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Posts posted by Canman2005

  1. Basically what I want to do is, if I pass




    in my QUERY, I want it to only return `staff` values from the `classes` table where it matches every ID passed.


    So with my table


    `classes` (`id`, `class`, `staff`)
    (3, 1, 1),
    (4, 2, 1),
    (5, 2, 2);


    If I ran (1,2) in my QUERY, it would only return `staff` id 1 from the above table, because only `staff` id 1 has `class` values "1" and "2" in the above table.


    If I ran just (2), then it would return, ID numbers 1 and 2, because both contain `class` values "2"


    If I ran (1,2,10), then it would return nothing, as non of the staff ID's have a matching "1","2" and "10" IDs


    I might not be explaining this very well


    Does it make any sense?

  2. But even if I run


    SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff


    it finds a result, where as it should not find anything, as id 3 and 10 don't exist under the "class" field in the "classes" table.


    If the QUERY was


    SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,2) GROUP BY c.staff


    then it should find something, as id 1 and 2 exist


    does that kind of make any sense?


    any help would be great





  3. Hi all


    I have a series of tick boxes on my PHP form, they look like


    <input name="cat" value="Math" type="checkbox">
    <input name="cat" value="Art" type="checkbox">
    <input name="cat" value="Dance" type="checkbox">


    if I submit those fields, then my URL looks like




    For search engine reasons, whats the best way in Javascript to Re-Write the URL so that it's SEO friendly URL


    I was thinking when the form is posted, to re-write that URL so that it looks like




    So it basically only shows 1 "cat=" and any other are replaced with "%7C" to allow me to seperate the vars with PHP


    Any advice would be top





  4. My new table structure looks like


    `classes` (`id`, `class`, `staff`)
    (1, 0, 0),
    (2, 0, 0),
    (3, 1, 1),
    (4, 2, 1),
    (5, 2, 2);
    `staff` (`id`, `name`)
    (1, 'Dave'),
    (2, 'Sarah'),
    (3, 'Brian');

  5. Sure, I have changed my db fields a little, but the QUERY I use is


    SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff


    basically I only want it to return a result if "c.class" equals all the values passed, so it must match ID 1,3,10.


    At the moment it returns a result if any of ID (1,3,10) exist, I only want it to return a result if all the IDs exist


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks very much

  6. Hi


    I tried "IN" but it seems to return a result if just one of the ID's passed in the URL exist in the table.


    How can I make sure it only returns rows which match every ID passed in the URL


    Thanks guys

  7. I managed with


    SELECT u.id, l.type1,l.type2,l.type3, (select Count(*) from log l WHERE l.type1 = 1 || l.type2 = 1) AS tot1,(select Count(*) from log l WHERE l.type3 = 1) AS tot2 FROM log l JOIN users u ON l.userid = u.id WHERE u.place = 1 GROUP BY u.id


    to output


    id   type1   type2   type3   tot1   tot2
    1   1           1         1           233   244
    2   1           1         1           200   201
    3   1           1         1           123   143
    4   1           1         1           89      99
    5   1           1         1           2        4


    which is excellent


    is it possible to add up "tot1" and "tot2" and output them as "total"

  8. Hi all


    Wonder if someone can help.


    I have the following QUERY which contains a COUNT statement


    SELECT u.id , COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM log l JOIN users u ON l.userid = u.id WHERE u.place = 1 GROUP BY u.id ORDER BY `total` DESC


    this works great and returns a result such as


    1   877
    2   455
    3   232
    4   199


    but is it possible to do a WHERE statement in my COUNT, so it would look something like


    COUNT(*) WHERE l.type1 = 1 || l.type2 = 1



    but then also include another COUNT statement which would look like


    COUNT(*) WHERE l.type3 = 1


    but multiple the above COUNT number by 2, I know it's totally wrong, but something like


    COUNT(*) WHERE l.type3 = 1 * 2



    but then ADD the numbers from the 1st COUNT and 2nd COUNT together and output them as the


    ORDER BY `total` DESC




    so it would look something like


    1   ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1)
    2   ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1)
    3   ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1)
    4   ((COUNT 2 * 2) + COUNT 1)


    Any help would be great, been trying to crack this for the last few hours but having no luck

  9. Hi all


    I have a table called `classes` which looks like




    I also have a table called `staff` which looks like




    in my URL string I am using




    how can I write a QUERY to return a list of all `classes` which staff are attending.


    In my example (staff[]=2&staff[]=1) it would return just




    because in the URL string I am geting "staff ID 1" (staff[]=1) and "staff ID 2" (staff[]=2) which are Dave & Sarah which both attend the "French" class


    but if for example I passed the URL string




    it would return nothing, as there is no staff with ID number 5 (staff[]=5)


    Any help would be brill





  10. Hi All


    I wonder if someone can help me out.


    Basically I have 3 tables, they are


    `products` , `product_categories`, `categories`


    So the tables might for example look like


    `products` (`id`,`title`)
    `2`,`microsoft mouse`


    `categories` (`id`,`title`,`level`,`parentid`)


    So `level` basically says that `mouses` is a top level category and `microsoft` is a sub category of `mouses` and `mp3` is a top level category) and `apple` is a sub category of `mp3`




    hopefully that makes sense, but it's basically saying that product id number 1 (iphone) belongs to category number 2 (apple) and product number 2 (microsoft mouse) belongs to category number  (microsoft)


    I then have a series of tick boxes through PHP and it outputs in HTML something like the following


    <input name="category1[]" value="1">Mouses

    <input name="category2[]" value="2">Microsoft

    <input name="category1[]" value="3">MP3

    <input name="category2[]" value="4">Apple


    Now at the moment I run a QUERY which looks like


    SELECT * FROM products p JOIN products_categories pc ON p.id = pc.product_id WHERE (pc.category_id = 2 || pc.category_id = 4)


    which returns me a result, perfect.


