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Everything posted by trq

  1. 1) Install a http server. 2) Purchase DNS hosting from a service such as dyndns (http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/custom/) 3) Install and configure ddclient to use the dyndns service.
  2. Now you have a bunch of double quotes within your double quoted string.
  3. Variables are not interpolated within single quotes.
  4. It can go anywhere within the httpd.conf file (though it should likely be placed within at least your vhost config), you might want to just check there isn't another one in there firstly though.
  5. All user inputted data needs to be escaped using mysql_real_escape_string before it is used in any queries.
  6. How exactly was php installed on the live server? it would seem it is misconfigured.
  7. Does your post really need to be that different that we can't read it?
  8. Without any clue where to begin it sounds like it's probably going to be a fairly long and difficult task. Where to start? With the basics of PHP.
  9. This topic has been moved to mod_rewrite. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=318218.0
  10. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=318213.0
  11. Sorry, yeah, I see what you where getting at now. It set the money field to the value stored within the id field. Makes perfect sense. Obviously this is a good example of the trouble poorly written queries can cause.
  12. It is fairly common practice to use double quotes strings when you are going to interpolated variables into the string. Hence, its a very common way of writting sql queries. Yeah, I missed that actually. Still, all this would do is cause a syntax error considering that that chars id are not numeric.
  13. Again, that should produce nothing but a syntax error. Remove the ; at the end of your foreach() line. foreach ($capitals as $state => $city) { echo "$city, $state<br />"; }
  14. Strings cannot exist without quotes. You need to post an example of what your talking about.
  15. No. That would attempt to set the money field to the string 'id'. Which should fail, given that the money field should likely be a numeric type.
  16. The general syntax is: if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // free to use $result } else { // no result found } } else { // query failed }
  17. echo "<td class=\"today\"> <a href=\"javascript:statusWindow('status.php?month=$month&day=$day&year=$year');\">$day_num</a></td>\n";
  18. http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites
  19. Can you post your actual code? The code you have posted would produce nothing but syntax errors.
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