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Everything posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. hi guys i am extending the zend_db_table class to make it work with a clustered db system. in the child class i would like to overide a method yet preserv the parents method proceedure. i owuld like to log stuff in update yet call the parents update method. is this possible ? how do you call a parents method ??? parent::blah blah i dont know any ideas ??? thanks guys
  2. a view panel set up to take stuff into its parts detailsPanel = { xtype: 'panel', id: 'details-panel', region: 'center', layout: 'card', margins: '2 5 5 2', activeItem: 0, items: [{ xtype: 'panel', id: 'default', html: '<p class="details-info">For Support please call <br><b>01189 881 270</b></p>' }] }; // Finally, build the main layout once all the pieces are ready. This is also a good // example of putting together a full-screen BorderLayout within a Viewport. new Ext.Viewport({ layout: 'border', title: 'Ext Layout Browser', autoScroll:true, items: [{ xtype: 'box', region: 'north', applyTo: 'header', height: 35 },{ layout: 'border', id: 'layout-browser', region:'west', border: false, split:true, margins: '2 0 5 5', width: 174, minSize: 100, maxSize: 500, items: [accordianPanel, detailsPanel] }, contentpanel ], renderTo: Ext.getBody() }); }); a part of a php array that builds the menu when it is fed in as JSON via ajax $m++; $json[$i]['children'][$m]['text'] = "Mannage Events"; $json[$i]['children'][$m]['help_id'] = "manageevents"; $json[$i]['children'][$m]['leaf'] = "true"; $json[$i]['children'][$m]['link'] = "http://www3.isrighthere.net/registrar/index/manageevents"; $json[$i]['children'][$m]['content_id'] = "myGridManageEvents"; $json[$i]['children'][$m]['priority'] = "1"; when you click a menu item the javascript looks at the menu js that was created via JSON AJAX from teh server php menu array, it uses the id's inside the array to either download and insert the data into the viewports parts or re-enable them eg set active again if they have already been downloaded. it does tehsame with the main cointent and the help content, the help content causes teh issue. // Assign the changeLayout function to be called on tree node click. treePanel.on('click', function(n){ var sn = this.selModel.selNode || {}; if(n.leaf && n.id != sn.id){ if(n.attributes.logout == "true"){ window.location = n.attributes.link; } else if(Ext.getCmp(n.attributes.content_id)){ Ext.getCmp('contentpanel').layout.setActiveItem(Ext.getCmp(n.attributes.content_id)); if(Ext.getCmp(n.attributes.help_id)){ Ext.getCmp('details-panel').layout.setActiveItem(Ext.getCmp(n.attributes.help_id)); } } else{ Ext.getCmp('contentpanel').getEl().mask('Loading...'); Ext.Ajax.request({ url: n.attributes.link, success: function(result, request){ eval(result.responseText); Ext.getCmp('contentpanel').getEl().unmask(); } }); } } }); this is how the help content is added whenm the javascript is AJAXED via the view and EVALED() when you click a menu item in the tree this is done once and afte rthat it only needs activation content = Ext.getCmp('details-panel'); if(!Ext.getCmp('eventsRegistrarHelpPanel')){ eventsRegistrarHelpPanel = new Ext.Panel({ id: 'eventsRegistrarHelpPanel', html: '{$help}' }); content.add(eventsRegistrarHelpPanel); content.doLayout(); content.layout.setActiveItem(Ext.getCmp('eventsRegistrarHelpPanel')); } else{ content.layout.setActiveItem(Ext.getCmp('eventsRegistrarHelpPanel')); } this is how the main content is added whenm the javascript is AJAXED via the view and EVALED() when you click a menu item in the tree this is done once and afte rthat it only needs activation //var content; var content = Ext.getCmp('contentpanel'); content.add(Ext.getCmp('myGridEventsRegistrar')); content.doLayout(); content.layout.setActiveItem(Ext.getCmp('myGridEventsRegistrar')); i appreciate any help
  3. i do care for respect you guys are all nice people, but i can feel it when you guys are being unconciously racist
  4. you do my work for me ?? ahahaha oh yeh, i bet you held my hand at uni and wiped my ass too might aswell. i cant belive you said that to me, tell me 1 peice of work you have ever done for me ? or anyone here ?? you better take that shitty comment back
  5. i dont seek any respect from you guys only what you give without me asking for it, i dont care what you think my skill level or intelctual level is. I come here to comune with fellow developers quickly. i have a balance between work and play, i dont think you guys do. you all make spelling mistakes and type silly, just less often than me, i get thrills from typing incorrect because when i was a kid my brother whos quite strict used to beat me up when i failed my spelling tests and stuff like that. when i was a kid i used to get buillied i dont get a job as easily as you guys because most of you have family or bloodlines who hold the wealth. you guys are preffered choice, you know who im talking about. living in your big houses driving ur big cars with ur 20 kids, telling me that im a monkey seriously its just a forum who cares ? i got respect for you guys until you start ganging up with ur racist fits jkdsjfdsjjjdja;jdfajfdjs jio ahhhhhhh.....