    I wonder though, how easy is it to further that QUERY and if I select "Mouses" (ID 1) tickbox, then I would find a result, even though I don't store the top level category id (ie: 1 = Mouses) within the `product_categories` table.


    My only option is to also store the top level category id (ie: 1 = Mouses) within the `product_categories` table.


    Is there a way without me doing this?


    Thanks in advance



  11. Hi all


    I have the following QUERY


    $sql = "SELECT bm.who, pl.bmid , COUNT( * ) AS `score` FROM log pl JOIN usr bm ON pl.bmid = bm.id GROUP BY pl.bmid ORDER BY `score` DESC";
    $show = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($show))
    print 'Total: '.$row['score'];


    This works great.


    My question is, how can I get the previous`score`, so I can do something like


    Total: 100



    Total: 75

    Previous: 100


    Total: 50

    Previous: 75


    Total: 25

    Previous: 50


    I tried doing it using




    but I can only get the next rows score and not the previous score.


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks tons in advance



  12. Dear All


    I have a standard page which has a HTML form doing a "POST" method.


    What I want to do is have 3 buttons on my page doing the following


    Button 1;

    Posts data as normal


    Button 2:

    Posts data to an alternative URL (pageone.php) with the target frame being an iframe called "iframeone"


    Button 3:

    Posts data to an alternative URL (pagetwo.php) with the target frame being an iframe called "iframetwo"



    I've looked all over and I cannot find anything like this, which I thought I would be able to find tons.


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks very much



  13. Hi all


    I have the following in my .htaccess file


    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteRule \.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)$ functions/watermark_wrapper.php [QSA,NC]


    at the moment this affects all image files


    Is it possible to have it just take effect on images within the folder ROOT/myphotos and any sub folders within that


    Thanks in advance

  14. Hi all


    Wonder if anyone can help.


    Basically I have a bunch of form fields which look like


    <input name="fullname" type="text">
    <input name="1-value[]" type="text" value="Apple">
    <input name="4-value[]" type="text" value="Microsoft">
    <input name="6-value[]" type="text" value="IBM">
    <input name="12-value[]" type="text" value="1to1">


    sometimes there is just 1 field, sometimes 4 fields and sometimes 20 or so fields.


    what I want to do is run an




    for each form field that exists that has "-value[]" set as its "name=" tag


    but also, I want to be able to extract 2 things, firstly the numeric value which is defined before the "-value[]" and also the actual value of each form field (ie: IBM \ Apple).


    This means I would then be able to do something like


    INSERT INTO `items` SET `idnumber`="[b]NUMERIC VALUE[/b]", `value`="[b]FIELD VALUE (ie: IBM \ Apple)[/b]"


    for each form field returned.


    Can anyone advise?


    Thanks very much

  15. Hi all


    I have a ASP problem i'm wondering if anyone can help with.


    I have a form which has the following field on it


    <input type="file" NAME="image2">


    I then have the following code to upload the image


    	dim filename2
    filename2 = UploadRequest("image2").Item("filename2")
    filename2 = Right(filename2,Len(filename2)-InstrRev(filename2,"\"))
    if not filename2="" then	
    	if instr(ucase(filename2),".GIF")>0 or instr(ucase(filename2),".JPG")>0 or instr(ucase(filename2),".PNG")>0 then
    		if not filename2="" then
    			if instr(ucase(filename2),".GIF") then
    				filename2=imageID &"-2.gif"
    			elseif instr(ucase(filename2),".JPG") then
    				filename2=imageID &"-2.jpg"
    			elseif instr(ucase(filename2),".PNG") then
    				filename2=imageID &"-2.png"
    			end if
    			if ImgKBSize>250 then
    				msg=msg &"
    You can only upload images under 250kb."
    			end if
    		end if	
    		msg=msg &"
    You can only upload *.gif, *.jpg and *.png files."
    	end if
    end if


    but for some reason this has stopped working and I cannot figure out why.


    Can anyone figure out why this is happening?


    Thanks everyone in advance

  16. HI all


    I have been battling with making a SELECT funtion and wonder if anyone can help.


    To pull the function, i'm using


    $data = select("members",array("id"),"id='1'");
    foreach($data as $d){
    print $d["id"];


    and the function code is


    function select($table, $fields=array(), $where=NULL, $limit=NULL, $order=array(), $group=array())
    $string .= "SELECT ".implode(", ", $fields)." FROM ".$table;
    $string .= ($where) ? " WHERE ".$where : NULL ;
    $string .= (count($group) > 0) ? " GROUP BY ".implode(", ", $group) : NULL ;
    $string .= (count($order) > 0) ? " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $order) : NULL ;
    $string .= ($limit) ? " LIMIT ".$limit : NULL ;
    $result = mysql_query($string);
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $row = array_map('stripslashes', $row);


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks in advance



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