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Everything posted by Olumide

  1. My question is: how can I do it such that after entering scores for each subject, the grades will be automatically calculated and post to the database.
  2. Am working on a project such that if I enter scores for each subjects, it will post to the database with the grades and comment. My form will only accept value for scores which will determine the grades for each subjects and hence post to the database. Like in Microsoft Excel whereby you have data (integers) and you instruct the excel (lets say you have your value in cell A1, and Cell A2 contains the formula: if(A1>=90,"A",if(A1>=80,"B","F")). I used switch case for the grade in my php code written below. { $marks=array(); $class=$_POST['class']; $studentid=$_POST['studentid']; $mark=$_POST['marks']; $grades=$_POST['grades']; $comments=$_POST['comments']; $stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT subjects.SubName,subjects.id FROM subjectlist join subjects on subjects.id=subjectlist.SubjectId WHERE subjectlist.ClassId=:cid order by subjects.SubName"); $stmt->execute(array(':cid' => $class)); $sid1=array(); while($row=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { array_push($sid1,$row['id']); } for($i=0;$i<count($mark);$i++){ $mar=$mark[$i]; $sid=$sid1[$i]; $totalmarks=$marks*10; $sql="INSERT INTO studresult(StudentId,ClassId,SubjectId,marks,grades,comments) VALUES(:studentid,:class,:sid,:marks,:grades,:comments)"; $query = $dbh->prepare($sql); $query->bindParam(':studentid',$studentid,PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->bindParam(':class',$class,PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->bindParam(':sid',$sid,PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->bindParam(':marks',$mar,PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->bindParam(':grades',$grades,PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->bindParam(':comments',$comments,PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->execute(); $lastId = $dbh->lastId(); if($lastId) { $msg="Result successfully added"; } else { $error=" Please try again"; } } } ?> <!-- My Grading starts from here --> <?php switch(true) { case $totalmarks>=90 && $totalmarks<101: $grade = 'A*'; $comment='Congratulation!'; break; case $totalmarks>=85 && $totalmarks<90: $grade = 'A1'; $comment='Distinction'; break; case $totalmarks>=80 && $totalmarks<85: $grade = 'B2'; $comment='Very Good'; break; case $totalmarks>=75 && $totalmarks<80: $grade = 'B3'; $comment='Good'; break; case $totalmarks>=70 && $totalmarks<75: $grade = 'C4'; $comment='Credit'; break; case $totalmarks>=65 && $totalmarks<70: $grade = 'C5'; $comment='Credit'; break; case $totalmarks>=60 && $totalmarks<65: $grade = 'C6'; $comment='Credit'; break; case $totalmarks>=55 && $totalmarks<60: $grade = 'D7'; $comment='Pass'; break; case $totalmarks>=50 && $totalmarks<55: $grade = 'E8'; $comment='Pass'; break; case $totalmarks>=40 && $totalmarks<50: $grade = 'F9'; $comment='Fail'; break; default: $grade = 'F9'; $comment='Ungraded'; break; } ?> <!-- grading stop here -->
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