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Posts posted by Canman2005

  1. Hi all


    I have some PHP code which basically outputs the following form


    <input name="name[]" type="text" value="apple" />
    <input name="product[]" type="text" value="mp3" />
    <input name="id[]" type="hidden" value="2" />    
    <br /><br />
    <input name="name[]" type="text" value="microsoft" />
    <input name="product[]" type="text" value="software" />
    <input name="id[]" type="hidden" value="10" />    
    <br /><br />
    <input name="name[]" type="text" value="apple" />
    <input name="product[]" type="text" value="software" />
    <input name="id[]" type="hidden" value="11" />



    when I submit the form, I want to run an update QUERY for everything on the form, using the following QUERY


    $sql = "UPDATE `items` SET `name` = '".$_POST['name']."', `product` = '".$_POST['product']."' WHERE `id` = '".$_POST['id']."'";
    $query = mysql_query($sql);


    So it's almost like a need to run 3 updates scripts


    Is this possible?


    I thought maybe with a




    but i've no idea where to start.


    any ideas anyone?


    thanks all



  2. Hi all


    I have the following QUERY


    SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE ((`title` LIKE '%Apple%') || (`title` LIKE '%Google%') || (`title` LIKE '%Microsoft%'))


    Which all works super.


    But I am adding a form onto the front end which allows people to enter a "keyword" into a form field, I am asking them to seperate keywords with commas, when they submit the form, it will create a variable called




    so that value could be something like


    $words = "apple, microsoft, google, ebay";




    $words = "iphone, ipod";


    my question is, how can I get PHP to turn that variable into something like


    ((`title` LIKE '%Apple%') || (`title` LIKE '%Google%') || (`title` LIKE '%Microsoft%'))


    so that I can use it within my query.


    I did have a thought though, and that was about people adding a comma at the start or end, so the variable could look like


    $words = ",iphone, ipod";




    $words = "iphone, ipod,";




    $words = ",iphone, ipod,";


    So I guess I would need to strip any spaces and commas at the start and end of the variable


    I have been trying something like


    str_replace(',','%') || (`title` LIKE '%',$words);


    but I cannot seem to tweak it so that it works correctly


    Anyone have any ideas? Maybe my way is going to be too complex





  3. Hi all


    I have a content loading script


    function ajaxLoader(url,id) {
      if (document.getElementById) {
        var x = (window.ActiveXObject) ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();
      if (x) {
        x.onreadystatechange = function() {
    el = document.getElementById(id);
            el.innerHTML = "";
          if (x.readyState == 4 && x.status == 200) {
            el = document.getElementById(id);
            el.innerHTML = x.responseText;
        x.open("GET", url, true);


    which works great.


    I then have a drop down HTML list which looks like


    <select name="products" onChange="ajaxLoader('product_list.php?value=(this.value)','contentarea');">
    <option value="1">Apple</option>
    <option value="2">Dell</option>
    <option value="3">Logitech</option>


    I then have a SPAN area


    <span id="contentarea"></span>


    in which "product_list.php" loads in.


    all I want to do, is pass the value of whatever option was selected


    So if "Dell" was selected, the call would be




    and if "Apple" was selected, the call would be




    but using




    doesn't seem to be passing the selected value in the list


    can anyone help? I'm totally stumpted





  4. Hi all


    I have the following PHP


    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE `type` = 1");
    while($r = mysql_fetch_array($q))
    echo $r['product'];
    echo "<br>";


    This produces







    which works great.


    But i'm trying to create an array containing those values, so I get something like


    array(1, 3, 6, 13)


    How can I achive this?


    I've tried


    $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE `type` = 1");
    while($r = mysql_fetch_array($q))
    $ray = $ray. array($r['product'].',');


    but that doesn't seem to work and no matter how I tweak it, it doesn't seem to work.


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks very much



  5. Hi all


    I have the following database table



    1    Apple

    2    Microsoft

    3    Mobiles

    4    MP3s

    5    Laptops


    I use a "SELECT" query in my PHP to get those results.


