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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. What ssh command are you trying to use?  There may a command-line option to it that allows you to pass the password right to it.  Besides that, it might be a little tricky to pass information back and forth to the command.  There may be some way to implement some sort of rsh-like functionality via SSH which would allow you to run commands remotely provided that permissions are all set correctly.


    what like do the command on the local-remote which exectues it on the remote-remote ? sounds good

  2. 1. i would do somthing like if you get the password wrong more than 10 times in one day you get blocked for 24 hours, thats the bets you can do without thinking too hard and too long.


    2. check how many times they failed before login and how long they took before retyping the password and either block or track depending on these metrics using a fuzzy logic algo



    a human can not fill in a password and username and submit it once ever second 20 times unless his brain is connected to teh pc

  3. i wrote my own for 2 years then used a 3rd party applicatioins drupal joomla, they have very nice concepts of coding, then i started using frameworks, the power is in the frameworks such as zend and the javascript frameowoks to produce a developable emnvironment like joomla drupal.

  4. Thread "solved." I'll post new questions later. I wouldn't want to read this thread anymore after he typed all that smut.


    what are you talking about ? are u a mental case ?


    you asked a question i gave you 2 answers


    1. stop trying to use old methods and skip developing on them it will save you time and you will develoop more richer apps


    2. stop concentrating on issues in the feild of paging and ordering grids that are prety simple, rather concentrate on teh problem area wich is paging, i would appreciate a nice neat algo for that.


    hope that helps

  5. i read the first post, i asumed you would have highlighted your issues there, i just offered you some solutions. If you dont like me for no apparent reason then i will leave, this is a silly thread anyways, you have too much time on your hands what are you a millionaire ?


    The first version i ever used in my career was str8 off a thread on this site,


    my issue wasent teh sorting that was way easy.


    the issue is teh paging in pure html and php.


    I've worked with ExtJS before. Pretty nice stuff. I researched it for my last coop job.



    I'd really like to figure out a way to do it with straight HTML and PHP in case I have any users that have JavaScript disabled.


    there isnt much you cna do with javascripot disabled you should stop worrying about that, anywyas


    you send the variables to the script with the url eg direction and ordercolumn and you basicaly perform the sql lookup based on them whats so hard ?

  7. http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/grid/array-grid.html




    you can add a paging toolabr and compleetly remove the panel and just use the grid, the system works on a data.store it can be xml json or a js array. You can connect a search bar to it, what it basicaly does is, when you search in teh bar or click next on teh paging bar it sends the variables throgh the store defined autoload URL which then returns the resul again and then you reload the grid. MAGIC, you can have remote or local search or paging.

  8. hi guys


    i have a file its 5600 lines long and basicaly its pure javascript and basicaly javascript objects are defined like this









    in firefox this works








    in ie that will crash it because ie expects a string or int after that last comma.


    so i need to find this in a 5600 line long file, prob is there may be multiple new lines before the }


    i am using notepad ++ and its search using regex im not sure what version it implenents but i would like some help with teh regex please


    this is what i got so far




    i assume $ is a newline i think


    thanks guys

  9. i have users and i haver admin


    many admin define a package consisting of items and then give this to there users


    users come along and and use the default package or may be restricted to using it


    or maybe they can modify it


    ISSUE: if they modify it i dont want to create a new package because the load on the admin will become too much.


    ISSUE: if they modify it and then decide they woudl like to revert to the default package this needs to be accounted for.



    any sugestions ?



  10. .*+ match 0 or more times and give nothing back

    I am not getting anything..what the use of # here..can you write the full regex...



    basicaly im not sure what teh diferrence between / and  #, but you need to start and end with one or the other.




    i am a begginnner with regex, ibv been on about it for ages but only recently implamented it

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