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Posts posted by jeremywesselman

  1. I can recommend either. I started using Ubuntu as my main operating system a couple years ago. I recently switched my desktop from Gnome to KDE and I'm liking it.


    But still, I don't thing you can go wrong with either.



  2. I've been an Ubuntu user for a few years now. Started on Ubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake). I also deploy my web apps to my Linode which is running Ubuntu Server.


    I had tried a few others before Ubuntu. It all started at ITT with Red Hat. From there I dabbled in Mandrake and SuSe also.


    Ubuntu is the one for me so far.



  3. I also enjoy putting on a wonderful display every 4th that seems to keep growing and growing and growing. Just this past year I applied for and got my Type 54 permit. I also joined the local pyrotechnics guild (Bluegrass Pyrotechnics Guild).


    There are many commercial firing systems on the market. It depends on your budget and your needs as to what it's going to cost. You could also put together your own if you feel like it.


    I'm a member of www.pyrouniverse.com/forum and they have a forum on there just for homemade firing systems. There are many diagrams and photos to go along with it. The senior members are also very helpful in explaining the diagrams and such. It's probably worth a look.



  4. I thought you said you wanted to find which 'efed_list_style' that matched the 'style' column in the user table. That's what you're second description sounded like to me anyways.


    But it looks like in the code you've shown now that it is not in the user's table.



  5. So you have a select box in a form. The values from the select box are pulled from the 'efed_list_styles' table. You have a user table that has a column called style. You want to find out which of the styles from 'efed_list_styles' is in the user table column 'style'. Right so far?


    If so, all you have to do is add an if statement to check if the user column 'style' matches the 'efed_list_styles' column.


    I'm going to assume you have already pulled the information from the user's table and it is stored in $user.


    <select name="style" class="dropdown">
                            <option value="0">- Select -</option>';
                            $query = 'SELECT name FROM efed_list_styles LIMIT 2';
                            $result = mysql_query ( $query );
                            while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $result ) ) 
                                print "<option value=\"".$row['name'] . "\";
                                if ($row['name'] == $user['style']) {
                                      print " SELECTED";
                                print ">" . $row['name']."</option>\r";




    Should be something like that. Might need to tweak it a little bit.



  6. Okay but I don't really think it is good to compare php with python and ruby cause the last 2 are not web-based programming languages but system-based ?


    But my main thread is actually what you think about rails and django.. :)


    Not sure what you mean by "web-based". PHP is a "system-based" (as you put it) language also. It can be used for things other than making web pages. It just happens to be that making web pages is what it was originally created for and it's a very popular tool for it.


    I prefer to use Ruby instead of PHP because the syntax is easier to write and read. Nothing against PHP. It's what I started in and I still use it often.


    I tried Rails because of all the "automagic" things it did for you. I still use it because it's easy to get up and running quickly and Ruby is a joy to code in. Yes, PHP has it's MVC frameworks also, some of which work almost exactly like Rails.


    I haven't tried Python or Django yet so I can't comment on them. Maybe I'll get around to it sooner or later.



  7. i need to start out by saying, don't believe the hype.  i don't trust a member of the media same way i don't trust a hooker with a quarter.  that being said, who do you believe?


    thing is with something like this, is that there are two sides to every story.


    i remember reading a bit of information about several unscheduled test fire alarms being administered on several occasions leading up to the buildings collapse.  reason being "people" needed time to plant the explosives which later implode the building.


    for me, things don't add up.  i still to rational and logical explanations in this world, as everything has one.  the last time a steel-framed building was brought down by a fire was, uh, um .. never.  and why did the buildings implode so perfectly?  demolitions teams couldn't have done a better job if they had planned it out for years.


    and why did the IRS buildings collapse?  that was just taking things a little too far with that one.  a plane didn't even hit it, yet it imploded quite nicely as well.


    nobody in their right-mind can disagree that these buildings imploded.  seriously.  just watch the tape.


