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Everything posted by trq

  1. Sorry, Ive not used CI so I'm not sure I'll be much help but any post data likely still turns up within $_POST. Unless they unset it somewhere along the line. I would look at the documentation in regards to the Request object or similar. Post data should be within there somewhere. There is likely form helpers as well.
  2. This is something that should be taken up with the SMF devs. Unless its in vanilla SMF, were not likely to maintain any patches for it.
  3. Is all this code within <?php ?> tags? Post your ACTUAL code. It won't print if done properly.
  4. This topic has been moved to CSS Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=306618.0
  5. File B should be.... $RATETHESE = array(1, 2); Why you have the quotes is beyond me.
  6. I never mentioned a web browser. I never asked 'why are you using php?' I asked, 'why are you executing these script via a web server?' What exactly is 'anything else'? Web servers are designed to listen for a request and when one is made to fetch and serve the requested resource. Its meant to be a fairly straight forward, fast and simple process. If you have scripts that are taking more than a few seconds hours to complete they shouldn't be getting executed via a request to a web server.
  7. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=306933.0
  8. Its not that hard. The first 5 fields determine when the commands following will be executed. For instance, if you want to give all your users 5 points every day they are a member. No need to write a script, it can be done with a single query and cron. 0 0 * * * mysql -uuname -ppword dbname -e "UPDATE users SET points=points+5"
  9. Database queries can be executed directly from your crontab file if there not too large, otherwise, yeah, I would write a script. Generally bash but yeah, php's fine if that's what you know. I'm not knocking the use of php, (well not trying too) its just that I see allot of people writing scripts in php that could be easily written in one line within the crontab file itself.
  10. Sorry I've never looked at craiglist before but I seriously doubt it is a good representation of what most people are worth. These sites are generally people like you, desperate to get into the market, and willing do accept pretty much any price to do so. It'll end up doing you more harm than good. You need to start by figuring out what YOU consider your time to actually be worth. Don't just say aww I'll just do it this time for $300 next time I'll make more. YOU WONT. Get a figure and stick to it. This figure will then be able to help you judge how much a project is worth based on how long you think it will take & your rate. DON'T BUDGE from your rate. I know you need to start somewhere, but seriously, there are plenty of two bit programmers around. If you are quality, sell yourself as quality. If your not, then you need to get there first.
  11. This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=306916.0
  12. So, database stuff. No real need to use php.
  13. A 404 means your server cannot find the file requested. Why are you executing these scripts via a web server in the first place? They aren't exactly designed for this.
  14. Your code is pretty mixed up, switching between vanilla Javascript and jQuery. Why?
  15. Most javascript developers minify there code, it isn't compiling anything. Is your question that your not sure what js minifier CKEditor plugins generally use? You won't need to minify your code to get it to work.
  16. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=306860.0
  17. That's because it isn't a function. mysqli_options exists though.
  18. This topic has been moved to Apache HTTP Server. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=306652.0
  19. There is a specific standard used to describe relationships between objects. UML. You'll then need a UML editor.
  20. Put the script outside of your servers document root and have php' cli execute it not the server. 0 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/script.php Most of the time (on this board) people use php for cron jobs when they don't even need to. What exactly does the script do?
  21. This question has been asked many times before, please search the board.
  22. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=306863.0
  23. Javascript is not compiled so your question doesn't make allot of sense.
  24. You have a . on the end that shouldn't be there.
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