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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. if the path is right then the permissions are wrong, more than likely the path is wrong, i am sure its wrong





    that does sound wrong, do some reading man, make it work proper, otherwise your just asking for the entire solution you might aswell give us the job.

  2. Good idea! What's going on


    i dont get it ? lol


    You're not the only one...



    Can I ask why you are storing emails in a separate table?  There should be an easier way that's also more efficient.


    ahhh efficiency something im learning about in the world of SQL, only done 4 units on SQL thats spread over 2 years 1 hour a week, i got 31 out of 31 but i cheated on the last one which was a massive query i emailed myself the answer ahahahahahaha and then looked at it on the pc i was doing my test on bwhgahahahaha. i dint do 3 years of hard work to get 30 out of 31

  3. var http = create_request_object();


    function create_request_object() {

    if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {

    // client use Firefox, Opera etc - Non Microsoft product

    try {

    MyHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();


    catch(e) {

    MyHttpRequest = false;



    else if(window.ActiveXObject) {

    // client use Internet Explorer

    try {

    MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");


    catch(e) {


    MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");



    MyHttpRequest = false;





    MyHttpRequest = false;


    if(!MyHttpRequest) {

    alert("cant create activex htttp request object");


    return MyHttpRequest;





    function get_array() { 

    http.open("get", "script_to_get_array.php");

    http.onreadystatechange = set_array;




    function set_array() {

    if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200){

    var response = http.responseText;

    if(response) {

    the_array = eval(response);





    thge script to get array




    echo "[";

          //you can get these from teh db

      echo "['a', 'a.php'],";

      echo "['b', 'b.php'],";

      echo "['c', 'c.php'],";

      echo "['d', 'd.php'],";

      echo "['e', 'e.php'],";

      echo "['f', 'f.php']";


    echo "];";



  4. you need to specify if the image is inline or attachment plus you need the content type of the image, if you just want to show the image inside your html then you must link it to the existing image ion your server eg, <img src='servername/imeages/imagename.jpg'> this will be easiest.


    you can not send an image in an email without inserting it into the header, if u just want to show the email then you should link to the remote server where the image is, you dont send images as attachments man unless u have to.

  5. Thanks The Little Guy...but that is precisely the way I am doing it now.  In order to process the button selected the "form" which has the button must be POSTed to the PHP script that determines the action to take. 


    But...such button processing is really not what forms were created to be.   I might have a page for example which has no form on it at all...well at least no visible data entry form.  But it has some buttons on the page encased in form HTML.  And when a user clicks on a button...the name of the button pressed is sent to the PHP script in the POST global variable. 


    That just seems a bit clutzy and a workaround to there being no way to detect a button press other than to have that button inside a form.  At least no way that I know of. 


    In regular computer programs written in C for example one has buttons, events, and can connect those events to buttons such that when a particular button is pressed it sets off the event code associated with that button.  There is no encasing the button in an HTML form to figure out which button was pressed. 


    I am just wondering if there is some way to similarly work with buttons using PHP and HTML such that I don't have to fiddle with form processing to determine which button was pressed. 


    Maybe PHP is not a good language to use.  I don't know. 


    I am trying to create a web application that runs in a browser and using PHP as my coding language.  Maybe I need to use a different language that can interact with a browser to create an application. 


    Any suggestions? 


    I mean PHP is good as far as it goes but it's too tied to the limits of HTML it seems to me.




    My friend you are showing lack of knowledge in client server communications, php is not the language that can take JavaScript place, java script is not uni formal, but as an app developer you must create uniformity that is your job no one else that's why you code. you may use java script to create an application on the clients side out of client side components, these can then each be linked to functions that call server side scripts this is called AJAX, an application without ajax is considered out of date as it reflects the feel of a static application. If you use java script to fire functionality in order to fire server side functionality and take results to uopdate teh views then your application is a real application otherwise you are making doodles.

  6. you can force download a compiled program onto the users computer but then u need to know how to write a compiled program in one of the many languages or even visual studio express which is free, you will however be platform specific , you will need to send a request using your program and then see what process blocks it then you have the firewalls process name, in theory., you can then send a http request to your server telling it.

  7. how would istore it as timestamp 14??   im storing it as varchar

    go into phpmyadmin click the table name into structure view and edit the field and change it to timestamp then in the limitations section type 14, you can now insert it throgh your SQL as



    $dob = "000000".$birthday.$birthmonth.$birthyear;

  8. ok so if i have the following form and the values already filled in

      <input type="text" name="year" value="string" />
      <input type="text" name="month" value="string" />
      <input type="text" name="day"" value="string" />
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />

    then echo out your $dob when you submited the form

    it would give you

    echo $dob;//gives string-string-string


    why not do something like this


    if(checkdate($_POST['month'],$_POST['day'], $_POST['year'])){
      $dob = $birthyear.'-'.$birthmonth.'-'.$birthday;
      //not a valid input action


    i had alot of issues with this you dont need to add the dashes when its going in, i work with mysql 4 and 5 so i had a major issue because mysql 4 dosent store it with dashes.

  9. ok guys so would i just do


    $birthyear =  mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['year']);

    $birthmonth =  mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['month']);

    $birthday =  mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['day']);

    $dob = $birthday.'-'.$birthmonth.'-'.$birthyear;


    and store it like that?


    you need the h,s,m ,


    $dob = "000000".$birthday.$birthmonth.$birthyear;


    mysql 5 will add teh dashes for you

  10. i don't use make time, i put it together into a timestamps knowing the order of a timestamps then i insert it into the database, if you have mysql 4 it will automatically put - in for you.


    if($users_expires_day && $users_expires_month && $users_expires_year) $this_users->users_expires = mktime($h, $m, $s, $users_expires_month, $users_expires_day, $users_expires_year);


    ok i lied i do use maketime, somtimes


    $this_users->users_expires is now a timestamp, if you insert it into mysql 5 it will add the dashes and colons etc so on re reading it from teh databse you will need to work with these, ereg replace them dashes and then substring get the -4, 4 = year -6, 2 = day -8, 2 = month etc etc.

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