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Everything posted by trq

  1. Plenty of ways to do this using simple shell commands. What exactly are you trying to achieve?
  2. That's about as much time as I have for them.
  3. Its not exactly a ground breaking tutorial but I suppose it describes some basics. Your not really going to get your head around OOP until you start to learn and implement well known design patterns. I'm sure however if you've already programmed in Java and C# you should be aware of this. OOP isn't language specific, the patterns remain the same no matter what language your using.
  4. I'm not sure what language activeX components are written in, but I'm pretty sure that's MS's equivalent to Java applets. Yuck.
  5. So, it should be: $sql = "INSERT INTO accounts (login, password, email, gm, flags) VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$email', 0, 24);"; or, doing it your way: $sql = "INSERT INTO accounts (login, password, email, gm, flags) VALUES ('" .$username . "','" . $password . "','" . $email . "', 0, 24');";
  6. That would fail for exactly the same reason.
  7. You just explained it yourself. Both $a and $b reference the same value.
  8. Its pretty self explanatory. self::$dbObjects[ $key ] is not an object.
  9. Template engines suck.
  10. Your query is failing because of incorrect syntax. String values need to be surrounded by quotes.
  11. Use require instead of include. The file is likely not being found. Having include calls scattered all through your code like that is also a really bad design choice. if you need to move anything you need to change your code accordingly, this is never a good idea.
  12. You'll want to take a look at the 'screen' command. You basically enter a screen # screen which will create a screen session and give you a prompt, you can then do whatever you like. To detach from the session hit Ctrl-d Ctrl-a, this will take you back to where you where before you entered the screen session. You can then exit from the shell. At any time come back, and type... # screen -d -r to re-attach to your session.
  13. I doubt your going to get any price estimate. Its your time, you need to work out what its worth.
  14. What makes you think that? Where did you get it from? Does... phpinfo show the extension is working?
  15. Sounds like your typical HR system, which there are plenty of open source and free versions around. If yours does something beter then good for you, but the idea of using flat files for a database seems very inefficient, and for all but the smallest of businesses, I would not recomend it. Really though, who are we to put a price on your time. Especially without seeing what the thing does.
  16. Have you Googled the subject? There are plenty of php compilers around. remember however, they'll need to be installed on whatever host your scripts are hosted on.
  17. SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE 'chicago' IN(name, born, school, collage, live, work);
  18. What you have posted retrieves variables posted to it via a form, it doesn't actually do anything with them that we can see.
  19. The idea doesn't really sound that intuitive to me, I'd be more inclined to have a simple close button or something on your overlay basket but anyway.... Only bind the click event to the body element when your 'basket' overlay is active.
  20. We have a freelance board for such requests.
  21. More like error_reporting(30719), or better still, the easy to read version. error_reporting(E_ALL).
  22. Maybe the 'send as e-mail' option actually downloads and attaches the page to the email. If that is the case, its still out of your hands.
  23. From email or not. Sounds like your password protection isn't working. Emails simply contain links which when clicked on make a http request for the resource.
  24. You really haven't described any of the functionality as to what this 'web based database' actually does.
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