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Everything posted by trq

  1. Why are you writing a wrapper around an already perfectly good database class MySqli ? Your class adds nothing of value.
  2. How do you know it returns 20? Your not using the data retrieved properly.
  3. The error is pretty self explanatory. $links is not defined anywhere in your code.
  4. There shouldn't be spaces around the = You should be able select this table via its id $('#table') or purely by the <table> tag itself if its the only table on the page $('table').
  5. What does the code that creates the table look like?
  6. There is no real good way of doing it. You'll need to open the file, read the entire thing into an array, count the size of the array, then loop back through 9the array) until you get to the line you want. You'll probably have no use for fgetcsv by then.
  7. I'm not in a position to test at the moment but I'm not sure that is possible with un-instantiated classes and static methods. It is possible within objects however.
  8. $common_words = array(" to ", " this ", " all ", " the ", " from ");
  9. While those projects might gain some benefits from being written using OOP, the point is proven that sometimes you just have to use the best tools for the job, in those cases, the C programming language which does not support OOP. In these cases, the advantages of a fast (and resource friendly) language (using the procedural method) wins over using a slower more resource hungry language just to gain the advantage of OOP.
  10. Exactly what I said. Store the images outside of your servers web root. Sorry, but I'm not sure how else to explain it. Your servers web root might be something like..... /var/www/<yourusername>/htdocs If you then store files within /var/www/<yourusername> they will be completely unreachable from the net.
  11. oci_fetch_row returns an array. You cannot echo an array.
  12. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=318598.0
  13. The best method is to store them outside of your server's document root directory.
  14. class Site extends Controller { public $data = Array(); function Site() { } }
  15. Linux, PHP, Ruby, Apache, Python, MySql just to name a few.
  16. The fact alone that some of the biggest programming projects still maintained today are written in procedural code should be enough to validate it as a noteworthy methodology. I'm not sure what else you want.
  17. SELECT type AS Types, COUNT(ID) AS Quantity FROM tablename GROUP BY type;
  18. I'm not sure you guys have that ability, that is my entire point. Some of the biggest programming projects still currently being maintained are written almost entirely using procedural code, yet you guys write it off as inferior and state that large projects cannot be done using it. The facts are simple, and ignace stated them in his very first reply. "You can as easily write the application in procedural as you can in OOP, it's all just a matter of preference and opinion." The truth of the matter is you just need to know what you are doing.
  19. Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with navigator.geolocation.
  20. It is when someone is trying to prove that they have worked on decent sized projects. That about sums it up. The answer to the original question obviously needs to take into account the users abilities. I'm still not convinced you or your mate are anything but typical OOP fanboys.
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