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Everything posted by PNewCode

  1. @Barand Indeed. I have a session start included further up the page in a different section. I had it also in what I posted but I got the error it was being ignored because I had it above it already
  2. @requinix Holy Moly Batman! hahahaha. I forgot to include this if (isset($_SESSION['myid'])) { and that got rid of the error and is showing the message. But argh It's not matching the winning id and showing it to anyone logged in. Well... the error is solved anyways. Goodness I can't believe I forgot that. So it was not finding the session id to put with the column myid.
  3. Okay I'm nearly done with my auction project but I figured this was a different questions, so new topic. This is what baffles me... The part in the script that says echo $_SESSION['id']; will show the id correctly, same as if I changed it to echo $'myid'; So I'm getting the error Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null on the line if($row['myid'] == $_SESSION['id']) { I've used this method several times and I can't find what is causing this error. Any thoughts? And sorry if this should be obvious, I think I'm getting a bit fatigued on this one. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); $hostname_l = "deleted for posting"; $username_l = "deleted for posting"; $password_l = "deleted for posting"; $dbname_l = "deleted for posting"; $conn_l = mysqli_connect($hostname_l, $username_l, $password_l, $dbname_l); if(!$conn_l){ echo "Database connection error".mysqli_connect_error(); } $user_id = $_SESSION['id']; $myid = $_SESSION['id']; $sql_l = "SELECT * FROM auction WHERE myid= 'myid' ORDER BY 'id' DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = $conn_l->query($sql_l); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $myid = $row["myid"]; } } else { echo " "; } echo $_SESSION['id']; if($row['myid'] == $_SESSION['id']) { echo ' <table width="40%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="1" class="table-round-side2"> <tr class="table-roundmenue44 box10"> <td class="table-roundmenue44"> YOU ARE THE WINNER!!! </td> </tr> </table> '; } else { } ?>
  4. Oops I meant to hit the other one you posted as the solution. Sorry
  5. @Barand You are quite amazing! I hope you know that!!! This simplified everything and works beautifully. Now I have to find a way to have the page that shows the timer, adjust to the viewers timezone so the counts down accurately. I just entered a test auction for 11 hours, my friend in Sweden shows 5 hours remaining. BUT this will give me something to do today haha. Thank you so much for your help!!!
  6. @Barand thank you. I just got some coffee and I'm going to try this right now
  7. @Barand This looks like an excellent approach and much more simplified than what I'm doing. I need to ask though for clarity, would I also add a column for "finish"?
  8. @Barand $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($duration)); That works. NOW the next trick to make it all awesome and stuff is to make this send as if the value is "+30 minute" if only 30 is entered. I can do that easliy to add to the database, however it has to pass from the form to the php page so it gets picked up in the $_POST <input type="text" name="duration" style="font-size:20pt;" required /> I tried to do an array like this but for the life of me I couldn't get it to work on the php page <input type="hidden" name="duration[]" value="+" required /> <input type="text" name="duration[]" style="font-size:20pt;" required /> <input type="hidden" name="duration[]" value=" minute" required /> and also tried this but I couldn't figure out a way to have it all in one line in the post <input type="hidden" name="duration2" value="+" required /> <input type="text" name="duration" style="font-size:20pt;" required /> <input type="hidden" name="duration3" value=" minute" required /> Because it HAS to pass in the very start of the php page in this line, in order for it to work for the time adjustment $duration = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['duration']); Right now I'm having to manually type +30 minute in the form field for all of this to work. It's rather annoying lol. Plus I see this being a problem if this gets ignored by users to type all that in. So.... trying to get it to work right. Also... I still don't know how to make it so the time translates to different timezones but I'll worry about that after I get this first part solved. SIDE NOTE: I just LOVE this site. I've learned so much. I'm absolutely addicted to creating new things for websites now
  9. @Strider64 Thank you very much, though I don't need the count down function. I already have one that grabs the date from the database and counts down. Thank you for sharing that though. The trouble I'm having is adding the time from $duration to the timestamp in $created_at The reason I have this is because on the form to submit the auction, it has "How long do you want to run the auction" and you type X amount of minutes. That value goes to $duration I figured out how to get it to add a certain amount of time each time, for example the following will add 10 min, and the countdown timer that I have will count down from 10 minutes $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+10 minute')); And then I put $date into the "created_at" column And so far this works great. Buuuutttttt... if I want to do an auction where I want it to run for 30 minutes, then I have to go in and change the file each time and reupload it. Which isn't an option when I have to use this auction several times in a 4 hour period. I tried putting in $duration instead of +10 minute several times but that didn't work either (btw in the column $duration, the value is "+30 min" or whatever amount of min I enter) It puzzles me that this doesn't work $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('$duration')); When the value says "+30 minute" in the database. Makes no sense to me at all EDIT: This post is a follow up from the original to show how the date and time gets entered in the database because I gave up trying to do it with only just the first original post so I added this to the part that puts the info in the database.
