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Posts posted by nadeemshafi9

  1. ILMV stand for i love my vans, and no, not transit vans --> http://www.extreme-direct.co.uk/ProdImg/20879_1_large.jpg


    And the whole 'this thread is useless without pics' notion is not enough encouragement for me to post 'almost nude' pics of my girlfriend :P although I would say that if I did do that, I would have no meat+veg to speak of :D


    Ah Ben, nice to see that i finally found you. I will vouch for Ben, he has a GF, and she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...nice... ;)


    Anyway. My name is Dylan, Im 16, just about 17 (Dec 27th). I have been coding in PHP for the past 2.5 years. Some place i would really like to visit is the UK so i can meet up with some of my buddies that i talk with.


    theres a recession in the uk, they say it bites anyone who come snear it i never seen it thogh so i dont belive in it.

  2. hi guys


    iv been looking into all the ways drag and drop func is aqquired throgh jquery etc, i cant find anything that will make dragable and dropable divs like seen in bbc.co.uk etc so u can change teh order of your homepage boxes, i did use the tables with d and d and that worked fine but im not allowed to use tables because its against the law to use tabular layout.


    thanks for any sugestions i basicaly need a jquery plugin or similar, or just teh technique using the drangable and dropable funmctions in jquery, i just cant fugure out how to make it.



  3. Khm... yes, but in parts when you highlight content of file, I want to check is there any function that is on blacklist,

    or is there any file_get_contents trying to open file from blacklist.

    I want to do that with token_get_all(), for now, I did not find any better solution.




    regular expressions m8 check for them

  4. Hi guys


    Just wanted to ask what is the best hack proof way way of authenticating a user i have a few ideas


    1. use a session user is authenticated flag to say the user is authenticated


    2. use a hashed timestamp and insert it into the users record and into a session variable and compare them whilst the user surfs.


    3. store the hashed pwd and username in a session variable and log in the user each time on every opage , this would mean last login time would be hard to get.



    any sugestions please, thanks

  5. I'm not saying cloud computing is bad. I'm just saying I'd rather prefer to have my own workstation instead of just a terminal. Another example, how would you do computer games? You wouldn't have enough resources to do that.


    I guess it depends on what computer games you're talking about.  But even looking at top of the line resource devouring games....


    What we've been talking about here is a shift in technology application policies and principles. But what technology is physically capable of doing has been evolving at an exponential rate every year since forever ago.  That's a whole different timeline, moving along way faster than how long it will actually take to cut through the politics and propaganda and implement cloud computing. 


    For example, I play World of Warcraft (It has its moments, but I'm not one of those diehard fanboys everybody likes to stereotype all WoW players as).  Even by today's standards, I have way more processing power and memory than I really need to play the game (64 bit 2.6ghz quadcore 6gb ram).  A good chunk of those "Minimum system requirements" on the back of the box is padding because game programmers know that other things (the OS at the very least) will be running on your computer at the same time as the game.  If they told you their game only takes 500mb of Ram, people will happily try to play their game on computers that only have 500mb or Ram, and that's not going to be possible, because even if nothing else is running, your OS is running, and that takes Ram.  Gaming companies cater to the stupid, just like everybody else.  And anyways, It is not cloud computing's goal to reduce/remove Ram and processing power from your end. 


    So that leaves us HD space to physically store the game client.  Well the whole concept of server/client program for games caught on because it reduces the amount of information that has to be passed between two computers (bandwidth).  Bandwidth was a very important issue way back in the day when I was just knee-high to a grasshopper.  It's still important today, but nowhere near as much as then (the whole exponentially rising thing).  Sure, there's still people on dial-up, but seriously, nobody really caters to them anymore.  They accommodate if it doesn't cut into profits and that's about it.  


    What I am saying is, my computer right here, right now, with my current internet connection, is capable of playing World of Warcraft with only a client the size of say...a browser, isntead of the like 10gb it is right now, should Blizzard decide to reprogram it that way.  Physically capable of it.  I'm sure my ISP would throw a fit if they saw an increased use of bandwidth, not because it can't handle it, but because I'd be cutting into their profits.  And by cutting into their profits I mean they tell me I have unlimited 20mps internet access but they gamble on me only using a fraction of that and start charging multiple people for the same thing to maximize profits.  But as things shift more towards cloud computing, you will see that my ISP will start shifting fees to the companies like Microsoft, Google, etc.. who are providing the cloud computing service, so It'll be all good. 


    People want simplicity. They don't want to have to buy a million things from a million different places, install a million things from a million different places, pay a million different recurring fees to a million different places, when all those things are tied together (ISP, phone service, cable, internet service, hardware fees, game/phone/text subscription services, etc.. the list goes on and on).  People want simplicity.  They want to buy one thing and pay one recurring service fee to one place.  Maybe throw out the initial hardware buying if you sign a contract, as an added bonus.  People want simplicity, so companies will reshift where they get their money from in order to consolidate it down to what the people want. 


    Service providers and software companies and even hardware companies will no longer sell to customers directly.  They will sell to the cloud computing companies, who will in turn try to market their services and those products to you.  We will eventually reach a point where the idea of "Getting on the computer to play games, surf the internet, etc.." or even just "Watch TV" or "Having phone service" will involve deciding which company to choose from: companyA or companyB (or C etc.. just using 2 for example sake). 


    Standard packages will include I/O devices:

    - keybs/mice/joysticks to accommodate various interaction experiences.  Keyb/mouse will probably standard, other peripherals optional for additional

    - monitor(s). One will probably be standard, maybe even 2.  Can get different sizes, or get more for additional cost.  Think of it as like having more than 1 computer or tv in your house right now, for diff people/rooms.

