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Everything posted by trq

  1. So why is your thread within the 'PHP Coding help' board?
  2. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=323065.0
  3. The problem you describe is not possible, so where going to need to see actual relevant code, not pseudo anything.
  4. This isn't that hard to do. Here is some code i use to do the same sort of thing... $(document).ready(function() { $('.overlay').click(function() { // If a dialog is already open, close it. if ($('.dialog').length > 0) { $('.dialog').dialog('close'); } // Get the name of the file used to fill // the dialog with content. var file = $(this).attr('name'); // Create the empty div to store the dialog content in. var $dialog = $('<div class="dialog"></div>') // Load the content into the div. .load(file) // Initialize the dialog. .dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, height: 472, zIndex: 40000, //modal: true, width: 792, }); // Open the new dialog. $dialog.dialog('open'); }); }); As you can see, this code takes a filename loaded from the name attribute of the link you've clicked on and loads it into the dialog's content. So, to work this you would have links like.... <a href="#" name="foo.html" class="overlay">foo</a> <a href="#" name="bar.html" class="overlay">bar</a> Clicking 'foo' would open a dialog with the contents of foo.html in it.
  5. You should always develop on a server with php configured to display errors and have error reporting on and configured to show ALL types of errors. You don't. Fix your code. The error says that output is starting on line 7, figure out where that is and remove whatever is causing output.
  6. It is an object. If that object was stored in a variable called $obj, to access the string 'admi' you would use $obj->Admin_Level
  7. While it might seem a different subject, the logic is the same. This thread should help you. As for pagination, there are many examples on the net, surely we don't need to write another tutorial here?
  8. One of these variables exist. $david.hostsmysql.com, $usern, $dddddd You also cannot have . in a variable name as it is the concatenation operator. What this is trying to do is join the undefined variable $david to the undefined constants hostsmysql and com.
  9. Of course. phpMyAdmin is simply a web application built with PHP.
  10. Notice how the jquery css file only defines classes and that they all start with ui? I don't see how they could interfere with each other.
  11. It does. http://au.php.net/goto Ive never even thought about using it though.
  12. Why not take a look at WordPress's built in API? http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference#Category.2C_Tag_and_Taxonomy_Functions
  13. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=322859.0
  14. Chaining methods is basically the same in any language. Each method needs to return in instance of the same object it is defined within.
  15. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=322864.0
  16. Continually bumping isn't helping. I'd say your out of luck. This can happen when you start talking about some obscure third party application. If you can at least narrow your problem down a little so it looks like you've made some effort someone might be tempted to pitch in.
  17. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=322844.0
  18. Have you tried Google? There are a few options around, it's not exactly a clean convert though. Your application will need to be written with the idea of it being an executable in mind.
  19. Sorry man, I edited my post. You might want to have another read.
  20. I'll be honest, I didn't really read your post. I will say this though, storing code in a database is generally a poor design choice. You can look at eval, but be aware, it's not nick named evil for nothing. It can pose quite the security risk allowing users to input and then execute php. There are other options around. Google (PHP Javascript parser). I have used a Javascript parser written in PHP in one of my CMS's to good effect. this allows you to create a macro language (using Javascript syntax) with which you can provide your own safe API instead of allowing PHP itself. I'm at work or I would post a link.
  21. This topic has been moved to PHPFreaks.com Questions, Comments, & Suggestions. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=322845.0
  22. A small text link would be generally excepted, a banner will get removed.
  23. Something must be sending output to the browser. There is a sticky in this board which covers the subject.
  24. The problem lies int he fact that these 'for dummies' books don't go into enough detail about how things work. If you where more competent with the language you wouldn't have any trouble implementing most any script, in fact, you would likely find it easy to write your own scripts instead. There are no shortcuts when it comes to learning a new language I'm afraid. If it's something you want to do, you'll just need to invest more time, and have a bit of patience.
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