    Is it possible to "ORDER" my results by


    ID number 2 first


    ID number 1 second


    and then the remainder of the results in a A-Z order


    so the above would look like



    2    Microsoft

    1    Apple

    5    Laptops

    3    Mobiles

    4    MP3s


    I tried


    ORDER BY  (CASE WHEN `id` = 2 THEN 0 WHEN `id` = 1 THEN 2 END), `value` ASC


    But that doesn't seem to work no matter how much I tweak it around


    Any help would be great





  6. Hi all


    I have the following code



    $array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13);

    $cols = 3;

    $count = count($array);


    if($count%$cols > 0){


    $array[] = ' ';



    echo "<table border=\"1\">\r\n";


    foreach($array as $key => $td){

    if($key%$cols == 0) echo "<tr>\r\n";

    echo "<td>$td</td>\r\n";

    if($key%$cols == ($cols - 1)) echo "</tr>\r\n";


    echo "</table>";



    which works great and returns something like


    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8

    9 10 11 12



    but is it possible to change this so that it orders the results like


    1 5 9 13

    2 6 10

    3 7 11

    4 8 12


    any help would be great



  7. Hi all


    Wonder if someone can help


    I have the following code


    // declare a global  XMLHTTP Request object
    var XmlHttpObj;
    function CreateXmlHttpObj()
            XmlHttpObj = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
                XmlHttpObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                XmlHttpObj = null;
        if(!XmlHttpObj && typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined")
            XmlHttpObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
    function ListOnChange()
        var county = document.getElementById("county");
        var selectedContinent = county.options[county.selectedIndex].value;
        var requestUrl;
        requestUrl = "code/xml.php" + "?filter=" + encodeURIComponent(selectedContinent);
            XmlHttpObj.onreadystatechange = StateChangeHandler;
            XmlHttpObj.open("GET", requestUrl,  true);
    function StateChangeHandler()
        if(XmlHttpObj.readyState == 4)
            if(XmlHttpObj.status == 200)
                alert("problem retrieving data from the server, status code: "  + XmlHttpObj.status);
    function PopulateCountyList(countyNode)
        var region = document.getElementById("region");
        for (var count = region.options.length-1; count >-1; count--)
            region.options[count] = null;
        var countyNodes = countyNode.getElementsByTagName('county');
        var idValue;
        var textValue;
        var optionItem;
        for (var count = 0; count < countyNodes.length; count++)
            textValue = GetInnerText(countyNodes[count]);
            idValue = countyNodes[count].getAttribute("id");
            optionItem = new Option( textValue, textValue,  false, false);
            region.options[region.length] = optionItem;
    function GetInnerText (node)
        return (node.textContent || node.innerText || node.text) ;


    which is stored as a Javascript file, I then have this HTML


    <select name="county" id="county" onChange="return ContinentListOnChange()">

    <option value="London">London</option>

    <option value="New York">New York</option>

    <option value="Paris">Paris</option>



    So when one of the options is selected (ie: Paris), a new HTML select list is loaded below containing options based on what has been selected.


    The code for the HTML list which loads is


    <select name="region" id="region">
    <option value="">Select county</option>


    This all works fine, but I wonder if anyone can help with my questions.


    Basically I have a PHP session stored on the page called




    which can store the name of one of the options, so like


    $_SESSION['county'] = 'Paris';




    $_SESSION['county'] = 'London';


    So my question is, how can I provide the javascript a default "county" to load data for?


    Kind of a default option.


    I wonder if it's something to do with doing an "onload" within the <body> tag


    Any help would be ace, i've tried to many things and cannot get it to work





  8. coooool, thanks for that everyone


    I wonder if you could help me further


    Is it possible to pull a single value from an array?


    Let me explain.


    My array currently looks like


    ( [1] => 4 [45] => 2 )


    so with the above


    45 is linked to 2  ([45] => 2)




    1 is liked to 4  ([1] => 4)


    so is it possible for example, to supply var such as


    $var = 45


    and run something so that it grabs the value




    or if I supplied


    $var = 1


    then it would allow me to grab value




    any help would be fab


    thanks all

  9. Hi all


    I have an array set under




    so if I do a




    then I get


    ( [1] => 4 [45] => 2 )


    what I want to do is implode that array so that I get an output that looks like




    but I cannot figure it out.


