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Everything posted by GingerRobot

  1. Eugh. Can we please not have another thread about why we should use CSS over tables. Please? I remember where the last one went...
  2. I don't really think it'd be that useful. If the posted code is stupidly long, most of us don't bother to find the error anyway. And if it's not, it's more than likely that the code posted is a snippet from their file, which would screw up the line numbering anyway. Even if there were some offset option, I can't see people who don't bother to point out the line in question bothering to use this option.
  3. Pretty pointless imo. If it's that long a reply, chances are no-one else is going to bother. If it's not, then what's the big deal. In any case you can always take a look at who's reading the thread anyway and make a guess if they might reply.
  4. Naa, it's pretty low if you're younger than 18 (£3.53). Bit less than a fiver up to 22, and then £5.73 after: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/nmw/#b
  5. GingerRobot


    So, the correct response to fundamentalism is....more fundamentalism?
  6. Edit: Guess I should learn to read all the replies before posting, eh?
  7. Not that i'm aware of. Moreover, it might not be possible. For example, if you had a query with a join and didn't explicitly declare which tables the columns in the result set were coming from, you wouldn't know which table to put them in. Also, how would you decide the types, collations, lengths etc of each field type from a bunch of SELECT/INSERT and DELETE queries?
  8. i can say fish, kebabs, fruit, and bison. can you? Dear me, i actually did laugh out loud. I have to wonder what made you select those 4 words. Hungry or something?
  9. Excellent. I'm surprised you got a reply at all. It should be noted that dreamhost aren't alone in their unlimited offerings. While I cannot think of any off of the top of my head, I saw a lot of similar plans a couple years back. (Edit: For example, see this host) There used to be a fair few ISPs in the UK offering unlimited bandwidth. I'm guessing the office of fair trading got onto them about that, as I've not seen any recently. Edit 2: Seems i lied. BT are still offering this.
  10. I never said I was getting unlimited for what I am paying... You guy are. I just said I have unlimited. NO MORE ABOUT UNLIMITED THAT ISN'T WHAT THIS TOPIC IS ABOUT! So does that mean you're saying you have unlimited bandwidth assuming you have unlimited money? Riiiiight. Anyway, don't you think you're thinking about this the wrong way? You should be considering the user's internet speeds and think what they will be capable of streaming and/or downloading in a reason time.
  11. We are, but this is a problem with SMF and/or Google Chrome, neither of which we have any control over. SMF bug reports go to SMF, Google Chrome reports go to Google Chrome. Bug reports about anything we have created go to us. Generally, bug reports go to whomever that created the product/software, not to somebody else. Except in the case of IE that is. For some reason, we've arrived in a situation where it's not microsoft's job to make webpages look like they should do :s
  12. Oh silly me, how could I have been so naive Obviously the facts that hybrid cars would pump an awful lot of money into the motor industry and vegetarians support other farmers are irrelevant.
  13. I find it entertaining that as a fanatical Christian, only some of the other religions would be seen as a sin. What on earth is that about? Also, why do hybrid cars "harm America"? Or vegetarians?
  14. Doing this in a loop in PHP would be horribly inefficient. Is it mission critical that the pins are completely unique? Do you have any other unique data for the row? A username perhaps? If so, you could take a substring of a salted MD5 hash of the username.
  15. How long is a piece of string? I'm sorry, but it's simply not possible for us to answer that question. It entirely depends on how much work you put in, you're ability, what you've done before etc. Beyond saying that the syntax of PHP is similar to that of C and that will no doubt help you, we can't realistically answer your question.
  16. You can disable it in a variety of ways: http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php
  17. You don't need addslashes() - just use mysql_real_escape_string() and make sure magic_quotes is off. bluesoul: magic_quotes isn't recommended.
  18. Defender is the spyware program. No idea whether or not it's any good though.
  19. Erm, i'd loop through the strings copying across to an array until the characters aren't equal. Something like: <?php function find_common_start($str1,$str2){ $common = array(); $length = (strlen($str1) >= strlen($str2)) ? strlen($str1) : strlen($str2); for($x=0;$x<$length;$x++){ if($str1[$x] == $str2[$x]){ $common[] = $str1[$x]; }else{ break; } } return join('',$common); } $common = ("Test","Testing"); ?>
  20. Does the file do anything else apart from upload an image?
  21. Comments really depend on your purpose. Sure, if you're writing a piece of code to explain something to someone, then it does usually help to add in plenty of comments - mainly because you've no idea of their level of expertise and general code reading ability; what may seem obvious to you could be very ambiguous to them. However, i would never write code like that as general practice. Comments should generally be used to explain the purpose of an entire program/file/class/function or to explain and oddities/ambiguities in your code. For the most part, people can understand what your code is doing from reading it; there's no need to explain every line.
  22. You could keep everything on the index page and pass around the pages you're actually using in the address bar for example, but there's no real point. You shouldn't be relying on security through obscurity: don't assume that someone wont find a page of your site - don't let them access it at all.
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