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Everything posted by rhysmeister

  1. a 405 error usually means you do not have the correct permissions to access the page. Check Start Programs Admin Tools Internet Services Manager. Right click the \"Default Web site\" (assuming this is the correct one). Select properties. Here you can view and change the permissions.
  2. This has been playing on my mind a little and I remembered something. Using the <Files> </Files> tag can protect specific files in a directory. i.e. <Files write1.php write2.php write3.php> htaccess lines.... ....... ........... <Files> I think it would be best to have different pages for the writing as I don\'t think there is a way for apache to assign users read / write permissions in the way you describe.
  3. \"SELECT * FROM intranet_opdrachten LEFT JOIN intranet_bedrijven ON intranet_opdrachten.id=intranet_bedrijven.id WHERE intranet_opdrachten.omschrijving OR intranet_opdrachten.opdrachtgever OR intranet_bedrijven.omschrijving OR intranet_bedrijven.opdrachtgever LIKE \'%$zoeken%\'\"; Something like this should do. I haven\'t had time to test it so can\'t be 100% sure. You need to join the two tables by a appropriate field. Do a little bit of research on table joins and you should be ok. Hope this helps.
  4. I\'d create another folder that does the writing into the directory you speak of. That could be done simple with a .htaccess file. Otherwise you would use a database with usernames and passwords and only load a page if the username and password is present in the database. But I think it would be much simpler to put the write files into another directory.
  5. I\'m not experience with the OS you mentioned but in all the systems I\'ve used apache on the config file has never been hidden. Also any text editor at all should be fine for editing the config file. Here is the path of the configuration file on my W2K system C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
  6. Try... SELECT * FROM notes, max(date) ORDER BY date DESC Replacing DESC with ASC would obviously reverse the sort.
  7. Use the rand() function. http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php
  8. To load the sql file into the mysql console use mysql database < phpbb_db_backup.sql Further explanation here http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/mysqldump.html
  10. This should do the trick SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE status <> \'busy\' AND status <> \'seconds-based-timeout\';
  11. 1. Select all entries where they are not like \'busy\' or \'timeout\' ect. This should pick out all the entries with 2 status... SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE status <> \'busy\' OR status <> \'timeout\'; 2. SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE status <> \'busy\' AND status <> \'seconds-based-timeout\';
  12. I\'d take a quick guess that your php.ini files on each host are different. Maybe globals are set to \'ON\' on one host and \'OFF\' on the other.
  13. Although you have uninstalled mysql I think it is still registered as a service that is why the re-install is failing. Click Start>programs?Admin tools>Services and have a look in there for the mysql service. There is a DOS command for unregistering services, can\'t think of off hand, sorry. But I think this is the area you should focus on.
  14. $sql = \"DROP TABLE $tablename;\"; mysql_query($sql); From one of my applications. I use a html form to submit the table name.
  15. Are you using Windows 2000 for this? If so I think the problem may lie in the fact that mysql has not been stopped as a service. I think this page should help you out http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Windows_upgrading.html
  16. There is such a function, use mysqldump... http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/mysqldump.html
  17. Have you tried the \"net stop\" and \"net start\" commands?
  18. I think Sol above is on the right track, it could indeed be that. Or it could be the fact that you have IIS running as a service. Apache is trying to claim the same resources as ISS. Uninstalling ISS should do the trick.
  19. You can do this by using the GRANT statement i.e. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to \'username@localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY \'password\'; There are various variations on this depending on what you want to do. FOr a full explanation check out... http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Adding_users.html
  20. It\'s very difficult to look through a program that large and spot a problem. What I do is break the program down into various pages. That way you can confirm which bits of the program are working and those that aren\'t.
  21. Have you installed apache as a service? If not check out... http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/platform/windows.html See the heading \"Running Apache as a Service\".
  22. EMS mysql Manager is one that I use, you can manipulate databases on any server. http://ems-hitech.com/mymanager/
  23. No sure if you mean something more complex, but if I understand... SELECT id, nick from <tablename>;
  24. Use the following syntax... DROP DATABASE <databasename> http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/DROP_DATABASE.html
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