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Everything posted by webdeveloper123

  1. sorry that should read: and I am getting the data from $newdata but getting illegal offset errors all over the page for the other array. even though apparently they should all be in 1 array now ($table). Plus the data from $newdata shows all records under Row Number 4
  2. Hey Barand, yes I used foreach before on this array sucessfully but then came across this for loop and thought it look interesting and so I gave it a try. I'm Using: foreach ($table as $row => $data) { echo "<p><b>Row number $row</b></p>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($data as $col) { echo "<li>$col[fname]</li>"; echo "<li>$col[lname]</li>"; echo "<li>$col[age]</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } and I am getting the data from $newdata but getting illegal offset errors all over the page for the other array. Plus the data from $newdata shows all records under Row Number 4 but apparently they should all be in 1 array now ($table)
  3. Hi, I've got a for loop which displays elements from an array. The array looks like this: $table = array ( 0 => array ( 'fname' => 'Peter', 'lname' => 'Smith', 'age' => '37' ), 1 => array ( 'fname' => 'Paul', 'lname' => 'Hartley', 'age' => '48' ), 2 => array ( 'fname' => 'Mary', 'lname' => 'Baker', 'age' => '42' ), 3 => array ( 'fname' => 'Jane', 'lname' => 'Doe', 'age' => '51' ) ); The for loop looks like this: for ($row = 0; $row < 4; $row++) { echo "<p><b>Row number $row</b></p>"; echo "<ul>"; for ($col = 0; $col < 1; $col++) { echo "<li>".$table[$row]['fname']."</li>"; echo "<li>".$table[$row]['lname']."</li>"; echo "<li>".$table[$row]['age']."</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } Now this code is working fine. Then I set about adding an element to the array using array_push like this: $newdata = array ( 'fname' => 'Lionel', 'lname' => 'Messi', 'age' => '36' ); array_push($table,$newdata); And I displayed it (sucessfully) using this: for ($row = 0; $row < 5; $row++) { echo "<p><b>Row number $row</b></p>"; echo "<ul>"; for ($col = 0; $col < 1; $col++) { echo "<li>".$table[$row]['fname']."</li>"; echo "<li>".$table[$row]['lname']."</li>"; echo "<li>".$table[$row]['age']."</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } Note: The only difference between the above 2 for loops is I changed $row < 4 to $row < 5 Then I wanted to add more than one element to the array so I used this: $newdata = array ( 4 => array ( 'fname' => 'Jon', 'lname' => 'Atkins', 'age' => '27' ), 5 => array ( 'fname' => 'Phil', 'lname' => 'Jones', 'age' => '14' ), 6 => array ( 'fname' => 'Frank', 'lname' => 'Lampard', 'age' => '48' ), 7 => array ( 'fname' => 'Toney', 'lname' => 'Brentford', 'age' => '25' ) ); array_push($table,$newdata); But the weird baffling part is I am using the same forloop: for ($row = 0; $row < 8; $row++) { echo "<p><b>Row number $row</b></p>"; echo "<ul>"; for ($col = 0; $col < 1; $col++) { echo "<li>".$table[$row]['fname']."</li>"; echo "<li>".$table[$row]['lname']."</li>"; echo "<li>".$table[$row]['age']."</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } Note : This time I have changed $row < 8 but I get this error : Row number 4 Notice: Undefined index: fname Undefined index: lname Undefined index: age And errors like : Row number 5 Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in on line 86 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in on line 86 Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in on line 87 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in on line 87 Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in on line 88 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in on line 88 And I get the same errors as above for row 5 but for rows 6 and 7. Btw, I have row numbers for each element in the array. So Row Number 0 displays the First Name, last name and age for the element at index 0 etc. And I have done a print_r($table) and get this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [fname] => Peter [lname] => Smith [age] => 37 ) [1] => Array ( [fname] => Paul [lname] => Hartley [age] => 48 ) [2] => Array ( [fname] => Mary [lname] => Baker [age] => 42 ) [3] => Array ( [fname] => Jane [lname] => Doe [age] => 51 ) [4] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [fname] => Jon [lname] => Atkins [age] => 27 ) [5] => Array ( [fname] => Phil [lname] => Jones [age] => 14 ) [6] => Array ( [fname] => Frank [lname] => Lampard [age] => 48 ) [7] => Array ( [fname] => Toney [lname] => Brentford [age] => 25 ) ) ) It seems there are two [4] in the array. I would ideally like to get the rows automatically adjusted so I don't have to keep changing the code when I add new elements in the array. I used $arrayLength = count($table); And changed it to: (only showing relevant code here, the rest is same as above for loops): $row < $arrayLength; and I get these errors: Notice: Undefined index: fname on line 86 Notice: Undefined index: lname on line 87 Notice: Undefined index: age on line 88 But the offset errors disappear Sorry for long post Many thanks
