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Everything posted by trq

  1. Its in an external file in the paste bin we are using. That makes NO difference. Post your code.
  2. Still working with 2 of them. http://jsbin.com/eyuvi4/2 The first will show an id of foo while the second will be bar.
  3. It is working fine for me. See example: http://jsbin.com/eyuvi4 Your ajax call might be failing. Are you debuguing using firebug? Any errors?
  4. You obviously need to refresh the page after the cookie is saved in order for the information on the page to be updated. You'll need to do a redirect (to the same page) after you save the cookie.
  5. Only the checked fields will apear within the post array when the form is submitted.
  6. jQuery allows (and promotes the usage of) unabtrusive Javascript, so remove the onChange() event from your markup. Not tested but something like.... $(document).ready(function() { $(".attendance-box").change(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajaxpages/attendance/send_attendance.php", data: { student_id: $(this).val() } cache: false, success: function(html) { alert(id); $('#message').html('attendance sent'); } }); }); }); should get you pretty close.
  7. jQuery I assume? Can we see some sample html?
  8. By using a proxie a user can change the ip the access your site via. Most users will have a dynamic ip address anyway, these can change anywhere from weekly to hourly. Not much you can do about it.
  9. Something like.... <?php if ($lines = file('banlist.txt')) { foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { die(); } } }
  10. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=310934.0
  11. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=310894.0
  12. So, you either need to loop through the array, or use implode in conjunction with an IN clause within your query.
  13. Your biggest problem is you shouldn't be storng values in a pipe delimtered string in the first place. Give each id its own row. Anyway, if you want to leave you data broken as is, you can (and should) still clean up your code so you don't get empty values within your array. Is that your actual problem? $currentIds = explode("|", trim($pid['productId'], '|'));
  14. The steps you have described couldn't possibly cause the error, if that is indeed what you have done. What are the permissions (including owner / group) on the files & directories within your public_html directory now?
  15. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=310879.0
  16. The page you have linked to gives a 500 error, which is a misconfigred server. The additional 404 is because your 'nice' error page is also missing. You need to explain exactly what it is you did.
  17. Assuming your table has a 'parent' field or equivelent, the id from the original post needs to be inserted into it.
  18. Then you'll need to show us the relvant parts of your .htaccess file.
  19. Nothing has changed in php5, gamesmstr did not take into account the fact that you are indeed trying to use sessions without cookies enabled. Without cookies enabled you will need to pass some form of identifyer around with each request. You have no way of recognizing a user without it.
  20. I'm not a CI user but given your above example, it would seem to me it should be as simple as placing your point of entry index.php file within the appropriate directory, then within that file ensuring that the correct paths are configured. I would be more inclined to use sub domains but its not really that different. With sub domains however your application itself could simply determine how to boostrap (and configure) the application based on what sub domain was used to access the application.
  21. Why would you need to store and object that handles logging in /registration if your user is already logged in? Sounds like your object does more than it should. As for storing a users data in an object and storing that within a session, that would be fine, though I would drag too much data around within the session itself. You need to get a balance however between looking constantly re-querying a data source, or using sessions. It really depends on your application and environment.
  22. smtp refers to the protocol of email so you are indeed using it. Your isp also sux because they are allowing there servers to be used without any authentication being required.
  23. PHP will be configured to load extensions properly out of the box on Debian based systems, you do however have to install extensions as seperate packages. See.... apt-cache search php To see what extensions are available, then install them using.... sudo apt-get install php5-gd php5-imap Don't forget to update your apt cache firstly. sudo apt-get update
  24. This should get you started.
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