  10. @Barand I love the look of that! Very nice and fancy. However it doesn't work right. When I changed the target timestamp to 2023-07-16 18:45:00 that should have around 5 hours, 45min left, but it shows there's only an hour remaining. So if that is to detect time zones then it doesn't work right. But thank you for the post it's very nice looking This is what it shows on the page (it's 1pm here)
  11. Hello I hope everyone is having an awesome day! I have a nifty little countdown script that works how it's intended. I bought this from someone (only to find out he just copied and pasted it from a site that had it free) so he doesn't know how to alter it. I am VERY brand new to JS and while what I have makes sense to me, I lack the understanding on how to make this work, despite all the studying I've got done So here is what I want to make happen (this is day 3 on this and I can't find a clear solution) In my database table, I have "duration" and "created_at" columns (there are other columns but it's just other info) This is entered from a form that is set up to start an auction. It successfully enters the time stamp (for example: 2023-07-16 12:45:00) and the duration is entered successfully too (for example: 30). This number for the duration is entered to set up different lengths of time that the auction will run (sometimes 10 min sometimes 30, etc) What I can't seem to make happen and trying is 2 things 1: Make the timer work with adding whatever is in the duration to the timestamp time, to make that count down. 2: Different time zones show different time remaining (Because the timestamp). So I need a way to have it adjusted to the viewers timezone when seeing this Here is the full page of what I have. You'll notice that "duration" isn't in the js right now, but I couldn't get it to work with it. I'm stuck like a fly on maple syrup BONUS THANKS if you can also tell me how to change the font color of the displaying "minutes, hours, seconds" text <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); $mysqli = new mysqli(connection info deleted for posting); if ($mysqli -> connect_errno) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli -> connect_error; exit(); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM auctiontitle"; if ($result = $mysqli -> query($sql)) { while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $duration = $row["duration"]; $created_at = $row["created_at"]; $date = "$created_at"; } } else { echo "0 results"; } ?> <body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <div align="center"> <font size="4"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#CCCCFF"> <div id="data" align="center"></div> <input type="hidden" id="date" value="<?php echo $date; ?>"> <script> function func() { var dateValue = document.getElementById("date").value; var date = Math.abs((new Date().getTime() / 1000).toFixed(0)); var date2 = Math.abs((new Date(dateValue).getTime() / 1000).toFixed(0)); var diff = date2 - date; var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400); var hours = Math.floor(diff / 3600) % 24; var minutes = Math.floor(diff / 60) % 60; var seconds = diff % 60; var daysStr = days; if (days < 10) { daysStr = "0" + days; } var hoursStr = hours; if (hours < 10) { hoursStr = "0" + hours; } var minutesStr = minutes; if (minutes < 10) { minutesStr = "0" + minutes; } var secondsStr = seconds; if (seconds < 10) { secondsStr = "0" + seconds; } if (days < 0 && hours < 0 && minutes < 0 && seconds < 0) { daysStr = "00"; hoursStr = "00"; minutesStr = "00"; secondsStr = "00"; console.log("close"); if (typeof interval !== "undefined") { clearInterval(interval); } } document.getElementById("data").innerHTML = hoursStr + " Hours & " + minutesStr + " Minutes & " + secondsStr + " Seconds"; } func(); var interval = setInterval(func, 1000); </script> </font></b></font></div>
  12. @kicken Thank you. Even with that it was still staying at the bottom right corner of the screen but that is because it's my set up. I have 5 monitors so I got to thinking maybe that is why. So I tested it on a laptop and your information worked. Apparently if you have multiple monitors it's thrown way off. Which is odd to me because I would think it would only be looking at the browser window itself. But it's okay because I know most viewers are not going to be looking at it with multiple monitor set ups. Thank you much for your help with that
  13. Hello, I went a little backwards in my learning and got into php before JS. I spend several hours looking around google though no luck. Below I have a JS that is used for a form submit. It's the only way I've been able to successfully have the form submitted to a popup without having to use a modal (because the page has 15 forms so they all need a different one, this way I can and just name them differet). The things I have been pulling my hair out trying is centering the form on the page, putting a header title on the window (like in a modal), and having some nice transition to appear on the screen. NONE of these three things I have been able to do. SO I thought I would come here and see if I can get some help making what I have below center in the screen (complete middle from top and sides) Did I ramble too much? I'm sorry. I had a LOT of coffee and have been at this web project for 14 hours straight (not just this script, the whole page) <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#myform50').submit(function() { window.open('', 'formpopup', 'width=400,height=800,resizeable,scrollbars'); this.target = 'formpopup'; }); }); </script>
  14. This actually did the trick by itself. I just replaced my javascript with yours. But to make sure I understand for educational purposes, is it the "each(function......" that made this be individual to each row? As well as the CLASS instead of ID?
