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Everything posted by GingerRobot

  1. How are they being marked as stickied threads? Generally, the approach is to have some field in your topics table called sticky (or, perhaps, status if you wish to have different levels of thread importance). You would then set the field to 1 for any stickied threads and 0 for those which are not. When you select the topics, you order by sticky (or status) first and date second.
  2. If this is urgent, then please pay someone to fix it. Everyone here contributes their time, effort and knowledge for free. Your problem is no more urgent than anyone else's is. You've not even described your problem properly. What do you mean by 'times out'? What actually happens? Do you get a blank screen? An error message?
  3. Variables inside single quotes are not evaluated, they are treated as literals. That is: $foo = 'bar'; echo $foo ;// echos bar echo "$foo"; //echos bar echo '$foo';// echos $foo Therefore, you either need to delimit your string with double quotes, or use concatenation. So either this: curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "field1=value1&umessage=$mymessage"); Or this: curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'field1=value1&umessage='.$mymessage);
  4. I'm not being rude, but obviously you just weren't using it properly.
  5. You should be using the mysql DATE_FORMAT() function. I suspect your problem is that you used single quotes to delimit the string format, but are already using single quotes to delimit the entire query. Try: $pdf->Table("SELECT vtiger_invoice.invoice_no, vtiger_invoice.invoicestatus, vtiger_invoice.subject, vtiger_invoice.total, DATE_FORMAT(vtiger_invoice.invoicedate'%m/%d/%Y'), DATE_FORMAT(vtiger_invoicecf.cf_674,'%m/%d/%Y') FROM vtiger_invoice Inner Join vtiger_invoicecf ON vtiger_invoicecf.invoiceid = vtiger_invoice.invoiceid WHERE vtiger_invoice.accountid = 4103 ORDER BY vtiger_invoice.accountid ASC",$prop); As for why you got a blank screen, i would assume you have display_errors turned off.
  6. What do you mean? You'll already using $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] aren't you? You may also want to check for errors: if(curl_errorno($ch)){ echo 'Error: '.curl_error($ch); }
  7. It's certainly possible to to get the source code for other website using file_get_contents or cURL, for example. You could then use regular expressions to extract the relevant information. However, other websites might not like you hotlinking to their images or using their content without permission.
  8. The users' stupidity/carelessness is not Microsoft's fault. I disagree. If you are continually forced to repeat the same action, it becomes a habit to click without reading. That's human nature if you ask me - it has little to do with being stupid/careless I'm not against UAC per se, i'm against the way it was implemented.
  9. Using sudo is nowhere near as annoying as UAC. You dont keep getting asked for the admin password to do the same thing with sudo, but you do keep getting asked to confirm with UAC. Moreover, windows already asks you if you want to run a program. It then feels necessary to check again. Turn UAC off. It's pointless. IMO it provides no security at all. People get used to clicking it whenever they see it without reading what it actually says.
  10. It depends what you mean. If you would rather have, say, http://www.yoursite.com/index.php&page=1 rather than http://www.yoursite.com/somepage.php then it's fairly simple. You just need a method of matching id numbers to actual page names and then including them. Perhaps you could use a database. Why are you doing this though? Security through obscurity isn't such a great idea.
  11. If they were that bad, why did you stick with them?
  12. All good points Daniel and I wont try to argue with them. I wasn't, however, trying to say there wasn't a place for AJAX. I happen to - for the most part - like AJAX rich websites; they generally feel much smoother and more like an application. I guess my point was that the browser has it's part to play in this too.
  13. I'm not convinced on the speed theory. I noticed this back home where I was on a slow connection too. Perhaps it's to do with this? It's the only interesting thing i can find regarding caching anyway.
  14. Hmm. Perhaps it's caching options then. I regularly notice this difference though. That was kind of my point. It would seem (to me at least) firefox often negates the need for ajax to create a site that looks good as it loads.
  15. Take this page for example: http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/fds/hi/business/market_data/overview/default.stm If you use the tabs (Overview, Stockmarkets, share prices etc) in firefox, then you only see that part of the page reloading. Try it in IE, and the whole page reloads. Perhaps something's just broken, but I see this sort of thing all the time. I would guess that firefox is doing some comparison of the old page and the new one.
  16. Does anyone bother to use AJAX to reproduce the fluid browsing you get in firefox for IE?
  17. Ok, so i finally got somewhere with this. Turns out it was to do with apparmor. Though i'd tried changing the config file, I forgot/didn't realise I needed to restart the service too. Got some other issues now - perhaps it isn't going to be so easy to get this working. But never mind, i'm getting somewhere i think. I'll mark this solved. Cheers for the help.
  18. Either you 1) don't meet the requirements, or 2) somehow messed up your install. My Vista install works great. Or 3.) Your computer is full of viruses.
  19. Slightly confused about the question. Your title leads us to believe you're having some troubles with a file upload, but your question seems more related to images that have already been uploaded, for which you're trying to update information. I'm assuming it was the latter question. In which case, perhaps you could have the user browse through the images to find which image they want to update? Then they could click an update button? It really depends on your situation and application as to what's best for the user.
  20. I get this appearing in mysql.log: /usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1-log ((Ubuntu)). started with: Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Time Id Command Argument
  21. Pretty much. You should name the checkboxes as an array, and most likely use a unique ID as the key for the array. Consider the following example where we're selecting names and ids from a table and we're going to check which ones we want to delete: <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM yourtable"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $id = $row['id']; $name = $row['name']; echo $name.'<input type="checkbox" name="delete['.$id.']" /><br />"; } ?> When you submit this form, $_POST['delete'] will be an array. It will be an array containing keys of all the id's we wish to delete. In this case, that's not actually that helpful - we'd be better off having the value of each element of the array being the ID, which we could then implode the array and use an IN clause to delete. However, if you have a play with that sort of thing, you should get the general idea.
  22. Why are you storing multiple pieces of information in a single field? Chances are, you should be using another table.
  23. Regardless of how it's actually done, a request must be sent to the server. You need some way of copying this request. If you get the Live HTTP Headers extension for Firefox, you'll be able to see exactly what's being sent to where. Make your cURL request copy that. Also, you should note that, if you need to log in and then grab some information, you must make two separate cURL requests
  24. Last time i phoned up, it was all automated - didn't actually speak to anyone.
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