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Posts posted by Canman2005

  1. Hi all


    I'm pulling part of a RSS feed into my PHP page, the part of the RSS feed im pulling in is a news article.


    Everything works fine, apart from the last part of the artcle that is being pulled in looks like


    <a title="News" href="http://www.do 


    so there is basically half a link at the end of the article.


    So my question is, is there a way to finish off or delete any incomplete HTML at the end of a block of code?


    Hope that makes some kind of sense


    Thanks loads in advance




  2. Hi all


    I'm doing a re-write on .htaccess using


    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/index.php/?$ membershome.php?url=$1 [L]


    If I then go to




    everything works fine, but if I try and go to




    and then try and print the variable using


    print $_GET['option']


    it doesnt seem to print it.


    does anyone know why?


    Thanks tons in advance



  3. HI all


    I was having issues with WAMP2 crashing and so I switched to XAMPP


    Everything seems fine apart from a few php scripts which are for image and file uploading and uploading is no longer happening, there is also no errors showing even though all errors are switched on to be displayed in the php.ini


    Does anyone know if a specfic module needs to be activated?



  4. Hi all


    I have a page with an iframe on it, the iframe is called "myiframe"


    What I want to do is add a javascript into my parent page so that when the page loads, it opens up the page "inside_the_iframe.html" inside the iframe


    Can anyone help?


    Tried tons of scripts but none seem to work, ideally I want to do it with something like


    <script>document.location='inside_the_iframe.html'; </script>


    Can anyone help?





  5. Hi all


    I have this code


    SELECT mass FROM items WHERE id = ".$_GET['pr']." AND cats = ".$_GET['ca']."


    That does a QUERY and returns details of 1 row.


    What I want to do is to create a "next" link on my page, so basically I need to be able to grab the next rows ID number in the sequence, so that I can create a "next" link.


    Further to this, is it possible that when it reaches the last ID number in the sequence, it then grabs the 1st ID number in the sequence, so that I can create a kind of never ending loop on my "next" link.


    I do have a code to kind of do this, but it's massive and bulky and does page numbering rather than just a "next" link, and I want to try and use something very simple and quick to load.


    Can anyone help?


    Thanks very much in advance



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