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Everything posted by DanRz

  1. Hi All, I am terrible at regex. I have the following code, which works fine for number such as 123456M... if(!preg_match('/[1-9]\d{5}M/', $explode[1])) { throw new RuntimeException('Error: Membership number invalid. Please try again.'); } However, I also need to accept number such as TMP1 and TMP1000 - essentially TMP followed by up to 5 numbers... How would I add this too... I need it to error if it doesn't match any of the two types. Thanks
  2. Hey, I am developing an small app that will add data to a mySQL database. This is working fine however, I need to encrypt the data. I have the code to do this; however, I am not sure how people structure the mySQL tables for this? Obviously, something like varchar(255) might not be long enough. So do you set all columns to be TEXT? Is there a better way of doing this? Thanks Dan
  3. Hi, I have the following expression but it doesn't work as I wish it to... [1-9]\d{5}M I need any 6 numbers followed by an M.... however, it can be any 5 numbers followed by an M... for example 123456M = Valid 1234M = Valid But... 123445 = Invalid RANDOM = Invalid Thanks
  4. https://github.com/nick322/secure-spreadsheet adding this repo works.
  5. Looks like PhpSpreadsheet can't actually protect the opening of a document... see https://github.com/PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet/issues/761 Which is odd because to me the documentation reads like it does...
  6. I tried adding that code but it still doesn't seem to password protect the actual document... Just unable to edit a sheet or cell... $security = $spreadsheet->getSecurity(); $security->setLockWindows(true); $security->setLockStructure(true); $security->setWorkbookPassword("PhpSpreadsheet");
  7. Hey, I have the following script that looks to make an excel document using PHPSpreadsheet... the script works great, but it doesn't apply the password to the workbook... what am I missing? use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx; // Information $arrayData[] = array('cells'); // Make File Name $filename = 'file-'.time().'.xlsx'; $spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(); $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getProtection()->setSheet(true); $security = $spreadsheet->getSecurity(); $security->setLockWindows(true); $security->setLockStructure(true); $security->setWorkbookPassword("PhpSpreadsheet"); $sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(); $sheet->setCellValue('A1', 'Report Generated '. date(DATE_FORMAT_LONG)); $sheet->fromArray($arrayData, NULL, 'A3'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename='.$filename); $writer = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::createWriter($spreadsheet, 'Xlsx'); $writer->save('php://output'); Thanks Dan
  8. Hey, I have the following jQuery line... it gets the object noteInfo and displays it into a modal. Works great! However, it doesn't seem to output the line breaks, I just get a big chunk of text. Any ideas would be amazing. jQuery Line $("#viewNoteModal .modal-body").html(obj.noteInfo); Console output noteInfo: "This is a note\r↵Sent: 26 September 2022 12:56" Dan EDIT - I have worked this out. It was a bug in the code that outputted the text.
  9. Thanks for your reply. I have managed to fix this see code below; on: push: branches: [ development ] name: 🚀 Deploy app on new tag jobs: web-deploy: name: 🎉 Deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 🚚 Get latest code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: 🏷️ Get Current Tag id: vars run: echo "tag=${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: 🔏 Write Tag Version env: RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} run: | echo $RELEASE_VERSION - name: 🗃️ Make env File uses: SpicyPizza/create-envfile@v1.3 with: envkey_APP_ENV: "live" envkey_APP_STATUS: "1" envkey_APP_VERSION: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} - name: 📂 Sync files uses: SamKirkland/FTP-Deploy-Action@4.3.3 with: server: FTPSERVER username: USERNAME password: ${{ secrets.ftp_pwd }}
  10. Hey! I am using the following GitHub workflow to publish to FTP when a new tag is pushed however I need to alter it to get the tag name and update the .env file on the server with the new version... I just can't work out how to do it... on: push: tags: - '*' name: 🚀 Deploy app on new tag jobs: web-deploy: name: 🎉 Deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 🚚 Get latest code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: 📂 Sync files uses: SamKirkland/FTP-Deploy-Action@4.3.3 with: server: ftp.domain.com username: XXX password: ${{ secrets.ftp_pwd }} - name: 🔐 Set Env Version id: vars run: echo "tag=${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: 🔏 Write Env Version env: RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} run: | echo $RELEASE_VERSION echo ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} Any help would be appreciated. Dan
  11. Thanks, I was thinking sleep but I've had problems with that in the past... Hmmm I think this might be the way forward... I shall do it like this Ahh yes, they gave me something like 150,000 emails per day, however, my access keys were leaked and used to send 50,000 odd emails.... so I asked them to move my limit down to 5000 per day as I would never send over that so if it ever happened again I would get stung... Thanks
  12. Hey! I am trying to write a script that will send emails to users using Amazon SES, I have a send limit of 1 per second... Currently I have 1500 records... how would I throttle the script to only send 1 email per second? Currently, I just use a foreach loop to go through an array and send the email using that... $allActiveMembers = $this->getAllMembers('1'); foreach($allActiveMembers as $member){ // If email blank... skip. if($member['memberEmail'] == NULL){ continue; } // Email Valid. if($this->helper->isValidEmail($member['memberEmail']) == false){ continue; } // Send Email $this->SendMail($member['memberEmail']); } Thanks Dan
  13. Hey! I updated my server from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.1... I have several website on the server and all are now showing some sort of error or another... Most of the errors are warnings such as: I have changed the php.ini file for 8.1 to exclude warnings bit it doesn't seem to do anything... Any idea how to stop them from coming up without having to add error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE); to every website..., Thanks Dan
  14. Thanks so much! I never thought of this bit that indeed was the problem... an oversight I think!! I have now secured it with htaccess so its Forbidden now. Thanks for your help!
