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Everything posted by alpine

  1. well drace, did you try it after the mysql_query correction? And, is the password encrypted in the table? If so, u need to match encrypted post-value against the stored db-value
  2. Inside you query, ditch the &&, use AND $query = "SELECT * FROM pr0n_members WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'";
  3. No, that's fairly easy - detect based on if the title is present or not in the adress bar: <?php if(!empty($_GET['title'])){ // title is present - do search $dropdown = htmlspecialchars($_GET['title'],ENT_QUOTES); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM recipes WHERE title='$title'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ echo <<<_HTML <h4> {$row['title']}<br /> {$row['ingredients']}<br /> {$row['method']}<br /> </h4> _HTML } } else // title is absent or empty - show dropdown { echo <<<_HTML <form action="this.php" method="get"> <select name="title"> _HTML; $query = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM recipes"); while($dropdown = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ echo "<option value=\"".$dropdown['title']."\">".$dropdown['title']."</option>"; } echo <<<_HTML </select> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> _HTML; } ?> Should do it...
  4. Name the select <select name="title"> And add the value echo "<option value=\"".$dropdown['title']."\">".$dropdown['title']."</option>";
  5. You allow too much jumbo to be posted, i was able to change the background color of your page way too easy. Example: http://www.13thstar.info/forums.php?act=posts&topicid=8
  6. Look at the colored part, the variable is just written outside any definition or echo and it misses the mandatory ; if ($artist_fn != "") { $artist_fullname = trim("$artist_fn $artist_ln"); //************ error is in here - else - ? *************** $artist_fullname; } else { $artist_fullname = trim("$artist_ln"); } //************************************************ Look at this <?php if ($artist_fn != "") { $artist_fullname = trim("$artist_fn $artist_ln"); } else { $artist_fullname = trim("$artist_ln"); } if ($date_acq == "0000-00-00") { $date_acq = "[unknown]"; $display_block .= "<P><strong>$title</strong> on $rec_label, by $artist_fullname<br> $my_notes <em>(acquired:$date_acq, format:$format)</em></P>"; } ?> FYI: I was only fixing your problem, not made any other improvements or changes.
  7. Do you mean how to "read" the id from the adress-bar and how to use it ? Example with mysql: <?php if(!empty($_GET['member_id'])){ $member_id = $_GET['member_id']; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members_table WHERE id='$member_id'"); if(mysql_num_rows($sql)==1){ $col = mysql_fetch_array($sql); echo "User ".$col['name']." has ID ".$col['id']; } else{ echo "No user found with ID ".$member_id; } } ?> But it boils down to how your existing members page is constructed, but $_GET['whatever'] wil get 'whatever' from the adress bar.
  8. Normally it should work just aswell in a php file as long as you have this outside any php tags. What's the problem then?
  9. You cannot have any whitespace, lines or other output to the browser before the php start-tag OK: ------------------------------------------------------------------ <?php session_start(); ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------ <?php session_start(); Means it's ok to put session_start() 'anyhwhere' as long as no output is done before it.
  10. Try to remove session_write_close() - it ends the session, http://no.php.net/manual/en/function.session-write-close.php
  11. Its all about how you define your message string, look at this: <?php $password = "12345"; echo $password; // prints 12345 echo '$password'; // prints $password echo "$password"; // prints 12345 ?>
  12. Use str_replace() instead of preg_replace() if you don't need fancy replacing rules <?php $username = str_replace(" ", "_", $username); ?>
  13. In your linking part, try this: <?php echo '<li><h3>'; echo $upload; if(isset($upload)){ echo '<a href="individualarticle.php?f=1&blog_id=' .$blog_id. '">'; } else{ echo '<a href="individualarticle.php?f=0&blog_id=' .$blog_id. '">'; } echo $title .'</a>'; if(isset($upload)){ echo '<img src="pin.gif" />'; } echo <<<_HTML </h3> <p style="color: red; display: inline;">written by {$author} on {$date} Posted in <a href="categorypage.php?category_id={$cat}">{$cat1}</a></p> <p>{$body}</p> </li> <p><a href="individualarticle.php?blog_id={$blog_id}">read on...</a></p> _HTML; ?>
  14. Running Zonelabs Pro Firewall last couple of years - properly set up and i've been virus free ever since! No antivirus to steal recourses. It quarantines suspisious attatchments etc.
