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Posts posted by Canman2005

  1. Hi all


    I have the following function


    function size_hum_read($size){
      $iec = array("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB");
      while (($size/1024)>1) {
      return substr($size,0,strpos($size,'.')+4).$iec[$i];


    Basically it reads a file on the server and returns the size of the file.


    I pull the function using


    <?php print size_hum_read(filesize('image.jpg')); ?>


    It returns something like




    The problem im coming across is that the last part of the filesize is always 3 digits long, for example





    Would anyone know how I could round up the last 3 digits into 2 digits?





    would become






    would become



    Can this be done?





  2. Yep, 100%, the whole query code is


    	$total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as Num FROM files GROUP BY categoryid"),0);
    print $total;


    and my database looks like


    id 	categoryid
    223 	9
    224 	9 
    225 	10
    226 	10
    227 	10
    228 	11
    229 	11
    230 	11
    231 	12


    Can anyone see anything that is wrong?





  3. Hi all


    I have the following query


    SELECT COUNT(*) as Num FROM files GROUP BY categoryid


    The problem is that if I run this query in phpmyadmin, I get a total of 4, which is right. But if I run this query within a php page, I only get 2 as a result.


    Can anyone tell me why I get a different result?


    Any advice would be great





  4. Use the following function


    function limitString($string, $maxlength)
    if (strlen($string) > $maxlength)
    	print nl2br(substr($string, 0, $maxlength)."...");
    	print $string;


    and then on the text you want to limit, use


    <?php limitString($text, 150); ?>


    $text being your variable and the 150 marks the limit for the characters


    Hope this helps



  5. Hi all


    I have a database which holds news, with each news article it has two fields start_date and end_date, these dates are stored as


    2007-01-02 (YYYY-MM-DD)


    I currently use the following query for my main news page


    SELECT * FROM mynews WHERE area='1' AND live = '1' ORDER BY id DESC


    What I want to do is to write a new page where it can show old news, this would only show news that has the end_date which is past todays current date. Additionally to this, I want to show just the last 2 months worth of news.


    How can I ask it to just query rows with an end_date which has past, but only for 2 months.


    Does that make sense?


    Can anyone help?









  6. Hi


    mime_content_type doesnt work on my server & im not able to install anything on it.


    Is there no way around it, even with a complex function script?


    I've hunted online but not found a script which works yet


    Any advice anyone?



  7. Hi


    If I try that, I get the error


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mime_content_type() in C:\www\nagc\members\elements\download.php on line 3


    Is there anymore options or what do I need to adjust or add?



  8. Hi all


    Something strange is happening.


    I have an if statement, it looks like


    if($_GET['folder'] != 4)
    $sql = "UPDATE `messages` SET `read` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".$_GET['id']."";
    $query = mysql_query($sql);


    So it should run that query if the url looks like




    and if the url looks like




    then it shouldnt run, as the ?folder= value in the url is 4


    But for some reason, this rule isnt happening and if the url contains ?folder=4


    Does anyone know why this isnt working correcly?


    Any help would be great






  9. russell@2fl.co.uk ??

    russell@twofl.co.uk ??




    Hi all


    I have a sql table which holds events for my website, in each row there is the following fields


    id (auto increase)

    title (text)

    date_from (dates are stored as YYYY-MM-DD)

    date_end (dates are stored as YYYY-MM-DD)


    I then have a query which looks in that table and returns all rows that have todays date inside the "date_from" field, the query looks like


    $meventssql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE datefrom = '".date('Y-m-d')."'";
    $meventsquery = @mysql_query($meventssql,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($meventsrow = mysql_fetch_array($meventsquery))
    <?php print $meventsrow['title']; ?><br>


    How can I re-write the query, so that it uses the date_from & date_end and returns all rows which fall in between those dates, so a row with a date_from set to "2007-01-01" and the date_end set to "2007-01-03", it would then return that row on






    Does that make sense?


    Been having a hunt around, but cant seem to find anything which would do this.


    Can anyone help me?


    Thanks in advance



  10. Hi all


    I have two varibles, one called




    and another called




    "$cycle_through_the_month" displays a date, such as "5" for the 5th day, "18" for the 18th day and so on


    "$display_month" displays a month and year, such as "MARCH 2007" or "NOVEMBER 2007".


    Combined together like "$cycle_through_the_month $display_month" produces something like 2 APRIL 2007 or 26 JUNE 2007.


    What I want to do is to format these so that they print out like








    Is this possible? Can anyone help?


    Thanks in advance



  11. Hi all


    I have a insert query which looks like


    if (isset($_GET['action']) == 'addmsg')
    $forumsgaddsql = "INSERT INTO `forum` SET type = 4, message = '".$_GET['message']."'";
    $forumsgaddquery = mysql_query($forumsgaddsql);
    print"<script>document.location='index.php'; </script>";


    This inserts some data into my table 'forum'.


    I then have another table called "swear", a sample of this table is


    words < FIELD NAME






    What I want to do, is before the INSERT query runs, check the output of any of the words in $_GET['message'] against all the words in the "swear" table and then return a COUNT for the total number of words matched.


    Can this be done? I'm sure i've seen it done before, but I cannot remember how to do this.


    Any help would be great





  12. Hi all


    I have the following varibles



    $percent = 20;

    $total = 200;



    Basically $percent is the percentage, such as 20%


    The total is the amount, such as 200


    How can I deduct in php $percent from $total, so it would remove 20% from 200?


    Is this easy?


    Thanks in advance



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