    If I use


    print implode(",", $_SESSION['items']);


    then that outputs




    but I want it to output






    any ideas?





  10. Hi all


    I need to a count on my array, i'm wondering if this is the best way to do it


    foreach($_SESSION['basket'] as $key => $value)
    $values = $values + $value;
    print $values



  11. Nope, it could change and there could be more


    So it could be








    any help would be great



  12. Hi all


    I have a small shopping cart system using an array to store product id numbers in.


    It stores it like




    Within my cart I have the following, which allows the quantity of a particular product ID to be increased


     if ($cart) {
    $newcart = '';
    foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) {
    if (stristr($key,'qty')) {
    $id = str_replace('qty','',$key);
    $items = ($newcart != '') ? explode(',',$newcart) : explode(',',$cart);
    $newcart = '';
    foreach ($items as $item) {
    if ($id != $item) {
    if ($newcart != '') {
    $newcart .= ','.$item;
    } else {
    $newcart = $item;
    for ($i=1;$i<=$value;$i++) {
    if ($newcart != '') {
    $newcart .= ','.$id;
    } else {
    $newcart = $id;
    $cart = $newcart;


    To use the above, I have a input field next to each item which looks like


    <input type="text" name="qty23" value="" />


    How can I adapt the above code so that if I pass in my URL




    then it would reduce the quantity of 23 by 1


    so with an array which looked like




    after passing




    it would then look like




    any help would be great, been trying to crack this but with no luck


    thanks in advance



  13. Hi all


    I wonder if anyone can tell me how to set the ROOT folder for my entire site?


    My site is running locally and is at the URL


    http://localhost/Site 233/www/


    and I need to set that as the ROOT folder for the site.


    Only because when I use links such as


    <a href="/contact.php">contact</a>


    it set that URL as




    and I need it to be


    http://localhost/Site 233/www/contact.php





  14. Hi everyone


    I am trying to ReWrite a URL and this is my first time trying to do something like this.


    Basically I have the following URL




    that I want to rewrite to




    i've been playing around with


    RewriteRule ^find/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/ results.php?type1[]=$1&type2[]=$2 [QSA,L]


    but i'm just making it worse and cannot seem to find the correct way of doing it.


    thanks very much



  15. Just one question, if I pass the `class` ID numbers in my URL string such as




    How can I count the total number of




    passed in the URL string, so in the above example, it would be "3" in total


    It's just to that I can calculate the number for


    $num = 2


    Or is there a better way to pass those ID numbers in the URL string?


    Thansk again



  16. Thanks everyone, I didn't see a 2nd page of comments  :o


    It seems that PFMaBiSmAd suggestion to use


    $num = 2;
    $query = "SELECT s.name, count(*) as cnt FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,2) GROUP BY c.staff HAVING cnt = $num";


    Works fantastic  :D , i'm not 100% until I run all the tests, but it seems to be working.


    Thanks to PFMaBiSmAd and everyone else  :)

  17. Hi


    I'm sure i'm making sound harder than it is.


    Let me try and explain a bit better


    Okay, so I have 2 tables, one is called `staff` and it contains a list of staff (ie: Dave, Sarah).


    I also have another table called `classes` which contain a list of ID numbers for classes attended (that field is called `class`) and ID numbers of staff runing the class (that field is called `staff`).





    So if in my QUERY, I pass ID number 1, I want it to look in the `classes` table, and grab a list of `staff` ID numbers which attend `class` ID number 1 ONLY, so it would get just;





    But if in my QUERY, I pass ID numbers 2 and 3, then it would get just;





    But if in my QUERY, I pass ID numbers 1, 2 and 3, it would get nothing, as there are no staff that attend all classes 1,2 and 3, so it would get just;




    Does that make it anymore clear for anyone?


    Thanks so much everyone for your help



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