    it really doesn't take a mark of absolute genius to understand that given the option, matter takes the path of least resistance.  it's the default setting.  so why do these buildings seemingly take on the path of greatest resistance in that they collapsed into themselves (imploded), unless the structure was blown out completely from bottom up.


    building 7 had people evacuated just moments before its collapse which would indicate that there was no real internal damage since people were able to make it down from top levels, you catch my drift.  yet building 7 still chose to fall down on top of itself, going against every conception of resistance, instead of spilling itself all over the streets.  definitely brought down professionally.


    now, perhaps this was a security measure?  i have no idea.  you have no idea.  only a handful of people on the planet who actually do have an idea, so let's not pretend.


    and why is debris being catapulted outwards from the buildings instead of just falling freely.  it's being shot out like there were countless explosions occurring, same as in a demolition.  it's a real simple concept.


    why not disclose the tape of the crash at the Pentagon?  if there is nothing to hide, release it.  'cause there is one.


    and why is there just a simple hole in the ground where Flight 97 apparently came crashing to the ground.  has anybody ever seen a plane crash??  i've actually had the displeasure of seeing one in real-life, and they're catastrophic.  remember, it's supposed to be that very same energy that was able to displace 4 steel-framed buildings in NY that crashed in that field.  if those same planes could 'cause so much damage to a heavy-duty building, why didn't it to a better job of tearing up some grass?  when was the last time anybody has seen just a hole in the ground from a plane crash??  those mo'fo's tear things apart.


    to be perfectly honest, i just look at the evidence .. maybe i've watched too much CSI, but why is it that the US Government isn't cooperating with the public.  has the US public become so segregated from the Government that they do not deserve to be a part of life/world changing events?


    i'm not in vote of a conspiracy, nor am i against.  i just am.


    I totally agree with you on this. These buildings were definitely imploded. There are many interviews with fire fighters saying they heard multiple explosions while the buildings were collapsing. Some even say there were explosions going off before the buildings started coming down.


    I used to believe that there was no way these could have been imploded. I did some research on some of the conspiracy theories out there just to see what kind of crazy scenarios they had cooked up. Some of them make more sense than what we are being fed by the media.


    I believe that it was insurance job pulled off by Israelis.



  8. As TheFilmGod and Roopurt mentioned above, you should do work locally then deploy from your version control. But not all sites have things set up this way, and they're not really interested in setting it up this way either. Sometimes you're stuck working for a client that just wants changes or updates here and there and you have to edit on the live site.


    In cases like this, there are a couple options that make things pretty easy. As MadTechie mentioned above, Dreamweaver has the ability to connect directly to your FTP and allows you to edit files directly on the server and updates them when you save them. Another IDE that has this is Zend Studio. It allows you to do the same thing. Both of these programs are definitely not inexpensive. But since Zend Studio is built on Eclipse, you may be able to get this feature without having to purchase Zend Studio.


    NetBeans also has a plugin called RemoteFileSystem. I've used this before to do the same thing, but it is sometimes hard to configure properly and it won't let you delete the connections if you need to.



  9. Edit. saying "that would be correct" reminded me of in happy gilmore when the fat principal says 'that is correct' and takes his shirt off :\


    I believe this is from Billy Madison and it was Chris Farley who said it... RIP you fat bastard...



  10. You need to put all of the checkboxes into their own array.


    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[]" value="value" />


    Then when you submit the form, it will make an array inside of the $_POST array.




    Note: I didn't test this exact code, but it should be something very similar.



  11. also keep in mind there is nothing that needs to be installed a on server to run HTML, CSS, JS or AJAX. They are all client side and so the page load is dependent upon the client. PHP, MySQL and Apache are all Server side.


    Even if you are only serving static html files, you need a web server to do so. You can't just upload the html files to the server and they magically server themselves.


    Here is a good link to get you started setting up a VPS or dedicated server: http://www.usefuljaja.com/


    Also check out http://articles.slicehost.com/sitemap



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