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Posts posted by Canman2005

  1. Hi all


    Wondering if someone can help me.


    Basically I have two dates in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, so for example I might have;


    2007-02-23 & 2007-03-12


    What I need to do is to work out


    1: how many weekends there are (sat & sun)

    2: how many weekdays there are (mon - fri)

    3: how many total weeks there are


    contained between the two dates I have.


    Is this easy to do? can anyone help?


    thanks so much





  2. Hi all


    This is more a question than a problem.


    Is it easy enough to get data from a XML file displayed in PHP page and query it?


    It it also easy to work live with the XML file, editing and deleting from it etc


    Any advice would be sweet



  3. Hi all


    I have a simple form which has two buttons and a form field, when you click one of the two buttons, it inserts the value of the selected button into the form field.


    The code is


    <input type="text" name="tester">
    <input type="button" value="1" onclick="tester.value+='1'">
    <input type="button" value="2" onclick="tester.value+='2'">


    At the moment, when you click one of the two buttons, it always inserts the value at the end of whatever has already been entered in the text field.


    I want to change this, so that it inserts the button value into the text field, but at the position of where the text cursor is blinking.


    Can this be done??


    Hope that makes sense


    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


    Thanks in advance



  4. Thanks rajivgonsalves


    I've been playing around with what you suggest and ended up with the following


    $arrSearches  = explode(" ",$_GET['keyword']);
    $arrMatches = array();
    foreach ($arrSearches as $strKey => $strValue)
    array_push($arrMatches," `content` like '%$strValue%' ");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM mydata WHERE ".implode(" or ", $arrMatches)"";
    $query = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
    print $row['content'];


    But im getting the error


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/npa/public_html/members/search/searchscript.php on line 10


    Do you know where im going wrong?


    Sorry, im only good at simple queries (but learning)


    Thanks in advance



  5. Hi all


    I have a search form which has a field with the id of "keyword"


    I then have a query


    SELECT * FROM mydata WHERE `content` LIKE '%".$_GET['keyword']."%'


    This then returns results.


    Is it possible to split the value of the form field, then query each word separate?


    For example, if I enter "internet design" into the field and then run a query, it would query the words "internet" and "design" separate. So it basically splits the value and queries both words.


    Is this possible?


    Thanks in advance



  6. Hi all


    I have a simple QUERY, it looks like


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM mydata WHERE uid = 22";
    $show = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($show))
    print $row['title'];
    print "<br>";


    I want to print a few full stops (........) after every 3 rows returned.


    So the results may look like


    title 1

    title 2

    title 3


    title 4

    title 5

    title 6


    title 7


    Can anyone help me?


    Thanks in advance



  7. Hi all


    I have a page which contains 2 divs and a link, the divs are called DIV1 and DIV2, when the page loads I want to show DIV1, then when the link is clicked, the page would hide DIV1 and show DIV2. When the link is clicked again, it would hide DIV2 and show DIV1.


    A kinda show and hide div script.


    But I also need to say on the link when DIV1 is active


    <a href="#">show DIV2<a href="#">


    and when DIV2 is loaded, say


    <a href="#">show DIV1</a>


    Can anyone help? I've been working on this for 5 hours and I am getting nowhere fast.


    I also spent an hour or so looking on Google for a example, but no one seems to have done it this way, or not that I can find.


    Any help would be fantastic


    Thanks in advance



  8. found one




    <script language="JavaScript">

    function preview(id1, id2){

      var NewText = document.getElementById(id1).value;

      splitText = NewText.split(/\n/).join("<br />");

      var DivElement = document.getElementById(id2);

      DivElement.innerHTML = splitText;



    <form action="#">


    <input type="text" id="name" onkeyup="preview('name', 'preview-name');" />



    <input type="text" id="phone" onkeyup="preview('phone', 'preview-phone');" />






    <dd id="preview-name"></dd>


    <dd id="preview-phone"></dd>


  9. Hi all


    I've done a function to replace swear words.


    The problem I have is if someone types "class" then it returns "cl***" thinking the last part of "class" (ie: "ass") is a swear word. I had to therefore remove it.


    Is there a separate replace function I can run just to check for the single word "ass" and then replace it?


    Thanks in advance


  10. Hi all


    Im just wondering if there is anyway to automatically make any urls in my page content, into clickable links. Basically I have a small forum I built, and I want to make any URL the user enters, into a clickable link.


    So if I had www.google.com as plain text, then it would make it into a clickable link.


    Any help would be ace, tried looking in google but they all seem over the top complex scripts.


    Thanks in advance



  11. Hi


    That look like the start of it, so thanks, but when I run that QUERY on the phase "public information", I get


    SELECT * FROM content WHERE title LIKE '%public%' title LIKE '%information%' OR content LIKE '%public%'description LIKE '%information%'


    I think its missing an OR somewhere.


    Any ideas how I can adjust that?



  12. Hi all


    I have a database table called "content" which im trying to search through using a simple QUERY.


    I have a HTML form with a form field called "q", I then run a query when the form is submitted which looks like


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM content WHERE title LIKE '%".$_GET['q']."%' OR content LIKE '%".$_GET['q']."%'";


    Which searches two fields of the database, "title" and "content".


    At the moment, if you search for something like


    "public" or "information" it returns a result, which is great, but if you look for "public information", then it returns nothing.


    How can I adjust the QUERY so that if someone enters "public information", then it would treat each word (ie: "public" and "information") as a seperate word and look for each one, thus returning a result.


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks in advance



  13. Hi all


    I have a simple contact form which is POSTED to a simple email script.


    At the end of the email script, I have put the following


    print "<script>alert('Thank you, your message has been sent');</script>";
    print "<script>location.replace('index.php?id=25');</script>";


    The problem is that once the script has run, if you click the back button, the form seems to want to POST again.


    Does anyone know why this happens and if I can stop it from happening





  14. Hi


    I tried


    $today = 2007-09-21;
    $day = mktime(nextfriday, $dateentered);
    while($day < $today){
    $day = mktime(nextfriday, $day);
    print $day;


    but that didnt seem to work, can anyone help me out?





  15. Hi all


    Im wondering if anyone can help me, basically im trying to print a list of every Friday since a date defined.


    Let me try and explain.


    I want to define a date such as 2007-07-06 (which is a Friday) and then let php print each Friday since that date until today.


    For example, if the date defined was 2007-07-06 then it would print














    But I want to also be able to format the date it outputs, so it might look like


    Friday 06 July 2007

    Friday 13 July 2007

    Friday 20 July 2007


    and so on


    Can anyone help me?


    Thanks in advance



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