  15. I have a php application I made… Currently I use phpdotenv https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv to store my creds in a .env file in the root directory… It works, however twice now the AWS SES creds have been stolen and used to send mass emails… Im not sure how they’re finding the information but they are… so I’m just trying to figure out how to store them better to avoid them getting into the wrong hands…
  16. Hey, What is the best way to hide / protect credentials for use in scripts? For example, where would you store database login details, Amazon AWS logins etc so its secure and hidden away from eyes... Thanks Dan
  17. session_start(); Needs to be called before any HTML is outputted. Add <?php session_start(); ?> To the top of your pages above <!DOCTYPE html> and it'll work.
  18. Hey! So for years I used to use Dreamweaver, then about 5 years ago changed to Coda for MacOS and only 2 years ago changed to Atom by GitHub and absolutely love Atom. However, they announced from 15 December 2022 that they would be closing down Atom... sad I know Find out more here - https://github.blog/2022-06-08-sunsetting-atom/ Anyway... I need to find myself a new code editor... question is what do you use? I am based on Mac so need to have one that's compatible with that!! Dan
  19. Try this... <?php //It's a simple program to valid age but it only print 'you can vote' despite any value I input. if($_POST['age']){ $age = int $_POST['age']; if($age >= 18){ echo "you can vote!!!"; }elseif($age < 18){ echo "You are not allowed to vote"; }else{ echo "enter a valid age"; } } ?> Also on your form use this instead... it means the user can only put a number in... <input type="number" name="age">
  20. Hey, Sorry yes I thought about this after I posted... so the file is an excel file and the array returned from $this->memberImporterDataSorter($rows) is as follows... the uniqueness of this is the memberNumber which is how you know who is who... Array ( [0] => Array ( [memberNotes] => [memberNumber] => 123456L [memberName] => Jim Jones [memberAddress] => [memberEmail] => [memberCommsEmail] => 1 [memberLocation] => 1 [memberArea] => 4 [memberLocationTxt] => [memberAreaTxt] => [memberJob] => 3 [memberJobTxt] => [memberCommsSMS] => 1 [memberTel] => [memberJoined] => 1644192000 [lastUpdateUnion] => 1666998000 ) [1] => Array ( [memberNotes] => [memberNumber] => 112233L [memberName] => Jennifer Zoom [memberAddress] => [memberEmail] => [memberCommsEmail] => 1 [memberLocation] => 1 [memberArea] => 4 [memberLocationTxt] => [memberAreaTxt] => [memberJob] => 99 [memberJobTxt] => [memberCommsSMS] => 1 [memberTel] => [memberJoined] => 1599692400 [lastUpdateUnion] => 1665442800 ) ) Here is the actual importer code; set_time_limit(3600); try { if(!file_exists($filePath)){ throw new \Exception("Hmm... Import file can't be found. Please try again."); } // Read the Excel and pop into an array $spreadsheet = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::load($filePath); $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(); $rows = []; foreach ($worksheet->getRowIterator() AS $row) { $cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator(); $cellIterator->setIterateOnlyExistingCells(FALSE); // This loops through all cells, $cells = []; foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) { $cells[] = $cell->getFormattedValue(); } $rows[] = $cells; } // Pop the first array item off, not needed array_shift($rows); // Sort the data $rows = $this->memberImporterDataSorter($rows); // Set blank core array $coreImportArray = array( "addedMembers" => array(), "leftMembersAfter" => array(), "rejoinedMembers" => array() ); // Get Total Cancelled Before Import $returnData = $this->database->getAll("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `memberStatus` = '2';", array()); $coreImportArray['totalCancelledBefore'] = count($returnData); // Decode $returnData = $this->encryption->decode_data($returnData, array("memberName","memberAddress","memberEmail","memberTel","memberNotes")); // Add left members to array foreach($returnData as $left){ $coreImportArray['leftMembersBefore'][$left['memberNumber']] = array("memberNumber" => $left['memberNumber'],"memberName" => $left['memberName'],"memberArea" => $left['memberArea']); } // First Set all users to canclled (status 2) $this->database->execute("UPDATE `members` SET `memberStatus` = '2', `memberLeft` = ? WHERE `memberStatus` = '1';", array(time())); // Run each line of data and process the import foreach($rows as $memberData){ // If member number empty continue... if($memberData['memberNumber'] == NULL){ continue; } // Check if member exists in DB $checkExists = $this->database->countRows("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `memberNumber` = ?;", array($memberData['memberNumber'])); if($checkExists == '1'){ // They exist, update data and status 1 $this->database->execute("UPDATE `members` SET `memberStatus` = '1', `memberLeft` = NULL, `memberLeftReason` = NULL WHERE `memberNumber` = ?;", array($memberData['memberNumber'])); }else{ // Encode Data $memberDataEnc = $this->encryption->encode_data_single($memberData, array("memberName","memberAddress","memberEmail","memberTel","memberNotes")); // New Member! Insert them... $this->database->execute("INSERT INTO `members` (`memberNumber`, `memberName`) VALUES (?,?);", array($memberDataEnc['memberNumber'], $memberDataEnc['memberName'])); $lastID = $this->database->getLastId(); // Add new member to new members array :) $coreImportArray['addedMembers'][$memberData['memberName']] = array( "id" => $lastID, "memberName" => $memberData['memberName'], "memberNumber" => $memberData['memberNumber'], "memberArea" => $memberData['memberArea'] ); } } // Run analysis // Total Cancelled After Import $returnData = $this->database->getAll("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `memberStatus` = '2';", array()); $coreImportArray['totalCancelledAfter'] = count($returnData); $returnData = $this->encryption->decode_data($returnData, array("memberName","memberAddress","memberEmail","memberTel","memberNotes")); foreach($returnData as $left){ if($coreImportArray['leftMembersBefore'][$left['memberName']]['memberNumber'] != $left['memberNumber']){ $coreImportArray['leftMembersAfter'][$left['memberName']] = array("memberNumber" => $left['memberNumber'],"memberName" => $left['memberName'],"memberArea" => $left['memberArea']); } } unset($coreImportArray['leftMembersBefore']); // Update Stats $coreImportArray['totalNew'] = count($coreImportArray['addedMembers']); $coreImportArray['totalLeft'] = $coreImportArray['totalCancelledAfter'] - $coreImportArray['totalCancelledBefore']; if($coreImportArray['totalNew'] < 0){ $coreImportArray['totalNew'] = 0; } if($coreImportArray['totalLeft'] < 0){ $coreImportArray['totalLeft'] = 0; } if($coreImportArray['totalCancelledAfter'] < $coreImportArray['totalCancelledBefore']){ $coreImportArray['totalRejoined'] = $coreImportArray['totalCancelledBefore'] - $coreImportArray['totalCancelledAfter']; }else{ $coreImportArray['totalRejoined'] = 0; } // Count Arrays $coreImportArray['joinersCount'] = count($coreImportArray['newMembers']); $coreImportArray['leaversCount'] = count($coreImportArray['newLeavers']); $coreImportArray['rejoinCount'] = count($coreImportArray['newRejoin']); return $coreImportArray; } catch (\Exception $e){ // Display error... $this->helper->set_message($this->helper->validation_errors($e->getMessage())); } There is probably a much easier way to achieve what I am after so any help would be appreciated. Basically the data is from an external source, so I need to loop through the new data from excel. If they are NOT already in the database add them, if they are in the database but cancelled, reactive them and anyone who's in the database but NOT on the excel sheet will be cancelled. Thanks
  21. Hey! I am writing a script however, I am a little stuck with the logic for import... here is the background... I have a database of users, some are active some are inactive. I have a new array to import, however, in this array people could be one of the following: New User - Add to database New User with Existing Account - Rejoin them Left User - User ID not found in the new array so assume they have left... I need to process the data and output the following; Number of New Users Number of Users Rejoined Number of Users Left List of New User IDs List of Left User IDs List of Rejoined User IDs I have written a script, however it doesn't work well and gives me random information that doesn't match so the logic is off somewhere.. can someone help with the logic Currently it does the following: 1. Counts the current users who are marked as inactive 2. Makes an array of those users 3. Sets all database users to inactive 4. Loops though each new user from import array 5. If user ID exists... update the user to active again 6. If user ID doesn't exist... add them to the database and add new user ID to new array 7. Counts all users who are marked as inactive after import 8. Use array_diff_key to check the difference between inactive array 1 (before import) and array 2 (after import) 9. Counts number of array items for joiners, and leavers... I hope this makes at least some sense... any help would be appreciated. Thanks Dan
  22. Hey! I have the following code in a class.. public function deductCredit(){ $currentAmount = $this->getCredits(); $newAmount = $currentAmount - '1'; $this->dashboard->updateSettings("email_credit", array("count"=>$newAmount)); return $newAmount; } This gets the current credits... deducts 1 and pushes the update back... If I run the function outside of the class it works as expected... however, if I run it within a functions a bit further down the class it always returns -1... Any ideas would be appreciated! Dan
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