  15. The problem is that you are constantly overwriting the $sql variable while the loop is running Try something like this: <?php include("check.php"); include("include.php"); if($_SESSION['auth']) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT id, title, category, status FROM software"); echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' width='100%'> <tr bgcolor='#1469A2'> <td width='50%'><b>Software Title</b></td> <td width='20%'><b>Category</b></td> <td width='15%'><b>Status</b></td> <td width='15%'><b>Check Out?</b></td> </tr>"; while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<tr bgcolor='#003C64'> <td width='50%'>".$data['title']."</td> <td width='20%'>".$data['category']."</td> <td width='15%'>".$data['status']."</td> <td width='15%'>"; if ($data['status'] == "Available") { echo "<form method='POST' style='margin:0px;'> <input type='hidden' name='id' value='$data['id']'> <input type='submit' name='checkout' style='border:1px #1469A2 solid;' value='Check Out'> </form>"; } else { echo "<i>Not Available</i>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; if(isset($_POST['checkout'])) { $date = date("Y/m/d"); $username = $_COOKIE['cis_username']; $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "UPDATE `software` SET `status` = 'Checked Out', `by` = '$username', `date` = '$date' WHERE `id` = '$id'"; mysql_query("$sql") or die (mysql_error()); echo "You have checked out <b>".$title."</b> successfully"; } } else { echo "You need to login to view this page! <a href='index.php?page=login'>Login here</a>"; } ?>
  16. Here is part of a newsletter thing i wrote a while ago, i'm sure you can adjust it to your needs. Read comments <?php // prepare to save a html version of news.php // make sure you already have a blank html page to duplicate from $source_html_doc = "../newsletter/archive/blank.html"; $today = date(dmY); $new_blank_html_doc = "../newsletter/archive/news_".$today."html"; copy($source_html_doc, $new_blank_html_doc)or die('Could not copy required file'); // start getting the generated contents of news.php ob_start(); require("news.php"); // or run php contents here instead $body_news = ob_get_contents(); // write a html version of it as archive $html_change = fopen ($new_blank_html_doc, 'w'); fwrite ($html_change, $body_news); fclose ($html_change); // END ob_start ob_end_clean(); ?>
  17. I think what you might be mistaking about showing a url like that, is that it's mostly due to mod_rewrite. Generating a htm page each time is a waste if it's purpose is to only present the user of a "what seems to be" htm First on google: http://www.sitepoint.com/article/guide-url-rewriting
  18. Dunno if this is what you are looking for, but it checks whether the required one is present and walks throug all - included optional ones Not tested. <?php //the variables /* $line[0] is the address $line[1] is a port (required) $line[2] is a port (optional) $line[3] is a port (optional) $line[4] is a port (optional) */ $check = array_slice($line, 1); if(!empty($line) && !empty($check)){ foreach($check as $port){ $fp = fsockopen ($line[0],$port, $errno, $errstr, 10); if (!$fp) { echo "<br><b>Checking $line[0]...</b><br>\n"; echo "<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#000000><tr>\n"; echo "<td>Status: Down, Domain: $line[0], Port: $port</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; echo "</tr></table>\n"; } else { echo "<br><b>Checking $line[0]...</b><br>\n"; echo "<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#000000><tr>\n"; echo "<td>Status: Up, Domain: $line[0], Port: {$port}$a</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; echo "</tr></table>\n"; } fclose($fp); } } else{ echo "Required port is not selected"; } ?>
  19. Sorry - a glitch with the array, but you seem to grasp it and that's the point!
  20. I notice from a prev post that you are on php4, here is a str_split function to get my above example running under php4 <?php function str_split($string) { $piece = array(); $length = strlen($string); for($i=0;$i<$length;$i++) $piece[] = $string{$i}; return $piece; } ?>
  21. Here is one, note that its php5 dependant due to str_split() <?php $string = "kfgak*suh@hd#t"; $invalid = array(); $filtered = array_values(str_replace(array_merge(range(a,z),range(A,Z),range(0,9),array('.')),'',str_split($string))); foreach(str_split($string) as $char){ if(in_array($char,$filtered,true)){ $invalid[] = $char; } } if(!empty($invalid)){ $string = str_replace(array("@","#"), array("_AT_","_SHARP_"), $string); $string = str_replace(array_values(str_replace(array_merge(range(a,z),range(A,Z),range(0,9),array('-','.','_')),'',str_split($string))),'_ILLEGAL_',$string); echo "<p>Following chars was not accepted:</p><ul><li>"; echo implode($invalid,'</li><li>'); echo "</li></ul>"; echo "String was translated to: $string"; } else{ echo "No illegal chars found"; } ?> This example prints out: Following chars was not accepted: * * * @ * # String was translated to: kfgak_ILLEGAL_suh_AT_hd_SHARP_t No regex though...
  22. Here is a non-regex version: <?php $string = "gsjdtb7l,-'%&!"; echo str_replace(array_values(str_replace(array_merge(range(a,z),range(A,Z),range(0,9),array('-','.')),'',str_split($string))),'',$string); // prints: gsjdtb7l- ?> EDIT* Requires php5 though due to str_split()
  23. <?php if(in_array($activity, range(1,6))){ $activity1 = "New Member"; } ?>
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