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Posts posted by Paul-D

  1. Should have gone to speck savers. I have never used $pdo. I have checked. Posted first code 18 hours ago. No $pdo. I obtained help from another website now. Works fine. I won't be making a donation.

  2. You are looking at VERY OLD CODE. Look for a $pdo defined as an object in this code. I am doing exactly as you said using $conn. Look at the code I am supplying NOW. I never defined $pdo as an object. Where has $pdo come from?

    $conn = NEW PDO() makes $conn an object not a $pdo.

    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    		PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES   => false,
    $Result = Contracts($conn);
    function Contracts($conn)
    	$qList = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM EC_event WHERE ID = 2");
    	return $qList;
    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    define ('HOSTNAME1', 'mysql09.iomart.com'); 
    define ('USERNAME1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('PASSWORD1', 'mauritius');
    define ('DATABASE1', 'otoogc692');
    $host = HOSTNAME1;
    $user = USERNAME1;
    $pass = PASSWORD1;
    $MyDB = DATABASE1;
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    		PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES   => false,
    $Result = Contracts($conn);
    $MyRow = $Result->fetch();
    echo "Value = " . $MyRow['Venue'];
    function Contracts($conn)
    	$qList = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM EC_event WHERE ID = 2");
    	return $qList;


  3. I do not have a $pdo in my code ANYWHERE.. I do have a $conn as in $conn = new PDO ( ...

    $conn is a connection object is it not. Where is $pdo in my code.

    The variable $pdo can not be defined in a function if it does not exsist. I am using $conn as an obcect as in $con = NEW

  4. I did say that I am out of my depth here but if you mean that you close the thread then do so.  I am passing it EVERY WHERE NOW. I am asking for help. You could politly tell me this is what you need to do. No chance of that.

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    define ('HOSTNAME1', 'mysql09.iomart.com'); 
    define ('USERNAME1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('PASSWORD1', 'mauritius');
    define ('DATABASE1', 'otoogc692');
    $host = HOSTNAME1;
    $user = USERNAME1;
    $pass = PASSWORD1;
    $MyDB = DATABASE1;
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    		PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES   => false,
    $Result = Contracts($conn);
    $MyRow = $Result->fetch();
    echo "Value = " . $MyRow['Venue'];
    function Contracts($conn)
    	$qList = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM EC_event WHERE ID = 2");
    	return $qList;




  5. Have made alterations from the https://phpdelusions.net/ examples. Still get 

    Undefined variable: conn in /vhost/vhost15/d/e/s/desmond-otoole.co.uk/www/PDOtest2.php on line 26

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    define ('HOSTNAME1', 'mysql09.iomart.com'); 
    define ('USERNAME1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('PASSWORD1', 'mauritius');
    define ('DATABASE1', 'otoogc692');
    $host = HOSTNAME1;
    $user = USERNAME1;
    $pass = PASSWORD1;
    $MyDB = DATABASE1;
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    		PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES   => false,
    $Result = Contracts();
    $MyRow = $Result->fetch();
    echo "Value = " . $MyRow['Venue'];
    function Contracts()
    	$qList = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM EC_event WHERE ID = 2");
    	return $qList;


  6. Have made alterations from the https://phpdelusions.net/ examples. Still get 

    Undefined variable: conn in /vhost/vhost15/d/e/s/desmond-otoole.co.uk/www/PDOtest2.php on line 26

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    define ('HOSTNAME1', 'mysql09.iomart.com'); 
    define ('USERNAME1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('PASSWORD1', 'mauritius');
    define ('DATABASE1', 'otoogc692');
    $host = HOSTNAME1;
    $user = USERNAME1;
    $pass = PASSWORD1;
    $MyDB = DATABASE1;
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    		PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES   => false,
    $Result = Contracts();
    $MyRow = $Result->fetch();
    echo "Value = " . $MyRow['Venue'];
    function Contracts()
    	$qList = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM EC_event WHERE ID = 2");
    	return $qList;


  7. Okay. I have this code which results in 

    Notice: Undefined variable: conn in /vhost/vhost15/d/e/s/desmond-otoole.co.uk/www/PDOtest2.php on line 25

    Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /vhost/vhost15/d/e/s/desmond-otoole.co.uk/www/PDOtest2.php on line 25

