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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. your includes will eithe rneed to be coppied over to teh https directory or fully linked, depends how you do it there are some smart ways of doing it, but if your on a shared host then its simply 2 directories.

  2. well it obviously has to be on the server for you to interact with the file using your mysql server and you have to specify where it is on your server


    That probably means that the user "mobile" doesn't have enough the privilege to utilize the LOAD DATA INFILE syntax. Check the privileges on said user.



  3. Yes, this is the error:

    Access denied for user 'mobiles'@'localhost' (using password: YES)





    You have to use mysql_connect() to open a connection with the MySQL server associated with your site. Then, you have to use mysql_select_db() to select a database with which you'd like to interact.


    Both of these must be used before you attempt to execute any MySQL queries.


    Edit: I see that you actually have already implemented these two functions. So, the problem, clearly, is that your username and password credentials are collectively invalid.


    maybe he still dosent have any access if he hasent thoght about connect if this is a shared server he defo hasent thoght about adding users to the db.

  4. evaluate your emails chekc how many url's they have in them how many of wotever you notic ein the most spams, now when teh count gets to a certain amount lets say security level 5 email it to yourself butdont email it to teh recipient otherwise emeail to teh recipient and yourself, that is how spam assasin does it.


    when you find a new trennd add it to your lookups,


    make sure you check the CC and BCC etc etc for scriupt tags and code


    Did you read any of the thread?



    he said hes making a site so he can code in fuzzy logic like i sugested, he can use that to filter forum posts aswell as emails.

  5. basicaly i have 2 servers that need to communicate sensitive data, the first server fopens and freads a web service on the other or basicaly a url to an mvc


    server2.getarray outputs a serialised representation of an array produced by serialize(ini_parse(myini)).


    server1.retrivedArray = unserialize(fopen fread http://server2/api/systeminifile/getarray)




    i would liketo authenticate myself when requesting data from




    i would like to do it throgh the url IF IT IS POSSIBLE


    i dont whant anyone to be able to go to http://server2/api/systeminifile/getarray and see the serialized data


    i was thinking that it may be used in ajax calls but actualy if its only used in PHP the user will never see the URL with teh password appended to it. So in fact it may be ok to just pass a password on teh url.

  6. evaluate your emails chekc how many url's they have in them how many of wotever you notic ein the most spams, now when teh count gets to a certain amount lets say security level 5 email it to yourself butdont email it to teh recipient otherwise emeail to teh recipient and yourself, that is how spam assasin does it.


    when you find a new trennd add it to your lookups,


    make sure you check the CC and BCC etc etc for scriupt tags and code


    Did you read any of the thread?


    some of it yes

  7. function onmouseover(){
          newdiv.id = 'thepopup';
         newdiv.style = 'position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 40%;';
          type: "POST",
          url: "getmypopupcontent.php",
          data: "name=John&location=Boston",
          success: function(msg){
           newdiv.innerHTML = msg;
    function closebox(){

  8. function onmouseover(){
          newdiv.id = 'thepopup';
         newdiv.style = 'position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 40%;';
          type: "POST",
          url: "getmypopupcontent.php",
          data: "name=John&location=Boston",
          success: function(msg){
           newdiv.innerHTML = msg;
    function closebox(){

  9. you have an array so just do this


    echo json_encode($yourArray);

    exit; // or woteva



    then in your js do the ajax to get it if you have a framework it will be easy




       type: "POST",
       url: "getmyarray.php",
       data: "name=John&location=Boston",
       success: function(msg){
         myArray = eval(msg);
         // or

  10. No need to convert it to jpg. Digitised sound is after all a sequence of numbers. All you need to do is to compare how 'similar' are two arrays[1]. Still, this is not a job for PHP. You can use PHP as a 'middle-ground' software between web page, and external application written for example in C/C++, but doing it all in PHP would probably be too slow.



    [1] Recommended topic to Google/read: digital signal analysis


    wow that opens up alot of doors now you explained it thanks

  11. evaluate your emails chekc how many url's they have in them how many of wotever you notic ein the most spams, now when teh count gets to a certain amount lets say security level 5 email it to yourself butdont email it to teh recipient otherwise emeail to teh recipient and yourself, that is how spam assasin does it.


    when you find a new trennd add it to your lookups,


    make sure you check the CC and BCC etc etc for scriupt tags and code

  12. an easier and more efficent way to ensure its unique is by using the time and date function in the hashing... like so:


    $key = md5(rand(1,10000).time().date('l jS F Y h:i:s A'))


    OR, even better:

    if you use session vars and have session_start at the top of the page, you can ensure the string is unique by using the unique session id...like this:


    $key = md5(session_id());



    yes the old time() concat trick nice

  13. you need to output it as JSON there are php classes and functions you can get that convert arrays into JSON and then you can simply assign them toi a variable in javascript and access them as person[0].arm





    do an AJAX call to get the JSON from teh PHP file



    if your PHP array is a result from a sql query then you need to convert it to an array first i think you can use toArray or somthing .



    or you can output all teh plans as a javascript variable array before the scripot is written using php and then just check against that array .

  14. ahahahahaha i tried this about 3 years ago, basicaly you need to get all teh right tools and things.


    what i did was put a letter of sound into a dataabse and then use a sound concatinator to past them together depending on what is written in teh text box. It is NOT GOOD ENOGH haha if it was that easy dont you think everyone would have it. You can buy algorithms or find free ones im sure.

    I'm afraid PHP is not well suited for that, for several reasons.

    1. It runs on server, so it has no access to any hardware on client's computer.

    2. It's an interpreted language which means it's relatively slow for sophisticated calculations.


    I think you could do something like this

    1. Use flash application to record the sound and send to server

    2. On the server PHP calls external voice recogniton application and parses it results

    3. The result is send back to flash application and displayed to user.


    sounds good

  15. ahahahahaha i tried this about 3 years ago, basicaly you need to get all teh right tools and things.


    what i did was put a letter of sound into a dataabse and then use a sound concatinator to past them together depending on what is written in teh text box. It is NOT GOOD ENOGH haha if it was that easy dont you think everyone would have it. You can buy algorithms or find free ones im sure.


    my aplication could say: a sleep(5) b sleep(5) a sleep(5) c sleep(5) u sleep(5) s

  16. my bad... so any suggestions? A friend told me i need to convert the whole php file into a string in another file. Its still unclear for me....


    you dont understand client server communications or you dont know the difference between php and javascript html, basicaly you create javascript and html using php on the server and then that is what the user see's because the result is what gets sent. So if you dont undertsand that it will be dificult for you to create a pdf.

  17. As nadeemshafi9 has pointed out, the correct headers will probably fix your problem


    Or you could always create a real Excel file using a library such as PHPExcel, rather than a tab-separated file.


    is this available on a UNIX platform ? looks like it can, its third party anywyas i remember using the php or PEAR version and it waas restricted to platforms with COM installed wheras this one uses open XML am i right ?

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