  6. i have learned loaaaaaaaaaaaaaads from the people on here, i have alot of respct for all of you
  7. the company i work for now is fast paced, they need modules and features develped on demand for there staff, i have high blood pressure im only 24, when i come to this site to post for help i know what i am doing i am working 100 miles per hour too find soloutions, and i post here on the way to that solution, that means to post qucik and not waste time, after all there are 100,000 of languages on earth. i can speak urdu, punjabi, hindi, putuhari, english is my first language. the point is humans can comunicate just with a wink, a few marks on a paper can do alot, you dont need to spell correctly as people dont read the whole word.
  8. i put it just before session start in bootstrap and my app died with no error ???
  9. im using extjs when i do some stuff i get Permission denied to access property 'dom' from a non-chrome context in firefox 3.5 not in ie everything works fine thogh any ideas ??? thanks
  10. no im saying that progress is good, we wouldent get anywhere if we cut each blade of grass one by one or noit picked at things, i dont bother too much with detail unless the whole body has been perfected from outside in, one day before im about to die il come back to these databases and do a spell check.
  11. i have like a few cuzons with phd's but most of them took like a few years however this guy made some sort of lazer for his thesis so he must be high up, i am proud of him. lol, he worked in that reactor thingy the realy long one where they break teh atoms. now hes moved to austrailia
  12. i lost that job cos of resession, now im on biggere and better things lol but i appreciate what i done there at that primative role
  13. hi guys im using zend_auth in zend framework, i log in and after like 20 mins or 15 of inactivity my session dies out and my app has a fit. is there nay ways of making the session that zend_auth itself uses longer or even handle its runnign out ???. zend_auth is a singleton and is instantiated and then got only once in teh bootstrap and is available everywhere just by getting its instance thanks guys $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); // this is a standard session $myNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('myNamespace'); // zend auth uses its own session $auth->getStorage()->write($user_row); // i can take it from zend auths session and put it into a standard session $myNamespace->user_group = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->group;
  14. fat chicks are good, when i went to amsterdam thats another story
  15. i had a girlfreind a few weeks ago she said shel be my girlfrind again next sat dnt worry plenty more ish, anyways i have 2 pc's i am gona purchase some motors and some serial cables, iv done all that in uni rs323 and ada c c+= java and that can somone put me on the right track i have a project for wich i would like to build a robot for a purpose eg manufacture and il probs sell it off. i would liek to do a learning proj any help guys ?
  16. yes i totaly agree a degree is for knowing and doing and a phd is for contributing to the science of the art itself
  17. lol im joking hahahahaha who the hell would do a phd in css
  18. lol yes i started stdying css and html at college 3 years at college and then 3 years at uni now we dont even hardly use html its all json xml js
  19. Can I have a copy of your thesis? I'd like to know what your research has shown. im just sayin a degree is cool and a phd is cooler my cuz is a phd in physics but he finished uni when he was 35 ???? my motto: a man needs a trade that he can ply but life is for living, i done 3 years dedicated i got a first class in network computer science, if your gonna do a phd you migth aswell join the army.
  20. that was ages ago lol, i rember when hyper threading was considdered awsome or even dual core My main machine at home is only a P4 2.4GHz - I only ever use it for web development and playing CounterStrike: Source. Don't need anything faster than that for what I use it for. All other games I play on the 360, PS3 or Wii. see thats exactly how i am i use my pc's for work and use a dedicated console for play
  21. you need to get a PHD in css and html like me i also got a phd in javascript lol
  22. that was ages ago lol, i rember when hyper threading was considdered awsome or even dual core
  23. thanks for clearing it up for me too i wasent that far off.
  24. i enjoy things but they make me tired
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