    - hand held device(s) that serve as household phone, music player, portable whatever-is-on-phones/pdas-these-days device.  Will probably get one, maybe 2 standard.  More for added cost per month or whatever.


    Services and connecting to the cloud network: Standard service package will include things like emailing, document editing/writing, etc.. (basically all the "free" shit that comes standard with OS's or "free" shit you get online like email or google app type things).  Phone service.  Television program service. 


    You can opt for premium packages that include everything from HBO (the movie channel, not some obscure programming acronym), unlimited long distance calling (though this could possibly be part of the standard package), movies on demand, games on demand, streaming music on demand, etc.. blahblahblah. 


    You will be able to make a profile to keep a list of favorite everythings for quick access.  You will be able to make a public myspace type profile to share with friends and build a friends network for gaming, working, whatever.


    And soon, sooner than it will take to implement all this, the physical technology will far exceed to do all the less popular things online that SA brought up.  At best, "standalone" computers will only be bought/used for very specific things (think specialized factory equipment), and will cost just enough money, so avg Joe user will probably be SoL, which is okay, because Avg Joe user does not make hollywood level animations etc.. by themselves on their home computer.  Again, think from a masses perspective, not an individual perspective.


    And you will be assimilated.


    so what r u saying ?

  6. You could try Zend_Form for a "form building script". You can take it out of the framework, but you would probably want to check its dependencies first.


    what iv done is i have taken the old system and taken all the admin pages whith there controlers and views from the admin directory and copied them into a directory called AJAX


    now i modified each so they work correctly and instead of submitting they call a js function to do a AJAX post


    when i press edit on a page on the front end of the site the page element which i wish to update or edit is replaced with the admin page form


    the response of which after update is pressed is the same front end page element which is re-read from the database and re displayed by the admin page into the front end via ajax response.


  7. i have initialised it but thanks m8 i have solved this problem now,


    in order for you to recive them as your $_post vars you need the following MIME


    http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");


    you have to make all your form data into a string and send it in the http.send(params);


    function getFormValues(fobj,valFunc)
    var str = "";
    var valueArr = null;
    var val = "";
    var cmd = "";
    for(var i = 0;i < fobj.elements.length;i++)
    		case "text":
    				//use single quotes for argument so that the value of
    				//fobj.elements[i].value is treated as a string not a literal
    				cmd = valFunc + "(" + 'fobj.elements[i].value' + ")";
    				val = eval(cmd)
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "=" + escape(fobj.elements[i].value) + "&";
    		case "textarea":
    				cmd = valFunc + "(" + 'fobj.elements[i].value' + ")";
    				val = eval(cmd)
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "=" + escape(fobj.elements[i].value) + "&";
    		case "hidden":
    				cmd = valFunc + "(" + 'fobj.elements[i].value' + ")";
    				val = eval(cmd)
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "=" + escape(fobj.elements[i].value) + "&";
    		case "button":
    				cmd = valFunc + "(" + 'fobj.elements[i].value' + ")";
    				val = eval(cmd)
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "=" + escape(fobj.elements[i].value) + "&";
    		case "file":
    				cmd = valFunc + "(" + 'fobj.elements[i].value' + ")";
    				val = eval(cmd)
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "=" + escape(fobj.elements[i].value) + "&";
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "_size=" + escape(fobj.elements[i].size) + "&";
    		case "checkbox":
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "=" + escape(fobj.elements[i].checked) + "&";
    		case "select-one":
    			str += fobj.elements[i].name + "=" + fobj.elements[i].options[fobj.elements[i].selectedIndex].value + "&";
    str = str.substr(0,(str.length - 1));
    return str;

  8. I've been a windows user since before 95. I've dealt with reinstalls, viruses, spyware detection/prevention etc. I got a mac in Feb and have been using in exclusively since. I go back to my windows machine every once in a while and about two months ago it had the nastiest virus. How? I dont know, I dont use it much.


    I dont understand how anyone can deal with that. Do people not see a problem with virus protection being a prerequisite to running your computer? Im not saying that OS X is the answer, but it sure is a better option. Why do people torture themselves? Two years ago I would have formatted and reinstalled windows, because I cannot get rid of the virus, it changed my desktop bkg as a vista window saying that i need virus protection and I cannot change it. Long story short, Im going to back my data up and install *buntu, probably the kde version.


    Fuck windows.


    you should try active disk image from download.com 24£ and make 2 partitions one with ur image

  9. I uncommented everything related to COM in the ini file, I still have the same problem.


    I doubt this is the issue because I do get the excel COM object and it works exept for anything to do with files. the error I get is from the COM object it's self so PHP is makeing a working COM object.


    go to the php website look up the object check the versions required etc vista compatability etc, or do google searches for teh compatability of it with vista or your php version with vista etc

  10. Hi guys im trying to retrive my poisted vars from my form, im trying to read them in the page i post them to via AJAX but they are empty, the system works it goes throgh to the page and echos things but teh POST vars are empty.


    here is the JS


    function post_admin_form(id, adminpage) {
    params = "id=" + id + "&action=update";
    if(adminpage == "indexpages") http.open("post", "common/AJAX/indexpages.php?id=" + id + "&action=update", true); 
    //Send the proper header information along with the request
    http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
    http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
    http.onreadystatechange = function () { 
    	if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200){ 
    		var response = http.responseText;
    		if(response) { 
    			if(adminpage == "indexpages") document.getElementById("maincontentarea").innerHTML = response;

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