  4. Yes I figured that out after I posted mine as the solution!
  5. actually mines not working, it removes first child only
  6. hey thanks for your code barand. Yes I knew why it deleted the whole list, but I couldn't figure out how to delete only single items in the list. Ended up getting it to work!
  7. figured it out. anyone who is interested it's this: document.getElementById("addNew").onclick = function () { addOne(); } document.getElementById("sList").ondblclick = function () { deleteList(); } function addOne() { var a = document.getElementById("addItem").value; var li = document.createElement("li"); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)); document.getElementById("sList").appendChild(li); } function deleteList() { const list = document.getElementById("sList"); list.removeChild(list.firstElementChild); } and HTML same as above
  8. Hi, I am fairly new to JS and need some advice/logic. I am trying to create a Shopping list using DOM, which adds an item to a list and then when I want to remove it, it should remove on double click. Problem is when I double-click, it deletes all the items, not just the one I double clicked on. I'm pretty sure I have to generate an array of DOM elements and go from there, But I am stuck as what to do next. Here is my code: document.getElementById("addNew").onclick = function () { addOne(); } document.getElementById("sList").ondblclick = function () { deleteList(); } function addOne() { var a = document.getElementById("addItem").value; var li = document.createElement("li"); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)); document.getElementById("sList").appendChild(li); } function deleteList() { const element = document.getElementById("sList"); element.remove(); } And the HTML: <div id="message">JavaScript Shopping list</div> <div> <input type="text" id="addItem"> <input type="button" id="addNew" value="Add to List"> </div> <div id="output"> <h1>Shopping List</h1> <ol id="sList"> </ol> </div> Many thanks
  9. that did it barand! Many thanks to you both!
  10. Hey, sorry guys I know this is a easy one but I've been at it all day and can't seem to figure it out. I want to include this: onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?')" Inside this line of code: <td> <?php echo("<a href='delete.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "'>Delete</a>"); ?></td> I am deleting a record, I have all the SQL, it's all fine, but just this annoying little problem. I have tried many things , including escaping the double quotes but I have got no where. I have tried the following but none of them work: <td> <?php echo("<a href='delete.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "' onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?')">Delete</a>"); ?></td> <td> <?php echo("<a href='delete.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure?')\"'>Delete</a>"); ?></td> <td> <?php echo("<a href='delete.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . " \"onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure?')\"'>Delete</a>"); ?></td> Thanks
  11. @Barand...….genius! I should have tried that......popped into my head a few days ago but for some reason I never tried to combine them! Yes it was from the same book....believe it or not ( I know it doesn't show on these forums) but I got a 2.1 in Software engineering at Uni. Just didn't code for 14 years after that.
