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Everything posted by shortj75

  1. yes here is another example lol [code] if($_GET['page']==true){ echo "your Code here"; } if($_POST['page']==true){ echo "your Code here"; } [/code]
  2. ist it not finding this page [a href=\"http://www.hoaxdesign.com/success.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.hoaxdesign.com/success.html[/a]
  3. if you use the include() function with a page that doesnt exist nothing happen you wont get error 404 if you are getting that error it is because it cant find the main page now if you are useing frame or iframe and the page is missing then yes you will get the error 404 in the frame or i frame
  4. please post some code so we can see what your working with and telling us what errors you get might also help
  5. in all of you code you are not actually checking to see if the user nam exists so you code is automaticaly comming back with the error
  6. do you have a code that is checking you db fo the username and password if so please post it that is probably where the error is
  7. if you have your dbtable setup to store ip address you can do this [code] $getip=mysql_query("select * from your table"); while($getip2=mysql_fetch_array($getip))( if($getip2[your_ip_colummn_name]=$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADD]){ echo "Sorry you have already completed this form"; }else{ echo "your form"; } [/code]
  8. yes it is very simple by adding a html link [code] <?php if($username == "name" && $password == "pass"){ echo "Access Granted"; echo "<a href=nextpage.php>next page</a> }else{ echo "Access Denied"; } ?> </body> [/code] or you can automaticaly redirect them with the header function [code] <?php if($username == "name" && $password == "pass"){ echo "Access Granted"; header("location: nextpage.php"); }else{ echo "Access Denied"; } ?> </body> [/code] or redirect with a meta tag [code] <?php if($username == "name" && $password == "pass"){ echo "Access Granted"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' content='2; url=nextpage.php'>"; }else{ echo "Access Denied"; } ?> </body> [/code] thw meta tag will redirect the user in 2 seconds
  9. are you useing a database
  10. do you have it in a query[code] mysql_query("DELETE FROM mydb.tblItemByColor WHERE item_number = 10 AND (color_number = 6 OR color_number = 9))or die(mysql_error());[/code] if so add the [or die(mysql_error())] that should tell you the problem
  11. when you register you have to have admin_access set to 1 which you probable do then you have to have your page check to see if the admin is signed in [code] $getadmin=mysql_query("select * from your_table"); while($getadmin2=mysql_fetch_array($getadmin)){ if($getadmin[admin_access]>0){ echo "you admin code" }else{ echo "your visitors code" } }[/code]
  12. this just means your sessions are already started from one of the pages session.php or layout.php and can not be started again [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\bpo\classes\clsMetaContent.php:45) in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\bpo\includes\session.php on line 2[/quote] place this at the top of your page it will stop your page from showing the warning or notice errors [code] <? error_reporting(E_ERROR);?> [/code][
  13. try it like this[code] DELETE FROM tblItemByColor WHERE item_number = 10 AND (color_number = 6 OR color_number = 9)[/code] you dont need to call your db (mydb.) it is already being called from your mysql_connect page
  14. does the sever have smtp mail relay if not it wont send the mail and if it does please post the code you are working with and we will look at it and see what the problem is and if you dont have any code let us know and maybe someone will write one for you
  15. mysql_query("delete from your_table where your_column='the_id_you_are_calling_to_delete'") or die (mysql_error());[code] example mysql_query("delete from request r where r.requestTypeID='mrt.requestTypeID' ") or die (mysql_error()); [/code] everything that is in the column where r.requestTypeID = 'mrt.requestTypeID' will be deleted
  16. try to use echo [code] echo "style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-base-color: #008055; scrollbar-face-color: #008080; scrollbar-highlight-color: #83D8B0; scrollbar-shadow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-3d-light-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #FFFFFF; } --> </style> [/code] if that doesnt work remove the hide tags <!-- -->[code] style type="text/css"> BODY { scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-base-color: #008055; scrollbar-face-color: #008080; scrollbar-highlight-color: #83D8B0; scrollbar-shadow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-3d-light-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #FFFFFF; } </style>[/code]
  17. you can't install php on tripod and if you are looking for an already made site you will probably have to someone to do it for you
  18. your ob_flush(); will not execute once your code reaches header("Location: index.php"); the page will forward you to the index.php page so if you want the ob_flush() to work move it above the header code
  19. put this at the top of your code [code] echo "<center>"; [/code] put this at the bottom of your code [code] echo "</center>"; [/code] and that should center you page
  20. please post your code so we can see what you are working with and see if we can figure out the problem
  21. try this [code] <? mysql_connect('localhost', 'me_user', 'password'); mysql_select_db('me_database'); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $em1=$_POST['em']; $checkemadd=mysql_query("SELECT `email` FROM `emails` where email='$em1'"); $checkemadd2=mysql_num_rows($checkemadd); if($checkemadd2 > 0) { echo "The email is already in the DB"; } else { echo "This email address is not in the DB"; }     } ?> <html> <body> <form method="post">           <input type="text" name="em" size="20"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </body> </html> [/code] this should work
  22. this is the code i user i dont know if it will work if your not running your own server [code] mkdir("C:/path/to/directory/$username") or die("Sorry I could not make the directory you requested<BR>"); [/code] and heres the code to delete the directory so you will have it just in case [code] rmdir("C:/path/to/directory/$username") or die("Sorry I could not delete the directory you requested<BR>"); [/code] you can try it wit a web address but if you dont run your own server you may not have the correct permissions to create directories good luck
  23. are you asking how to input the data into the data base if so [code] $item=$_POST['item']; $price=$_POST['price']; $quantity=$_POST['quantity']; mysql_query("insert into your_table(item,price,quantity)values('$item','$price'.'$quantity')) or die("couldnt insert"); [/code] have you form point to the page you put this code on and change all the variables to the correct names
  24. try this [code] $getemail=mysql_query("select * from your_table"); while($getemail2=mysql_fetch_array($getemail)){ echo "<input type=checkbox name=$getemail2[your_column]> $getemail2[your_column]"; } [/code] that should display all the email addres in your database and set the value of the checkbox change your_table and your_column to the correct database names and you only need the one line of code and it will pull all of the email addresses
  25. are you goping to be useing a mysql or some other database
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