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    define ('HOSTNAME1', 'mysql09.iomart.com'); 
    define ('USERNAME1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('PASSWORD1', 'mauritius');
    define ('DATABASE1', 'otoogc692');
    $host = HOSTNAME1;
    $user = USERNAME1;
    $pass = PASSWORD1;
    $MyDB = DATABASE1;
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    $Result = Contracts();
    $MyRow = $row = $Result->fetch();
    echo "Value = " . $MyRow['Venue'];
    function Contracts()
    	$qList = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM EC_event WHERE Date = '2020-10-20 17:55:00'");
    	return $qList;


  8. This should work? but get

    Notice: Undefined variable: pdo in /vhost/vhost15/d/e/s/desmond-otoole.co.uk/www/PDOtest2.php on line 29

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    define ('HOSTNAME1', 'mysql09.iomart.com'); 
    define ('USERNAME1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('PASSWORD1', 'mauritius');
    define ('DATABASE1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('SUGARCAIN' , 1);
    define ('BLANTYRE' , 2);
    function connectDB()
        $host = HOSTNAME1;
        $user = USERNAME1;
        $pass = PASSWORD1;
        $MyDB = DATABASE1;
    	$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    function Contracts()
    	$qList = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM EC_event WHERE Date = '2020-10-20 17:55:00'");
    	return $qList;
    	// Calling routine uses	 while ($row = $qList->fetch()) {
    	// echo $row['name']."<br />\n"; }
    $Result = Contracts();
    $MyRow = $row = $qList->fetch();
    echo "Value = " . $MyRow['Venue'];


  9. Okay. Is this what I am going to have to do?

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    define ('HOSTNAME1', 'mysql09.iomart.com'); 
    define ('USERNAME1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('PASSWORD1', 'mauritius');
    define ('DATABASE1', 'otoogc692');
    define ('SUGARCAIN' , 1);
    define ('BLANTYRE' , 2);
    function connectDB()
        $host = HOSTNAME1;
        $user = USERNAME1;
        $pass = PASSWORD1;
        $MyDB = DATABASE1;
    // OLD
    //mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
    //mysql_select_db($data, $link);
    // NEW. Got this a StackOverflow forum
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$host; dbname=$MyDB; charset=UTF8", $user, $pass, [
    function Contracts($id)
    	$qList = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM Contracts");
    	return $qList;
    	// Calling routine uses	 while ($row = $qList->fetch()) {
    	// echo $row['name']."<br />\n"; }
    // https://phpdelusions.net/pdo_examples


  10. Hi. It has been a long time since I have been involved in PHP programming. Getting old.

    I have received an email from easyspace telling me of urgent upgrafing from 5.4.45 to 7.

    How much is this going to affect me. My website does not use classes only strait php codeing.


  11. Thanks for your help. This mostly works. The problem is the variable I retreve for added date is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

    I have checked this out by echoing it.

    Lines 163
    $AddDate = $row['AddDate'];
    //echo $AddDate; /* 2022-12-20 14:17:00 */

    However when I use it in the tool tip, the HH:MM:SS is missing

    Lines 196
    <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;">
    <a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>" title=<?=$AddDate?>>
    <?=$ViewDate?></a></div> /* 2022-12-20 Missing HH:MM:SS*/

    Here is the full php code.

