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Everything posted by tryingtolearn

  1. Oh OK In that case - how about the ; after permalink http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/the_permalink
  2. The x and y values are populated from a javascript I am getting those values passed I have all the info for the other ImageCopyMerge converted - just had a hard time getting it done for each image I will try the foreach and let you know. Barand - You are AWESOME on this board!-Always helping me.
  3. Sounds just like a typo Maybe change $podPressContent .= '<a href="'.the_permalink().'" title="Entire Post">Entire Post[/url]'; To $podPressContent .= '<a href="'.the_permalink().'" title="Entire Post">Entire Post</a>';
  4. I have a form with three fields that are passing 1. The x coordinate of the image 2. The y coordinate of the image 3. An image name (It can be any # of images depending on how many were selected) <input type="hidden" name="x[]" id="x'.$key.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="y[]" id="y'.$key.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="v[]" value="'.$value.'" /> on the process page I can get all the info I need by doing a foreach for each of the fields But I need to somehow get all the information to be able to create the following for each image selected imageCopyMerge($png, THE VALUE FIELD HERE, THE X VALUE HERE, THE Y VALUE HERE, 0, 0, $w1, $h1, 100); How can I get all the info together to write the imageCopyMerge for each ? I hope that makes sense.
  5. Thanks Barand Worked great You are always so helpful when I post here.
  6. No idea if this is a problem with my code or a browser issue I apologize if this is not the correct place to ask. I have a page that is merging two images On the resulting page I would like to right click and then save the image Works fine in IE but in Firefox the only option to save as for file type is PHP Document. The file that merges the images is <?php $png = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $dart_img = "dartgif.gif"; $image3_id = imageCreateFromGIF($dart_img); imagecopyresized($png, $image3_id, 0, 0, -$x, -$y, $width, $height, $width, $height); imagesavealpha($png, true); $trans_colour = imagecolorallocatealpha($png, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefill($png, 0, 0, $trans_colour); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($png); imagedestroy($png); ?> I am calling the image using echo "<img src=\"img_process.php?width=$width&height=$height&x=$x&y=$y\">"; Any ideas on how to get it to save as an image in Firefox
  7. Easiest solution for anyone following $array = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $array = array_merge($array, explode('.', $row['num'])); } print_r(array_count_values($array));
  8. This is giving me each individual # without any errors So is there anything to count them from this? $query = "SELECT num FROM bon"; $result = @mysql_query ($query); // Run the query. if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $listnum=$row['num']; $numarray = explode('.',$listnum); foreach($numarray as $key=>$value){ echo"$value<br />"; } } }
  9. Dont get why it doesnt work for me Oh well, If you have to know the number beforehand that wont work for this anyway since I wont know what the #s are Back to the drawing board
  10. Thanks Thorpe but it still isnt working for me Still getting the undefined index errors. Im lost!
  11. Well Thanks Thorpe but that didnt change anything. I appreciate your time.
  12. Yeah, Thousands is a bit extreme Here are the results of print_r Array ( [09] => 1 [14] => 1 [16] => 1 [18] => 1 [20] => 1 [02] => 1 [22] => 1 [25] => 1 [28] => 1 [04] => 1 [13] => 1 [05] => 1 [15] => 1 [29] => 1 [38] => 1 [11] => 1 [27] => 1 [31] => 1 [21] => 1 [33] => 1 [34] => 1 [10] => 1 [12] => 1 [24] => 1 [19] => 1 [30] => 1 [32] => 1 [03] => 1 [08] => 1 [23] => 1 [26] => 1 [07] => 1 [37] => 1 [39] => 1 [35] => 1 [36] => 1 [17] => 1 [01] => 1 [06] => 1 ) and here are all the # sets from the database Im only working with the middle set separated by the . VALUES (18, '', '5'), (17, '', '18'), (16, '', '26'), (15, '', '14'), (14, '', '17'), (13, '', '32'), (19, '', '36'), (20, '', '33'), (21, '', '7'), (22, '', '1'), (23, '', '2'), (24, '', '22'), (25, '', '22'), (26, '', '25'), (27, '', '12'), (28, '', '38'), (29, '', '4'), (30, '', '31'), (31, '', '2'), (32, '', '8'), (33, '', '5'), (34, '', '14'), (35, '', '7'), (36, '', '34'), (37, '', '15'), (38, '', '5'), (39, '', '21'), (40, '', '11'), (41, '', '21'), (42, '', '7'), (43, '', '1'), (44, '', '3'), (45, '', '17'), (46, '', '2'), (47, '', '30'), (48, '', '12'), (49, '', '17'), (50, '', '13'), (51, '', '37'), (52, '', '16'), (53, '', '34'), (54, '', '3'), (55, '', '37'), (56, '', '35'), (57, '', '3'), (58, '', '27'), (59, '', '24'), (60, '', '35'), (61, '', '14'), (62, '', '7'), (63, '', '19'), (64, '', '10'), (65, '', '24'), (66, '', '32'), (67, '', '20'), (68, '', '5'), (69, '', '2'), (70, '', '37'), (71, '', '1'), (72, '', '32'), (73, '', '35'), (74, '', '38'), (75, '', '28'), (76, '', '1'), (77, '', '28'), (78, '', '37'), (79, '', '3'), (80, '', '16'), (81, '', '21'), (82, '', '3'), (83, '', '7'), (84, '', '12'), (85, '', '22'), (86, '', '35'), (87, '', '37'), (88, '', '38'), (89, '', '5'), (90, '', '29'), (91, '', '14'), (92, '', '19'), (93, '', '37'), (94, '', '4'), (95, '', '12'), (96, '', '19'), (97, '', '33'), (98, '', '5'), (99, '', '19'), (100, '', '6'), (101, '', '14'), (102, '', '14'), (103, '', '30'), (104, '', '30'), (105, '', '5'), (106, '', '24'), (107, '', '20'), (108, '', '2'), (109, '', '20'), (110, '', '32'), (111, '', '30'), (112, '', '27'), (113, '', '25'), (114, '', '33'), (115, '', '7'), (116, '', '36'), (117, '', '14'), (118, '', '6'), (119, '', '31'), (120, '', '3'), (121, '', '7'), (122, '', '37'), (123, '', '24'), (124, '', '11'), (125, '', '21'), (126, '', '5'), (127, '', '12'), (128, '', '5'), (129, '', '39'), (130, '', '13'), (131, '', '17'), (132, '', '35'), (133, '', '24'), (134, '', '30'), (135, '', '11'), (136, '', '19'), (137, 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'2'), (376, '', '19'), (377, '', '27');
  13. No - it isnt in the array (But it should be) And when I do print_r it is only picking up about 30 numbers out of thousands??
  14. Thanks Thorpe, I tried that and get an undefined offset: 3 For the line the number 3 appears {$totals[3]} times Any ideas?
  15. Stuck again, I have it at a point where I have the new array with all the numbers in it How do I get the count of the individual occurances of a number? // Make the query. $query = "SELECT num FROM bon"; $result = @mysql_query ($query); // Run the query. if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $listnum=$row['num']; $numarray = explode('.',$listnum); foreach($numarray as $key=>$value){ $myarray=array($value); }//end foreach }//end while
  16. Thanks Scott - I will look into that
  17. That is how the DB is populated But I dont have control over that portion. Just the results. I guess I could take that data and then make a new DB???
  18. Hi all Not sure what to use to go about doing this, I have a database field that has a set of numbers like this ID number 1 2 3 etc... I need to count and group the results of the entire database listed like this 02 -1 03 -1 07 -1 11 -3 16 -1 23 -2 and so on... So I can see how many times the number is present Any ideas? Thanks
  19. Well now - I guess that makes total sense Thanks for the replys.
  20. Is it possible to make this jump in increments of 10 instead of 1 in the dropdown??? I have a feeling Im missing something right in front of me. <?php echo '<select name="rate">'; $rate = 10; while ($rate <= 1000) { echo "<option value=\"$rate\">$rate</option>\n"; $rate++; } echo '</select><br />'; ?>
  21. Thanks for the help akitchin I do appreciate it. Day by day I learn a little more.
  22. Thanks That worked alot easier (I sort of understand it too!) Now I will have to try and get it to work with the original code by getting the array from the form. 1 question though - Im using Larry Ulmans PHP MYSQL book and the example in the book is SELECT * FROM users WHERE (user_id >= 10) AND (user_id <= 20) Does the use of >= vs just = make the difference???? since SELECT tem_id FROM temcat_associations WHERE (tcat_id = 54) AND (tcat_id = 47) AND (tcat_id = 32) doesnt work Or is there another difference between the two?
  23. Ahh Ok I get it now But I still get the same result This was the query
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