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Posts posted by micah1701

  1. mssql_bind -- Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure

    mssql_close -- Close MS SQL Server connection

    mssql_connect -- Open MS SQL server connection

    mssql_data_seek -- Moves internal row pointer

    mssql_execute -- Executes a stored procedure on a MS SQL server database

    mssql_fetch_array -- Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both

    mssql_fetch_assoc -- Returns an associative array of the current row in the result set specified by result_id

    mssql_fetch_batch -- Returns the next batch of records

    mssql_fetch_field -- Get field information

    mssql_fetch_object -- Fetch row as object

    mssql_fetch_row -- Get row as enumerated array

    mssql_field_length -- Get the length of a field

    mssql_field_name -- Get the name of a field

    mssql_field_seek -- Seeks to the specified field offset

    mssql_field_type -- Gets the type of a field

    mssql_free_result -- Free result memory

    mssql_free_statement -- Free statement memory

    mssql_get_last_message -- Returns the last message from the server

    mssql_guid_string -- Converts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string

    mssql_init -- Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure

    mssql_min_error_severity -- Sets the lower error severity

    mssql_min_message_severity -- Sets the lower message severity

    mssql_next_result -- Move the internal result pointer to the next result

    mssql_num_fields -- Gets the number of fields in result

    mssql_num_rows -- Gets the number of rows in result

    mssql_pconnect -- Open persistent MS SQL connection

    mssql_query -- Send MS SQL query

    mssql_result -- Get result data

    mssql_rows_affected -- Returns the number of records affected by the query

    mssql_select_db -- Select MS SQL database


    I don't see it. Sorry.


    But what's wrong with doing a "SELECT MAX(id) FROM table" Query?

  2. kenrbnsn, don't feel old - I'm only 26, but knowing how many <18 year olds are on this board - and seeing how much MORE they know then me makes me feel like I'm 90.


    So yeah, I am also married. My wife turns 25 next month and is not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination. I love trying to show her things I've worked on and she says, "it looks exactily like it did 3 days ago when you showed me" and I say, "I know, but now it queries in half the time and uses session variables to store color preferences..." and she's not even in the room anymore before I finish the sentence.


    I work in Hartford, CT for a national Insurance Brokerage Firm. I'm a "Web Design Specialist" for their Intranet development division. My title is misleading as most of my duties are just content managment. (I'm looking to move on if anyone is looking for a PHP application developer in the Hartford area?)


    I generally only program in web environments. I started building my first HTML pages in 1996 when I was in High School. (not quite punch cards, but I did only have a 28.8 modem) I started using php and mysql about 4 years ago and have been working professionally at my current job since early 2003.


    I'm mostly self taught (trial and error, "for dummies" books and google)

    my major in college was actually music theory -- i wanted to write and produce teen idol pop music.


    In answer to the gender question: I have a good friend who is both a programmer AND a female. Of course, she is a microsoft lemming and only works in .NET but apperently that is where the money is, because she makes 3x more then me.


    ps - sweet burn Ober! (post: Aug 30 2005, 08:18 AM)



  3. You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1


    How do i change the error message? If it could just say some thing like invalid code please use your back button to try agian would be good enoughf.




    You need to modify the php script where it queries the database looking to match the dbase with the users submitted code.


    find where it says something similar to:



    and change "mysql_error()" to whatever error message you want, so it looks like:

    die("sorry, invalid entry")

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