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Everything posted by andrewweb1

  1. Hi guys am having difficulties getting lightbox effect to work in php.The images don't get the lightbox effect here is my code <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/lightbox.css"> </head> <body> <?php $page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //settings $column =5; //dir $base ="data"; $thumbs ="thumbnails"; // get album $get_album =$_GET['album']; if(!$get_album){ echo "<b>Select an Album:</b><p/>"; $handle = opendir($base); while(($file = readdir($handle)) !==FALSE) { if(is_dir($base."/".$file) && $file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != $thumbs) { echo "<a href='$page?album=$file'>$file</a><br>"; } } closedir($handle); } else{ // check security if(!is_dir($base."/". $get_album) || strstr($get_album,".")!=NULL || strstr($get_album,"/")!=NULL || strstr($get_album,"\\")!=NULL) { echo "Album doesn't exist."; } else{ $x=0; echo "<b>$get_album</b><p/>"; $handle =opendir($base."/".$get_album); while(($file =readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) { if($file !="." && $file !="..") { echo "<table style='display:inline-block;'><tr><td><a href='$base/$get_album/$file' rel='lightbox'><img src='$base/$thumbs/$file' height='100' width='100'></a></td></tr></table><br/>"; $x++; if($x==$column){ echo "<br/>"; $x=0; } } } closedir($handle); } echo "<p/><a href='album.php'>Back to albums</a>"; } ?> </body> </html>
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