> you won’t find anywhere else are in our shop! Everything is ON SALE & Free Shipping in the U.S.!</p><br> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>-mixrevu team! </p> \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
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