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Everything posted by trq

  1. What a load. What actually happened was. I moved a thread of yours from PHP Help into HTML help because it seemed that it belonged there. You then came back to the thread and posted some php in there, and another mod then moved it back into PHP Help. I then accidentally and a little hastily maybe I admit removed said thread thinking it was a double post and sent you a warning accordingly mentioning if an Admin or mod moves your threads, don't simply start another. You then, in my eyes at least over reacted: to which I replied: to which you replied: to which I replied: to which I replied: to which I replied: Which brings us to your last message and our last correspondence: Now, as for this thread. The entire point of asking questions within a forum is to learn from the answers you recieve in reply. You have obviously wasted haku time in this thread because you have learnt nothing from his response. Crayon has given you Eric's contact details. Go ahead and contact him please. Edit: Fixing tags.
  2. You have failed to check your query's actually succeed before passing there results to mysql_fetch_assoc.
  3. There are compilers around for php but you need to program with them specifically in mind. I'm not sure you can just compile a web application (server - client) into an exe and expect it to work. Its a different approach all together.
  4. I wouldn't be using tables for such a layout, the same thing can be achieved using divs. In fact you have another topic that pretty much covers the same ground here.
  5. These lines look suspect. oppo("oppoe"); oppo("oppop"); oppo("oppoi"); oppo("oppou"); oppo("oppoa");
  6. Its likely a curly brace or something, we would need to see some code to help though.
  7. This would be easy enough to achieve using jQuery or similar but I'm not sure your going to get a step by step tutorial written in a forum reply. Are you familiar with jQuery at all? If not, I would start there first. Once you have a bit of experience its just a matter of thinking your problems through in small steps (like all other programming problems).
  8. There may be cache settings setup within your Apache configuration.
  9. CSS isn't a substitute for html, they are used together. Where exactly are you stuck?
  10. Do you have allow_url_fopen enabled?
  11. Both examples would produce invalid html. var newtext4 = '<a href="' + number + '"><img src="' + newtext2 + '" /></a>'; If that doesn't work we need to see where newtext2 is defined.
  12. My last comment still stands. its really not worth my time reading or posting in this thread.
  13. These type of micro optimizations are generally a waste of time.
  14. Did you look at the examples Ken linked you?
  15. trq

    Timer Php

    You would be much better of using Javascript for this.
  16. IN isn't going to help, you'll need to use LIKE. SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE Models LIKE '%Acura%';
  17. In Apache you can run multiple websites on one server. each website resides in what is called a virtual host.
  18. That code is within main.js. Mootools uses selectors much the same as jQuery does so there's no need to mix your code with your markup.
  19. Its generally a poor design that leads you to storing comma separated strings within a field. You should look at normalization techniques and give each of those delimited values its own row.
  20. I think your after $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']. This will return the current query string which you can then add to.
  21. Doesn't look to difficult. Its done using Mootools so you'll need that as well, then you'll just need whatever css it requires.
  22. $_POST['todo'] isn't defined when you try and access it. Instead of.... $todo=$_POST['todo']; if(isset($todo) and $todo=="search"){ You should use... if (isset($_POST['todo']) && $_POST['todo'] == "search") { $todo=$_POST['todo']; // rest of code
  23. What is the exact error?
  24. Besides, it would have likely been moved there, or to the 'Applications' board.
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