  12. Come on barand, look i'll explain. This is what I have: $query = "SELECT Form.FormId, Form.FirstName, Form.LastName, Form.Email, Form.Age, Form.Birthdate, Form.FavLanguage, GROUP_CONCAT(Vehicle.VehSelection SEPARATOR ', ') AS VehSelection FROM Vehicle RIGHT JOIN Form ON Form.FormId = Vehicle.FormId GROUP BY Form.FormId"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $query); $agequery = "SELECT timestampdiff(year, Birthdate, curdate()) as age2 FROM Form"; $resultage = mysqli_query($link, $agequery); The first $query puts all the VehSelections on one line. Then I save that into $result. Then I do another query called $agequery and save it into $resultage. Then I fetch the $result and save it to the $table array. $table = []; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $table[] = $row; } So then can I save both results ($result and $resultage) into the same $table array? Because I'm not sure if you can do that. I tried but it didn't work(maybe i'm doing something wrong. So instead I create a new table array, called $tableage: $tableage = []; while ($rowage = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultage)) { $tableage[] = $rowage; } So moving on from there, If I have $table and $tableage, I got the derived ages in $tableage and the rest of the data in $table. So when I loop round to print the records from the database I use: <?php if ($table) { foreach ($table as $d_row) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo($d_row["FormId"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["FirstName"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["LastName"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["Email"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["Age"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["Birthdate"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["FavLanguage"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["VehSelection"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo("<a href='edit3.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "'>Edit</a>"); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td> <?php echo("<a href='delete_feedback.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "'>Delete</a>"); ?></td> </tr> <?php } } ?> But because the foreach says $table, I can't use $tableage in there as well. So I start a new foreach: <?php if ($tableage) { foreach ($tableage as $d_row1) { ?> <td><strong>new Age</strong></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row1["age2"]); ?></td> <?php }} ?> My question is how do I combine the printed out results into one? I would like to replace <td><?php echo($d_row["Age"]); ?></td> with <td><?php echo($d_row1["age2"]); ?></td> And have the printed results in one foreach, not two.
  13. I have2 separate queries
  14. I can't do that because age2 is not inside $table
  15. I guess the real question was how do I get the derived ages into my View page? Because I had the SQL and it was working, all the guys who posted here posted code that derived the age correctly but I couldn't get it into my View page which looks like this: <?php if ($table) { foreach ($table as $d_row) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo($d_row["FormId"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["FirstName"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["LastName"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["Email"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo $diff->format("%y years"); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["Birthdate"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["FavLanguage"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["VehSelection"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo("<a href='edit3.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "'>Edit</a>"); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td> <?php echo("<a href='delete_feedback.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "'>Delete</a>"); ?></td> </tr> <?php } } ?> That was the problem from the start, as before I posted I had the correct sql but couldn't manage to get it into my View page, which displays all records from the database. I was doing this: <?php if ($table) { foreach ($table as $d_row) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo($d_row["FormId"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["FirstName"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["LastName"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["Email"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <?php } } ?> <?php foreach ($resultage as $row) { ?> <td><?php echo " {$row['age2']} <br>"; ?></td> <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($table as $d_row) { ?> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["Birthdate"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["FavLanguage"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo($d_row["VehSelection"]); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td><?php echo("<a href='edit3.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "'>Edit</a>"); ?></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td> <?php echo("<a href='delete_feedback.php?user_id=" . $d_row["FormId"] . "'>Delete</a>"); ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> But when I loaded the page it looked a total mess. So I'm using Barands code at the moment which is this: $agequery = "SELECT timestampdiff(year, Birthdate, curdate()) as age2 FROM Form"; $resultage = mysqli_query($link, $agequery); foreach ($resultage as $row) { echo " {$row['age2']} <br>"; } Now how do I get echo " {$row['age2']} <br>"; into the top block of code in this post, replacing <td><?php echo $diff->format("%y years"); ?></td> ?
  16. I just thought it would take each FormId, 1 by 1, and calculate the age for each record and print it out I understand what your saying about variables.
  17. I didn't know it was only querying one record, I thought all the FormId's from the database were stored in there, as I've done similar sql code like that before and it worked
  18. That's why I'm looking into doing Zend courses, as it is a much better level of teaching
  19. Tbh, the book I bought to learn php was really bad. That's why my code is not that good, as when I learnt it, it was a very bad book.
  20. ahh you guys are looping around the result set and not the $table array, I spotted that in ginerjm commented code. Is that a better way of doing it?
  21. maybe I should have mentioned that earlier, lol
  22. Thanks to both of your replies. That's what I did Barand, I used: SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF (YEAR, Birthdate, CURDATE()) AS AGE FROM Form; It gave me correct results for all the records, but when I tried to put it into my code I did this: SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF (YEAR, Birthdate, CURDATE()) AS Age1 FROM Form WHERE Form.FormId = '$FormId'"; But when I tried to loop round it and output the records I only ever got result for first record. I'll try out solutions from above. Thanks
  23. I tried this as well: foreach ($table as $value){ $date1=date_create("now"); $date2=date_create(($value["Birthdate"])); $diff=date_diff($date1,$date2); } And I tried both of them without the loop as well
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