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About Karaethon

  • Birthday 11/08/1978

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Coding, Gaming, Girls

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  1. Ok, so I've been reading about regex and I think this is the fix... am I wayyyyyyy wrong? (\d{3})\.(\d?)(\w?)
  2. I really like this keyframes animation stuff, I even came up with, and coded, a heartbeat for my image on my page, is there a way to put in a delay between intervals so i can change the heart rate without having to adjust the percentages every time i adjust the cycle length?
  3. Oh Shoot. I just noticed I had a small typo, its ###.# or ###.#L. How does that change the regex? Ok, I used what you wrote and it does (almost) exactly what I want, the only error was (my fault completely) it did not capture the trailing 6 on a reference to 100.6 and it did not capture the trailing i on 100.4i. I bet its an easy fix if I grocked regex. But I don't (yet).
  4. Do they always start with a series of digits? If so, what is the minimum/maximum number of digits? Are the digits always followed by a period? Is the period always followed by a letter? If so, what are the valid letters and are they always lower case? Also, how is that reference supposed to be modified to a URL? I.e. what would the URL look like for your example of '105.f'? Ok... 1. Yes each section is three digits. 2. No, at present they are not but I could add the period if that would be required 3. Yes, if there is a subsection then that subsection is numbered as [section number].[subsection letter] 4(?) Each separate data piece is in a bootstrap collapse with an ID of "sectionNNN.L" or "sectionNNN" as appropriate. So I will be wrapping the reference in <span class="btn btn-link" data-target="section???" onclick=" showPage('section???')" data-parent=" #page">???</span> Specifically the data is the comprehensive rules text at magic.wizards.com/rules
  5. Thank you for your help. I ended up with this (which is a lot like what I just noticed you posted) I was able to drop the shifts to grey that I thought I would need for good color blending but didn't need after testing. body { width: 100%; height: 100%; animation: pulse 60s infinite; overflow-y:auto; } @keyframes pulse { 0% { background-color: #ffffff; } 10%{ color: #ff0000; } 20%{ background-color: #0000ff; } 30%{ color: #00ff00; } 40%{ background-color: #000000; } 50%{ color: #ffffff; } 60%{ background-color: #ff0000; } 70%{ color: #0000ff; } 80%{ background-color: #00ff00; } 90%{ color: #000000; } 100% { background-color: #ffffff; } }
  6. I have a DB of data: article-id, section-id, subsection-id, article-text. When a row is fetched I am displaying article, section, subsection as <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and then text in a <p>. Before outputting the text I want to scan it for other articles, sections, or subsections it may reference then turn that reference into a hyperlink. I read the PHP documentation but I can't find anything that translates to the basic commands of instring, indexof, and left/mid/right. Example: 1. Article Name 100. Article 1, section 1 100.a article 1, section 1, subsection a Text blah blah blah 105.f blah blah blah I want to find that 105.f and turn it into a link. All my articles, sections, and subsections are in the DB so I know I can use an array of the number values as my items to look for, but I can't figure out how to look.
  7. Oh. I can do it in css? Everything I need to do? I saw how it was alternating between two colors but can I randomly alternative between grey and one of the 5 colors? Great site, but now my headache got worse....
  8. In general if I know how to do something I want to do I can code it in a language I'm less than fluent in, if I am fluent in a language I can figure out how to code something I want to do but don't know very well how to do it, but this time I have almost no clue how to do what I want to do and very limited fluency in JS. I want a script that will slowly fade from one color (red, green, blue, white, black) to a neutral color (grey) and then fade into one of the randomly selected other 4 colors. Then repeat. Forever. So like Rd>gy>wt>bu>gy>bk etc. I have no clue what to do, if you can help I will be grateful for all time. Oh, and I need to make sure the text color is always contrasting so it can be read, so I need to adjust that too?
  9. That is a fundamental difference in the abilities of the programmer. Some people can program well in a language but cannot think outside the box of their language, then there are those who can program INTO a language and do things that otherwise could not be done in that language. As an example (a poor one maybe) I have a Texas Instruments TI-NSpire CX CAS calculator, the TI-Basic has no class or includes capabilities so I took the time to write wrappers that allow me to mimic these abilities in the calculator. Thinking outside the box is what separates the programmer from the person who just plays around.
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