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  1. Thanks for quick reply, unfotunately all error functions are turned on and I can't turn them off These are the codes where I declared both $sel-subject and $sel_page. <?php function mysql_prep($value) { $magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); $new_enough_php = function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string"); // i.e PHP >= v4.3.0 if ($new_enough_php) { // PHP v4.3.0 or higher // undo any magic quotes effects so mysql_real_escape_string // can do the work if( $magic_quotes_active) { $value = stripslashes ( $value);} $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value); } else {// before PHP v4.3.0 // if magic quotes aren't already on then add slashes manually if (!$magic_quotes_active) {$value = addslashes($value);} // if magic quotes aren't active, the the slashes already exist } return $value; } function redirect_to($location = NULL) { if ($location != NULL) { header("Location: {$location}"); exit; } } function confirm_query($result_set) { if(!$result_set) { die("Database query failed: " . mysql_error()); } } function get_all_subjects() { global $connection; $query = "SELECT * FROM subjects ORDER BY position ASC"; $subject_set = mysql_query($query, $connection); confirm_query($subject_set); return $subject_set; } function get_all_pages_for_subject($subject_id) { global $connection; $query = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id={$subject_id} ORDER BY position ASC"; $page_set = mysql_query($query,$connection); confirm_query($page_set); return $page_set; } function get_subject_by_id($subject_id) { global $connection; $query = " SELECT * FROM subjects WHERE id = $subject_id LIMIT 1"; $result_set = mysql_query($query, $connection); confirm_query($result_set); // REMEMBER: // if no rows are returned, fetch_array will return false if($subject = mysql_fetch_array($result_set)) { return $subject; } else { return NULL; } } function get_page_by_id($page_id) { global $connection; $query = " SELECT * FROM pages WHERE id = $page_id LIMIT 1"; $result_set = mysql_query($query, $connection); confirm_query($result_set); // REMEMBER: // if no rows are returned, fetch_array will return false if($page = mysql_fetch_array($result_set)) { return $page; } else { return NULL; } } function find_selected_page() { global $sel_subject; global $sel_page; if (isset($_GET['subj'])) { $sel_subject = get_subject_by_id($_GET['subj']); $sel_page = null; } elseif (isset($_GET['page'])) { $sel_subject = null; $sel_page = get_page_by_id($_GET['page']); } else { $sel_subject = null; $sel_page = null; } } function navigation($sel_subject, $sel_page) { $output= "<ul class=\"subjects\">"; $subject_set = get_all_subjects(); while($subject = mysql_fetch_array($subject_set)){ $output .= "<li"; if ($subject['id'] ==$sel_subject['id']) { $output .= "class=\"selected\""; } $output .= "><a href=\"edit_subject.php?subj=" . urlencode($subject["id"]) ."\">{$subject['menu_name']}</a></li> "; $page_set = get_all_pages_for_subject($subject['id']); $output .= "<ul class=\"pages\">"; while($page = mysql_fetch_array($page_set)) { $output .= "<li"; if ($page["id"]==$sel_page['id']) { $output .= "class=\"selected\""; } $output .= "><a href=\"content.php?page=" . urlencode($page["id"]). "\">{$page['menu_name']} </a></li>"; } $output .= "</ul>"; } $output .= "</ul>"; return $output; } ?>
  2. My page_form is not working, it show errors. I have been trying to solve this problem but I have failed now i'm asking help from experts. These are the errors <br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: sel_page in <b>C:\wamp\www\widget\page_form.php</b> on line <b>6</b><br /> <?php // this page is included by new_page.php and edit_page.php ?> <?php if (!isset($new_page)) {$new_page = false;} ?> <p>Page name: <input type="text" name="menu_name" value="<?php echo $sel_page['menu_name']; ?>" id="menu_name"/></p> <p>Select Position: <select name="position"> <?php if (!$new_page) { $page_set = get_pages_for_subject($sel_page['subject_id']); $page_count = mysql_num_rows($page_set); } else { $page_set = get_pages_for_subject($sel_subject['id']); $page_count = mysql_num_rows($page_set) +1; } for ($count=1; $count <= $page_count; $count++) { echo "<option value=\"{$count}\""; if ($sel_page['position'] == $count) { echo "selected"; } echo ">{$count}</option>"; } ?></p> </select></p> <p>Visible: <input type="radio" name="visible" value="0"<?php if($sel_page['visible'] ==0) { echo "checked"; } ?> />No <input type="radio" name="visible" value="1" <?php if ($sel_page['visible'] ==1) { echo "checked";} ?> />Yes <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <br /> <a href="content.php">Cancel</a> </p> <p>Content: <br/> <textarea name"content" rows"20" cols="80"><?php echo $sel_page['content']; ?> </textarea> </p> I wonder why $sel_page gives me errors yet &sel_subject does not!!