    // Banking Version 1.0.0   22-07-2015   Desmond O'Toole.
    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    $page = "Bank Statement";
      header('Location: index.php');
    $Pk = $_SESSION["Pk"];
    if(KeyCheckX($Pk)== 0)
      header('Location: index.php');
    $EndTime = KeyTestX($Pk, 0);
    if(isRoguebot($Browser) == 1)
    $_SESSION["K9"] =  isRobot($Browser);
    if($_SESSION["current_page"] <> $page && $_SESSION['Event_Log'] == "YES")
       // StoreData($page);
       // mailtoX($page,"Desmonds New Site.",""); 
    $_SESSION["current_page"] = $page;
    $filename = filename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    //$Update = date("D d-M-Y H:i", filectime($filename));
    $qBalance = GetBalance();
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($qBalance);
    $Date = $row['EntryDate'];
    $Value = $row['BalanceValue'];
    $stamp =  strtotime($Date);
    $StartDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,$stamp);
    $stamp = $stamp + (WEEKS * 5) + (DAYS * 1); 
    $EndDataDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,$stamp);
    //$QueryDate = date('d-M-Y' ,$stamp);
    $qGetAllData = GetAllData($Date);
    $curValue = $Value;
    $Cash = number_format(MonthlyTakings(CASH) , 2, ".", ",");
    $Shops = number_format(MonthlyTakings(SHOPS) , 2, ".", ",");
    $Online = number_format(MonthlyTakings(ONLINE) , 2, ".", ",");
    $Other = number_format(MonthlyTakings(OTHER) , 2, ".", ",");
    $Ebay = number_format(MonthlyTakings(EBAY) , 2, ".", ",");
    //$Totals = $Cash + $Shops + $Online + $Other;
    $Totals =  number_format($Cash + $Shops + $Online + $Other + $Ebay , 2, ".", ",");
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    <title>Bank Home</title>
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <META http-equiv="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/Library.css" type="text/css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/LibraryMenu.css" type="text/css">
    <div id="PageTitle">
    	<img src="images/LibraryBanner.jpg" alt="">
    <div id="PageContent">
        <form action="menu.php" method="post">
        <span style="color:blue;"><b>Est: 18-July-2015</b></span>
        <!-- <?=greeting() . "<br>Ends on 1 " . $EndTime?></h3> -->
        <h4><?= "Displayed data up to "  . $EndDataDate?><?="<br>Log on ends on " . $EndTime?>
        <a href="DeleteOldData.php"><span style="color:blue">Clear old data</span></a>
        <br>Last 30 days: 
        <a href="spend.php?ID=0">Total</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Totals?> </span>&nbsp; = &nbsp;&nbsp;
        <a href="spend.php?ID=12">Cash</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound<?=$Cash?></span>,&nbsp;
        <a href="spend.php?ID=10">Shopping</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound<?=$Shops?></span>,&nbsp;
        <a href="spend.php?ID=11">Online</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Online?></span>,&nbsp;
        <a href="spend.php?ID=15">Ebay</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Ebay?></span>,&nbsp;    
        <a href="spend.php?ID=1">Other</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">&pound;<?=$Other?></span>
        <a href="EntryDate.php">Entry Date</a> <span style="color:blue;text-decoration:none"></span>
        <div style="width:850px;padding:0px;float:left;">
            <div style="width:150px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Date</b>
            <div style="width:70px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Money In</b>
            <div style="width:70px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Money Out</b>
             <div style="width:70px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Balance</b>
           <div style="width:100px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Reason</b>
            <div style="width:250px;height:10px;padding:10px;float:left;"><b>Comment</b>
            <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;clear:both;"><a style="color:#ae22e2;" href="DataInput.php">* <?=$StartDate?></a>
            <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;">
            <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;">
            <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;">&pound;<?=number_format( $Value,2,'.',',')?>
            <div style="width:100px;height:4px;padding:10px;float:left;">
            <div style="width:250px;height:4px;padding:10px;float:left;">Brought forward
    		while($row = mysql_fetch_array($qGetAllData))
    			$stamp =  strtotime($row['EntryDate']);
    			$ViewDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,$stamp);
    			$CurDate = date('D d-M-Y' ,time());
    			$input = '&pound;' . $row['Input'];
    			if($row['Input'] == '0.00')
    				$input = "";
    			$out = '&pound;' . $row['Output'];
    			if($row['Output'] == '0.00')
    				$out = "";
    			$reason = GetReasonName($row['Reason']);
    			$colorSelect = ColourPicker($row['Reason'],$row['EntryDate']);
    			$AddDate = $row['AddDate'];
    			//echo $AddDate; /* 2022-12-20 14:17:00 */
    			$curValue = $Value + $row['Input'] - $row['Output'];
    			//$curValue = RestoreDecimal($curValue);
    			$DisplayCurValue = number_format( $curValue,2,'.',',');			
    			$Value = $curValue;
    			$Comment = $row['Comment'];
    			$Comment = str_replace("£","&pound;", $Comment);  //  $Comment, "£", "&pound;"
    			//$pos = strpos ($Comment, "pound");
    			/*if ($pos != false) 
    				echo $Comment;
    			$ID = TransposeKey($row['Tag']);
    			//$ID = $row['Tag'];
    			$x = "";
    			//if($CurDate == $ViewDate)
    			//   $x = "background-color:#cdcccc;";
    			// background-color:#6495ed;
    		if($colorSelect == "#777777") {
            <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><dfn title="Test"></dfn><?=$ViewDate?>
    	// ADD TOOL TIP $EntryDate
    	} else { ?>        
            <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;">
            <a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>" title=<?=$AddDate?>>
    	<?=$ViewDate?></a></div> /* 2022-12-20 Missing HH:MM:SS*/
    	<? } ?>
            <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>text-align:right;float:left;"><?=$input?>
            <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>text-align:right;float:left;"><?=$out?>
            <div style="width:70px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>text-align:right;float:left;">&pound;<?=$DisplayCurValue?>
            <div style="width:100px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>float:left;"><?=$reason?>
            <div style="width:250px;height:4px;padding:10px;color:<?=$colorSelect?>;<?=$x?>float:left;"><?=$Comment?>
            <div style="width:70px;height:1px;padding:10px;float:left;clear:both">&nbsp;</div>
        <div style="width:670px;height:50px;padding:0px;float:left;">
        <input class="MyButton"type="submit" name="direction" value="Main Menu">

