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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. in my opiion there are more than double the ammounts of php sites compared to any other servers side scripting language


    Dude, that doesn't even make sense. In your opinion there are more? Either there is or there isn't - opinion is irrelevant.


    how can that not make sense everything that is not acuratley countable must be judged on oppinion, and as i said i know that asp is solid and i have changed my mind after rreading you guys and basicaly im gona start learnign it, i think teh major favtor ws that the firts time i picked it up it was too vast for me to take in. Now that i have PEAR and JQuery under my belt i think i can take them over , i am happy with event based programmming with Jquery and i am happt with PEAR library website and php website is just a doddle now so on to bigger and better then hein ? setting up ftp and mail on windows seems to be a doddle too, its all commign to light, but i knwo  money is going to be involved somtime soon.

  2. I have plenty of graphic artists supplying me with work programming for them. :D


    yes i know they are more than scripting languages thanks for bringing that back to light, im actualy starting to learn it, i have been invited to a free course and my next job may well be asp.net c sharp developer obviously i will be new but i will learn quick

  3. IIS active directory was just too much to handle for me as i was learning all tghe open source and c c++ java php linux etc etc, what happened was the setting up of ISS was easy at home but we missed out on active directory so it just became something i despised because i didnt know it.


    Its about experience without any experience you cant make a portfolio without a porfolio you cant get real jobs without real jobs you cant get a job, i am a full time windows user, but i cant get my head around the permissions on windows files, i am aware they are ahead of unix files


    excuses excuses hein i will have to get in gear



    let me eat this cheddar and chutney wrap and think about setting up my express studio at home and taking the free training, but the thing is even bloody express runs slow on my amd 64 2.4 1.5gig

  4. its not teh concepts i have such a problem with, i am comfortable with C++ and java , its not, its the servers themselves i had issues with when at uni, maybe it will be easy now that im more comfortable with language diversity and library manual's, as i said it takes time to make portofolios and i will have to do so in order to get the .net job

  5. It's obvious you've never tried .NET. Your ignorance on the subject speaks volumes.


    Does .NET make things easier for the programmer because of its large library of code? Of course. But how is that different than using PEAR? Or even one of the many PHP frameworks? Even C++ has its own standard library.


    Yes, the Visual Studio IDE has a design view. How is that any different than using something like Dreamweaver? One could easily say that it's also like using a paint program, given that you can drag and drop elements right onto the screen. And I haven't had many troubles with the free version of Visual Web Developer. It does hang occasionally, when first loading a project or opening a database table, but 90% of the time it's just as fast as Notepad++. And I don't have a super computer.


    And, have you actually tried C#? It sounds like you haven't.


    .NET is plenty stable. Take a look here: http://www.ektron.com/customers/ Ektron is a local company that created a very flexible CMS in .NET/C#. I think that both the quantity and quality of their customers show that .NET is a viable solution.


    So, yeah...you don't know what you're talking about.


    i have tried C# for 1 month as portfolio programs before i found my first job in php. I havent touched on the intricacies of C#, i was a keen ASP vb developer.


    I know i am ignorant towards MS at this moment in time, and i admit it, i am looking to change its just giona take sooooo long to get applications made and up and running to even come close to get a job in it. I am working as a php developer now full time so i will have make applications in .net in my spare time just to prove my worth.


    I was gona go to one of there free tutorials teh otehr day 18 hours but i just dont have the time, until i get some .NET under my belt i wont be able to appreciate it.


    I did like the way they have done it but its sooooo alien and it was quite new back then the new concepts they were forcing on web developers, the NEW ASP.NET C# was a lot different from 2005 versions due to its user handling xml config etc, it was abit tooo much for me to take in back then, ok i admit i am being one sided, it has just become more and more alien as my platforms get Linux and Mac, i just cant bring myself to work at home on my windows machine.


    i don't know why but custom controls don't even come into the picture for me, they make me mad, they are not on othyer platforms so why there ? we already have enough trouble making the bloody platforms computability.


    i have downloaded express and am gonna try some stuff again.


    The only thing i have been using PEAR and its manual which is comparable to .NET and its manual, so maybe becaus ei have experience with PEAR now i can go to .NET ??? maybe and have no issues this time around.


    i mean i do have a msn login for home and alot of things now my work is gona get tied into it aswell via the msdn????

  6. MVC model view controler





    you have a model = the way your app is gona talk to the DB


    view is teh html and that


    controler is when you post back to teh page or get post etc using javascript, javascript then further complexfies it as it is a controller and view manipulator which you have to accept to be all in one. so if i click submit what happens next is called the controller.


    javascript you use to manipulate your view which has been outputted


    it uses the controller wich is activated when you press something


    the controller uses the model to access the DB or whatever functions etc classes


    all of these things can be functions classes or whatever and use javascript or wotever wich further compolexifies it lol


    MVC is for system programs we carry it forward as it eases web app complexity.


    Web apps are more complex then system apps

  7. i create model clases for interacting with each table of teh db


    include config include required classes, include functions, instantiate


    all my controlling is then done at the top of each page for postbacks


    include js


    and all the view is at the bottom


    you can have separate views as view.inc.php files and separate controller pages that using js switch views in the above pages called adaptors with included view pages when using AJAX, you need to create your own concept.