  15. @Barand I did just manage to make a little progress, kind of. I changed a line in the javascript to var $textArea = $(".textarea-container"); And then changed id='textarea-container' to class='textarea-container' But what it's doing now is changing ALL of the rows text boxes to match the height of the first one haha
  16. I do this because each row shows in a text area box that can be edited and resubmitted. The user can add or delete text as needed in each entry. That part isn't in my post because it's working for that function. But thats why I have that
  17. @Barand Thank you for that. I've been trying to change it to a class instead but I'm failing each time. No errors just "This page is not working" (I suppose that IS an error but not specific) I can't figure out how to code that in to make it work for each result row with that javascript. Can I get a hint?
  18. Hello. I am putting this in PHP help because I THINK it's where the problem is. If I'm incorrect than my apologies for putting this in the wrong place. I have a working script that lists all of the entries in the database inside a text area. Also, I have a javascript to resize that text area. However, the problem is that the resize only works on the first entry showing in the list of all entries. I have a feeling this is an ID issue, though I can't seem to find anywhere that has a fix for this. Any thoughts? NOTE: The count part of the php I pasted here is used later down in the page (using that function) that isn't showing. I didn't include that because it's working fine The Javascript <script> var $textArea = $("#textarea-container"); // Re-size to fit initial content. resizeTextArea($textArea); // Remove this binding if you don't want to re-size on typing. $textArea.off("keyup.textarea").on("keyup.textarea", function() { resizeTextArea($(this)); }); function resizeTextArea($element) { $element.height($element[0].scrollHeight); } </script> And the PHP <?php $servername = "----"; $username = "----"; $password = "----"; $dbname = "----"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM tablename ORDER BY info DESC"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $resultt = mysqli_query($conn, "select COUNT(id) AS count FROM `tablename`"); if(!$result) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($link)); } else { $num_rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultt); // echo it echo ""; } if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { ; $info = "$info"; $info = preg_replace("/<br\W*?\/>/", "\n", $row["info"]); echo "<textarea id='textarea-container'>$info</textarea>"; ?>
  19. WOW I DID IT!!! Going off of what @Strider64 posted and what @mac_gyver said about roles, it got me thinking that I can use the session id (not shown in the original post because I forgot it was even in the top of the huge page of scripting) and I put in the following. I'm posting it in case someone else comes here and finds this useful The page as a session id set up to make sure logged in users only have access to the page Working code to display the delete button if($row["myid"] == $_SESSION['id']){ echo '<a href="delete-post.php?id='.$row['id'].'"><button class="btn3">DELETE</button></a> <br><br>'; }
  20. @mac_gyver Based on what I'm learning on this so far, I wish there was roles set up as it looks like it would be way easier that way. Below is a screen shot of one of the entries and the DB itself. So it looks like I'm stuck with trying to match the id with the post_id in order to display the button, to delete the post with the id (I might have just over complicated it now) Edit: So another words, if the user (myid) matches the post (post_id) then they can see the delete button. Otherwise the button will not be visible
  21. @Strider64 Thank you for that post. If I'm not mistaken, that would require me to add a column (security) to the database correct? If so, then when the post is made then it would also have to enter something in that column to identify if that user has "admin" for that security correct? 2 problems I have if I'm correct in what you're suggesting 1: There's already a lot of posts made and it would be impossible to add an admin status entry to each user and their posts and comments. (thats already posted) 2: I'm not positive I can get access to the database itself to make any alterations (I'm not the site owner, just fixing this page) Is there an alternative way to hide the button unless it's made from the original poster with their "myid"? Currently, there is id (the database id entry), post_id (the id of the post itself), myid (the users id that posted), and fname (the name of the user that posted) columns (for identifiers) EDIT: I just asked and no, I do not have permission to add any new columns to the database
  22. Hello all. First, I'm not ENTIRELY sure what would need to be included to show you for this help so my apologies in advance. If there is something more you need to see just let me know and I'll be happy to post it as well. So, what I have is a page where users can make a post, and comment, etc. It works beautifully. Also, I just made a delete button that can delete individual comments and posts, and this works as well. THE PROBLEM is that any user can delete any and all posts. I need to adjust this so that only the logged in user can delete their own posts and comments and not anyone elses. So below is some of the pages scripting. (or "coding"... to be honest I never know what the propper word is for that haha). And if I am too vague on this, then please accept my apology in advance. Since the page is reallllllly long in the scripting, I wanted to start with the bare bones to keep from too much clutter in this post. The delete button <a href="delete-post.php?id='.$row['id'].'"><button class="btn3">DELETE</button></a> And the mysql connect (I didn't include the connection info but that isn't an issue connecting to the db And I understand it will look strange with the sql_13 and the result2 part, but it's because there's several connections in the page for different functions. Below is the one for the posts $sql_l3 = "SELECT * FROM nametable ORDER BY id DESC"; $result2 = $conn_l->query($sql_l3); if ($result2->num_rows > 0) { while($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc()) { if($row2["post_id"] == $row["id"]){ $usercomment = $row["usercomment"]; $usercomment2 = $row2["usercomment"]; $myid = $row["myid"];
  23. Right @Barand thats exactly what I did. thank you so much
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