    Sorry for the amount of code in the last one. I am not a profesional developer, I grew up with ASP and moved over to .NET but I love using PHP as lynux servers are better. Also the code may not be all to your liking. Just have a quick look and see if you can see anything obviouse. I am mainly interested in th DD and the HH:MM data. is it the space that is causing the problem. If so, I need to convert the $AddDate to DD_HH:MM.


  12. No I tried that and it does not work. What I mean by a tool tip is a microsoft tool tip that pops up as a rectangular box of text when the mouse is over it. A kind of help text. This is what I have used kicken's

    <a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>" title="The tooltip here"><?=$ViewDate?></a>

    This is a part of my website that has been up and running since July 2015. I just thought it would help me. This works fine. All I have added to the link is title="The tooltip here"

  13. Sorry I gave you the un-linked line. It shoud have been

    <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><a href="StatementEntry.php?ID=<?=$ID?>"><?=$ViewDate?></a></div>

    Had a look on line and tried

    <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><dfn title="Test"></dfn><?=$ViewDate?>

    That didn't work.

  14. Basic PHP not using oop or classes.

    I have a bank style sheet with columbs using a floating div structure

    <div>Date</div>div>Money In</div>div>Money Out</div>div>Balance</div>

            <div style="width:150px;height:4px;padding:10px;text-align:right;float:left;text-color:green;clear:both;"><?=$ViewDate?>
    	// ADD TOOL TIP $EntryDate

    $ViewDate is the result of a query and this is iterated through the result of the SQL query. If I could add a tool tip $EntryDate

  15. This is not done using a Unix  PC or software apps. No class usage.

    I have a php web page with columns. The firs one is a hyperlinked date. What I want is when I move the mouse over it, I get a tool tip showing the EntryDate field which is collected in the sql.

  16. This is driving me nuts now. I have viewed this web page in Chrome 83, IE8, FF78 and Opera (unknown) I get different view in chrome. The browsers don't follow the style sheet settings.


    I want a very thin barley visible border maybe light grey even. Nice if the input boxes have rounded sides. Seems they only become rounded when they have the focus. Again not following the style sheet settings.

    input[type="input"], input[type="password"], input[type="text"], textarea 
    	border-width: thin;
    	border-radius: 20px;
    input[type="input"]:focus, input[type="password"]:focus, input[type="text"]:focus, textarea:focus 
    	border-width: thick;
    	border-radius: 20px;


  17. This is still not working. I have put everything in a style sheet where it should be but this isn't working either


    input[type="input"], input[type="password"], input[type="text"], textarea 
    	border-width: thin;
    	border-radius: 20px;
    input[type="input"]:focus, input[type="password"]:focus, input[type="text"]:focus, textarea:focus 
    	border-width: thick;
    	border-radius: 20px;


  18. Hi. I had this website section running for years. Recently chrome has changed it's defaults giving my text inputs a harsh black border. IE firefox etc do not do this. I have had a play with the and cant get grey borders with rounded edges.



    <div><br><br>&nbsp;User name:<br></div>
    <div><span style="border-radius: 10px;border: 2px solid grey;"><input type="input" name="<?=$UserName?>" size="25" maxlength="20" value="Desmond"></span>&nbsp;<span style="color:red"><? echo $_SESSION["Error_1"]?></span></div>


    Any help on this. It is annoying when browsers mess around with defaults.


  19. Thanks this works. Also I managed to convert an excel to a comma seperated (CSV). The only problem was the date was always'0000-00-00'. Seems that when converting from .XLSX to .CSV it forgets the formatting of the date. It has to be re-trained. PHP MyAdmin has a CSV upload which works with an excel.CSV and I can format the date as 'YYYY-MM-DD'. This makes it much easier than turning it into a TXT file and copying it into the SQL text box.

    Thanks again both solutions work fine.

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