  8. Tell me what you are looking for in the message header, body or both, (IE: FROM: ?, RETURN PATH, FILETYPE=*.pdf)? Tell me the MTA type (IE: Dovecot, or other) so I know what it supports, or if it's an onle service tell me that services name! After I will give you example that does this server side, instead of reading every message header!



    i just put a custom header in the email header it is user-id


    Content-Type: multipart/mixed;


    MIME-Version: 1.0

    User-Id: 1

    Message-Id: <20090213114137.7473C34C55F@sternhammer.local>

    Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 11:41:36 +0000 (GMT)


    i just need to get these emails that contains the users id so i can show him his bounces

  9. i don't like MS developers... they get paid far too much, peopel i have noticed have recent fluxed in teh market and have stopped ASP.net developers c sharp or vb in teh market and gone back to PHP iv noticed this i keep up to date on teh jobs.


    Peopel are realizing that .net for eb development is not stable or feasible, flexible or profitable. The IDE's are extremely slow unless you have a super computer, the manuals are cluttered and hard to understand with few examples. it only really themselves that understand there concepts of evolutionary high level concepts.


    The future of computing is here on the server and the client , so lets keep it simple boys and girls.


    I cant begin to tell you the issues on MS servers and clients its a joke, its passed its sell by date, MS machines are toys they are not for serious use or critical use.


    I dont mind creating a robot on MS as it would be easy and teh platform is well advanced for the concepts etc, but critical no it will fail you and you will suffer .


    I belive in Unix , Unix is the power, even DOS is based on Unix, unix was liek a secret experiment, now we all have it its free, you should be greatfull.

  10. im sure any qualified person here can pick up any language and a manual and jump str8 in. Once you know all the ways and how computers communicate, you can then use all of this, Driver technology , serial USB communications storage wired communications, encryption, memory management memory itself CPU process management algorithms red robin, server technology and client server comm, networking in general and iner networking principles and protocols. there is so much you will get it all in university. Programming is just a way of sequencing events to make different technologies work together, you cant just know PHP you must at least know javascript html xml Linux features etc some basic C and SQL and much more deeper issues to create an application that's actually worth anything.


    These wont come appaarent to you as soon as you leave university, but after you have worked intesivley for a year or two your true personality comes out.


    The older people are the smarter in capacity they get, once you get the ball rolling you will keep on advancing and keeping up with the tech.

  11. ms developers are not as smart as php developers they work on the top of the underlying code so its like drawing on MS paint, those apps have there place, one you know the swings you can use any language its not about language its about principles programming prinicples, you learn them and you will be able to do anything , programming principles and concepts and principles and concepts reguarding management of production etc.

  12. I recommend a good course in Media in college to enhance your creativity, computer science networking ect. in university will give you mathematics computing history and programming skills and the knowledge of the underlying technology so you can program and know what your doing with your code. You will also learn design techniques and production management for software.

  13. Hi guys


    I am reading mailbox to try and capture bounce backs exactly after the mails have been sent using an ajaxian set timeout, now the synchronization is bad as it takes long for the mail to be retrieved, is there a faster way of doing it. My current method is as follows and it takes up to 5 or 10 seconds which isn't good enough to look real time:


    $mbox = imap_open("{mail.x.com:995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX", "nadeem.shafi@x.com", "x");
    echo "<h1>Mailboxes</h1>\n";
    $folders = imap_listmailbox($mbox, "{imap.mail.x.com:143}", "*");
    if ($folders == false) {
    	echo "Call failed<br />\n";
    } else {
    	foreach ($folders as $val) {
    		echo $val . "<br />\n";
    echo "<h1>Headers in INBOX</h1>\n";
    $headers = imap_headers($mbox);
    if ($headers == false) {
    	echo "Call failed<br />\n";
    } else {
    	foreach ($headers as $val) {
    		echo $val . "<br />\n";


    And is there a way to get only mails based on a custom header straight off the server instead of getting them all and then filtering.



  14. You can send custom headers in the Mail_Mime, whereas the Mail factory only lets you modify existing headers even though mime has the functionality of moding existing headers it dosent seem to work off the shelf.


                   // Extra headers
    	$extra_headers['User-Id'] = $this_auth->user_id;
    	// Headers 
    	$headers = $this_mail_mime->headers($extra_headers, true);

  15. Hello


    I am sending mail with pear and seting my return-path wich works fine. I now need to send custom headers but before is start can somne tell me what the -F in teh following heder means.


    // Send
    $this_mail = Mail::factory("mail", array( 'Return-Path' => '-f ' . 'nadeem.shafi@x.com, michael@x.com' ) );




    is it ok to send custom headers like this ?



    // Send
    $this_mail = Mail::factory("mail", array( 'Return-Path' => '-f ' . 'nadeem.shafi@x.com, michael@x.com', 'User-Id' => '3' ) );


  16. You can do everything you described with Drupal. Modules already exist to do some of the things you mentioned. However, you will need to learn how to interact with Drupal. It's all PHP based, but that doesn't mean that you can do it because you know PHP - quite the opposite really. You need to learn how the Drupal hooks and APIs work, what folders to put your work into, and what to name your files etc.


    That being said, if you already have a pretty good handle on PHP, and you can wrap your head around the Drupal concept, it's extremely easy to work with to do what you want.


    This book is really good for learning Drupal module development strategies: http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Drupal-Module-Development-practical/dp/1847194443/ref=pd_bbs_sr_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1234343817&sr=8-5


    she said she is new to PHP, that will be a leap to back engineer an application and its conceopts, you will have to be resilient.

  17. basicaly i advise you to start from scratch, we dont whant to waste each others time.


    this is what you do


    read the names of all the directories into an array, if you want select directories then only specify them


    then for each directory name in that array {


      rewind directory handle


       using the directory name read all the files names into an array 


       for each file in the array {


              get the file using its name in this array

              rename the file how you like







    here is the manual



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