  3. Thank you very much for the help, i have seen what I had done wrong now it works
  4. Yes I can read and that but my problem is that I'm very new to php, i can't seem able to find the right way of defining that function, can you please help me to point out how I can do it
  5. I'm using PHP 5.3.0 version, now i'm trying to escape quotes but I'm getting error which I don't know how solve. I'm very new to php and this is my first atempt to learn it. I'm asking for your help please. These are my codes. Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gps() in C:\wamp\www\widget\include\functions.php on line 4 function mysql_prep($value) { $magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gps(); $new_enough_php = function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string"); // i.e PHP >= v4.3.0 if ($new_enough_php) { // PHP v4.3.0 or higher // undo any magic quotes effects so mysql_real_escape_string // can do the work if( $magic_quotes_active) { $value = stripslashes ( $value);} $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value); } else {// before PHP v4.3.0 // if magic quotes aren't already on then add slashes manually if (!$magic_quotes_active) {$value = addslashes($value);} // if magic quotes aren't active, the the slashes already exist } return $value; }
  6. I'm sorry to have posted the same post similar to this but I'm seeing my problem is extarctly like galvin's. Anyone with solution please your help will be appreciated.
  7. I'm using php 5.5.12, this vassion doesn't have "magic_quotes_gpc" in it but i'm trying to put the codes anyway. The problem is that I'm getting an error Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\wamp\www\widget\includes\functions.php on line 16 Here are my codes. function mysqli_prep($value) { $magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); $new_enough_php = function_exists("mysqli_real_escape_string"); // i.e PHP >= v4.3.0 if ($new_enough_php) {// PP v4.3.0 or higher //undo any magic quotes effects so mysqli_real_escape_string if( $magic_quotes_active) {$value = stripslashes($value);} $value = mysqli_real_escape_string( $value ); } else {// before PHP v4.3.0 // if magic quotes aren't already on then add slashes manually if (!$magic_quotes_active) {$value = addslashes($value);} // if magic quotes are active, then the slashes already exist } return $value; } function redirect_to($location) { if($location) { header("Location: {$location}"); exit; } } Please go through my codes and tell me what is wrong
  8. Thank you so much Joel24 for your advice but still not working, I just copped and paste the all php code as you wrote it.
  9. I think now i'm becoming a familier with asking endlessly but please don't get tired of me. Right now i'm having another problem; I am to make the pages content from database appear on my localhost website but I don't know if i'm making mistakes somewhere. Please take a look on my codes. >>>>>>>>CONTENT AREA>>>>>>>>>>> <?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?> <?php find_selected_page(); ?> <?php include("includes/header.php"); ?> <table id="structure"> <tr> <td id="navigation"> <?php echo navigation($sel_subject, $sel_page); ?> <br/> <a href="new_subject.php">+ Add a new subject</a> </td> <td id="page"> <?php if (!is_null($sel_subject)) {//subject selected ?> <h2><?php echo $sel_subject['menu_name']; ?></h2> <?php } elseif (!is_null($sel_page)) { // page selected ?> <h2><?php echo $sel_page['menu_name']; ?></h2> <div class="page-content"> <?php echo $sel_page['content']; ?> </div> <?php } else { // nothing selected ?> <h2>Select a subject or page edit</h2> <?php }?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php require("includes/footer.php"); ?> >>>>>>>>>FUNCTION<<<<<<<<<<<< function get_pages_for_subject($subject_id){ global $connection; $query = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id = ($subject_id ) ORDER BY position ASC"; $page_set = mysqli_query( $connection, $query); confirm_query($page_set); return $page_set; } function get_subject_by_id($subject_id) { global $connection; $query = " SELECT * "; $query .= " FROM subjects "; $query .= " WHERE id=" . $subject_id ." "; $query .= " LIMIT 1"; $result_set = mysqli_query($connection, $query); confirm_query($result_set); if($subject = mysqli_fetch_array($result_set)){ return $subject; }else { return NULL; } } function get_page_by_id($page_id) { global $connection; $query = " SELECT * "; $query .= " FROM pages "; $query .= " WHERE id=" . $page_id ." "; $query .= " LIMIT 1"; $result_set = mysqli_query($connection, $query); confirm_query($result_set); //REMEMBER: // if no rows are returned, fetch_array will return false //** return $page;** on line 58 was bring error instead if($subject = mysqli_fetch_array($result_set)){ }else { return NULL; } } function find_selected_page(){ global $sel_subject; global $sel_page; if (isset($_GET['subj'])) { $sel_subject = get_subject_by_id($_GET['subj']); $sel_page = NULL; } elseif (isset($_GET['page'])) { $sel_subject = NULL; $sel_page = get_page_by_id($_GET['page']); } else { $sel_subject = NULL; $sel_page = NULL; } } The underlined <div class="page-content> is not working, maybe I mased up my codes somewhere. Thanks for your help.....
  10. The first advice a got was that I should use visited instead of .selected a {...} infact i was using ' .selected ' without 'a' but after removing visited and adding a as you adviced me it work. Thanks a lot
  11. Thank you very much for your help, it has finally worked. I really appreciated your help guys
  12. >>>>They do go to another link, i'm still using tutorials in my learning. This is exactly how it is in the tutorials but it happens not to work ( .selected a {....... ) Is there another way I can posibly go around this?
  13. I want when you click on the link to become bold
  14. Yes I'm trying to bond a link with <li> tag
  15. Yes exactly that is what I want to do. I have done the changes but still it won't work #navigation {width: 150px; padding: 1em 2em; color: #D4E6FA; background: #8D0D19; } #navigation a {color: #D4E6FA; text-decoration: none; } ul.subjects {padding-left: 0; list-style: none;} ul.pages {padding-left: 2em; list-style: square;} a:visited {font-weight: bold;} Thanks for your help..
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