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Everything posted by trq

  1. Do you have any credible stats to back this? Servers handle requests, and large sites, will need more servers to do so. Doesn't really matter what language the site is written in.
  2. I'm not sure what the question actually is here.
  3. You want to add error messages to the $errortrack array. These... $errortrack = array ($errormsg['NewPass']); should be.... $errortrack[] = $errormsg['NewPass'];
  4. Alias /forum /path/to/your/subdomain
  5. Where specifically are you stuck?
  6. $var = array ("One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight"); foreach ($var as $k => $newname) { if ($k > 5) { // do something } }
  7. exit will definitely stop your script in its tracks, are you sure its even getting to the exit call?
  8. Because it is against our TOS. But, you already know that..... http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service
  9. You can hide your email address within your profile settings. Spaming will just get you banned and then you won't even be able to login to change any settings.
  10. No. You will need to reset the users password to something new and send them that.
  11. Did you read the sticky at the top of this board?
  12. While its good to know the underlying technology, you can pretty much learn that while (if need be) you learn jQuery. jQuery is an awesome tool.
  13. I have described how it is done, where exactly are you stuck?
  14. We need code and specific error messages relating to that code. There is nothing inherently wrong with the extensions themselves.
  15. Not really, that is how they are indexed.
  16. For something as simple as header and footer templates, just use include to include the files where there needed. For reusable code, your need to learn good application design practices. it's not exactly something that can be easily explained within a simple forum reply.
  17. Store a date within a filed in the database. If todays date is past that, the account has expired.
  18. Wrap them in another function then call that. Seriously though, with the advent of libraries such as jQuery having onClick() events mixed in with your markup is a thing of the past. Unobtrusive Javascript is here.
  19. This topic has been moved to PHP Installation & Configuration. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=312796.0
  20. In general, methods should return a simple value (bool, array, exception). Your client code should then be responsible for executing any logic based on these results. Using globals within classes / functions is never a good idea.
  21. echo "<td align='center'>"; if ($sstatus != 1) { echo "<td align='center'><a href='edittimesheet.php?id=$tid'>Edit</a>"; } echo "</td>";
  22. jQuery IS able to achieve that but not everything comes as you want right out of the box. Are you proepared to do any actual work? Then do so. jQuery UI widgets are very easy to customize through CSS.
  23. trq


    To use the post method you would nee to use a form instead of a link.
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