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Everything posted by GingerRobot

  1. Maybe it's just me, but im still confused. This is what you said in your first post: Where are these links?
  2. I would suggest changing this: or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); To this: or trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); To gain slightly more informative information on the error.
  3. Well, you're using the equality operator (==) rather than the assignment operator (=). To be honest, i'm surprised you dont get an error message. On a related note, why do you think you would get 0 back? $fu is undefined prior to your if statement. 0 and undefined are not the same. And finally, you might want to take a look at the mysql date and time functions. I didn't read your code thoroughly but its more than likely you can do this more efficiently in mysql.
  4. Sorry? There are plenty of free examples of captchas out there.
  5. With over 5000 posts, I would have thought you'd have realised that we need a touch more than 'not working' to help diagnose a problem.
  6. You're correct. The values are only in the POST array on the first request. You will have to pass them around in the URL once they've been set. Don't forget to encode first though.
  7. I still cant see any links there. I'm not misunderstanding you am I? Your first post suggested that broken links were the problem.
  8. We really need to see the part that generates those links to be able to help you at all. Also, you should check the generated HTML and look at the links - it might give you, or us, a clue as to what the problem is.
  9. The first thing i notice is that in this part: <a href=" .$_SERVER[’PHP_SELF’] You're using some strange type of quote - possibly generated in Word. You should be using normal single quotes ('). And what's with the colons at the start of every line of your post?
  10. Personally, I much prefer the SMF board to any other I can think of.
  11. Or 4. A position in the game of Rugby
  12. You might have an easier time if you use some regular expressions. This tutorial will help you understand a bit about them, though you'll have to wait for the next one (or, of course, google) for something to show you how to apply them to pull out text.
  13. Did you even try? There's examples given on that page too.
  14. There's already a huge thread here on the subject. Take a look through, you'll find plenty of recommendations.
  15. There should be one available on this site before too long.
  16. Not quite. I mean like this: header("Location:".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].urlencode("?subject=$subject&from=$from&message=$message&wrong_code=true")); However, you'll also need to use the urldecode function on the variables on the page that you are redirecting to.
  17. The problem is actually given in the error message - one of the variables in your query string (i would guess $message) contains a new line and this cannot be present in the header redirect. You can get around this by using the url_encode() function on the variables before you put them in the query string and then use the url_decode() function when you want to use the variables. However, i better solution would be to not perform a redirect at all. You're redirecting to the current page so I assume you're form is on the same page as the processing? In which case, you should just be able to alter your logic so that the form is redisplayed with the information filled in if there is an error.
  18. I suspect the UK Government would call it a success if it took a whole 2 seconds to hack into their systems. They tend to give it away anyway.
  19. Find this line in your httpd.conf: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php And add this line: AddType application/x-httpd-php .fun If you dont want this extension used across your whole site, use a .htaccess file instead.
  20. I'm not 100% sure i follow your question/problem but have you considered using a hidden field for your student id? Either that, or make sure you're appending the id to the action of the form. On a side note, you'd be able to clean your code up an awful lot if you used arrays to collect the scores.
  21. As for an explanation, you can use LIKE to perform a match using wildcards, namely _ and %. An underscore matched any character, but just once, a % matches any character any number of times.
  22. Any chance of you being a bit more descriptive? Like, you know, telling us what the error actually is and which line it corresponds to? I'm afraid i used to be clairvoyant, but i've gone blind.
  23. Pretty good points there CV, though not sure i agree with your conclusion. If we follow the idea of some AI rising against us then there must be two possible reasons for it. Either a.) the AI was programmed to do so, in which case most people would say there's no intelligence involved or b.) the AI is acting in a way it wasn't explicitly programmed to do. For me, this is the key to AI. I wouldn't label something as having intelligence until it is performing actions that aren't actually explicitly defined. I see no reason that the only action that fits this is some sort of uprising. I did have some further points, but i've forgotten them. My memory's been terrible recently :s
  24. You could use array_keys and count the number of items in the returned array. Alternatively, see the post a couple down from yours
  25. Off the top of my head, Barand - one of the moderators here - has a guide and class for creating charts. I dont think it covers selecting the information, but might be worth a look: http://members.aol.com/barryaandrew/baaChart/baachartguide.html
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