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Everything posted by GravityFX

  1. I was looking for something like this too ;-) Thank you, Goldeneye
  2. Is it possible to rewrite this bellow rule for LightTPD config file. if(!stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "website.com/infusions/wrapper/wrapper.php?wrapper_id=1")) { die("Access Denied"); } What I need is be able to connect to site_1 with website.com/infusions/wrapper/wrapper.php?wrapper_id=1 other direct connections to the index listing block. Thank you.
  3. Can some one write simple links anonymizer, that hides sites/users referal and redirects to the site without any timeouts. Kind of like http://anonym.to/?http://google.com but without any timeouts, maybe only 1sec. if required. Thank you.
  4. It would be nice if you had, LightTPD Web Server topic just like you have for Apache. Also, PHP-Fusion CMS topic which is underrated, its amazing fast cms. Way faster then Drupal or Joomla. Thank you.
  5. The http://gravityfx.org/blog/index.php Works, but when I use http://gravityfx.org/blog/ It gives me error 500.
  6. Hello, I am having trouble using my sub-domains of directories. Is there a way to ignore specific sub-domains or directories ? This is my .htaccess file: IndexIgnore * RewriteEngine on # Prevent viewing of .htaccess file <Files .htaccess> order allow,deny deny from all </Files> # Short URLs RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ index.php?p=$1 [L] I need to fix "Short URLs" part ;-) I've created sub-domain http://blog.gravityfx.org/ but when I logging to my blog I get to http://blog.gravityfx.org/wp-admin/ instead of http://blog.gravityfx.org/wp-admin/index.php Also when I use sub-domain like so: http://gravityfx.org/blog/ it does not work, it says error 404 - not found. Now I've created sub-domain > http://wiki.gravityfx.org/ and it says Not Found. Please help. Thanks!
  7. ok thanks ;-) Solved the problem! If you are using XAMPP too, you can follow this steps: 1st. I've edited file "httpd.conf" in "xampp\apache\conf" directory. All you due is un-comment line #118 From: #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so To: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so Then restart your XAMPP apache server. 2nd. Write .htaccess file: # short urls RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ index.php?p=$1 [L] This will make my urls short. Long url: http://localhost/index.php?p=news Short url: http://localhost/news
  8. Yes, I do! I get this error: Server error! The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster. Error 500
  9. Hello, I've installed "XAMPP" http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html I am trying to create short url based on my old file: This code works just fine on my internet site: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ index.php?p=$1 [L] I am using http://localhost/index.php?p=news right now, how can I mod_rewrite on my local server, so it will work right, http://localhost/news
  10. No, that not the problem, but thanks for pointing that out =D I fixed the problem thanks to: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,146460.0.html
  11. Hello, I have a small problem with my css file, here: http://gravityfx.org/dev/style.css The main page on the http://gravityfx.org/dev/ works fine for menu buttons on the left. But when I am trying to create a link withing the page and the table/cell, like here: http://gravityfx.org/dev/friends when you click on the link "Michael" it wont even go to the page, just jumps. Compare to http://gravityfx.org/dev/software when link created without table/cell it works fine. I am thinking its something wrong with my css rollover effect that I am using, cuz when I commented "rollover" effect out, it worked fine. How can I fix this problem. Thanks =D
  12. OK, I figured this out ;-) Thanks. Here is a perfectly working switch code with error handler: <?php if (isset($_GET['p'])){ switch($_GET['p']){ case 'test1': include 'test1.php'; break; case 'test2': include 'test2.php'; break; case 'test': echo '<font face=Courier New size=2><pre>'; include 'pages/test.php'; echo '</pre></font>'; break; default: echo 'Error 404 - File Not Found!'; break; } } else { include 'news.php'; } ?> I've added error hander to default switch and my default page to else =D Thanks, teng84 You've bing a big help !
  13. It works, but its shows my error by default now, instead of news.php =D What is wrong ?
  14. Show it to me with this above code: <?php switch($_GET['p']){ case 'test1': include 'test1.php'; break; case 'test2': include 'test2.php'; break; case 'test': echo '<font face=Courier New size=2><pre>'; include 'pages/test.php'; echo '</pre></font>'; break; default: include 'main.php'; break; } ?> Sorry, I don't get it =)
  15. Yeah, but the problem is that I need default to include my news.php at startup...
  16. Ok, One more question =D How can I add error handler, like in my old code ?
  17. Hahaha you right ;-) my bad. I should of thought about that! Thanks teng84.
  18. Thank You, teng84 That was exactly what I was looking for ;-) works like a charm. Here is modified code: <?php switch($_GET['p']){ case 'test1': include 'test1.php'; break; case 'test2': include 'test2.php'; break; case 'test': echo '<font face=Courier New size=2><pre>'; include 'pages/test.php'; echo '</pre></font>'; break; default: include 'main.php'; break; } ?> Now code works like I wan't, and I don't have that vulnerability any more =D But I have another small problem =D I am using this code as include in html, and I can't seem to have "Courier New" font work right... Any ideas why? I need to show my txt files as different font then php files =D Also is there a dynamic way to add like for example: php = tahoma font txt = courier new font html = ariel font Thanks ;-)
  19. OK, But can you show me full example? I am kind of new to php...
  20. Hello, I've bing using my php dynamic include code on my site. But I think its not safe, how can write safer and better code to replace this one: <?php if(isset($_GET['p'])) { $file = $_GET['p'].".php"; } elseif (isset($_GET['t'])) { $filename = $_GET['t'].".txt"; } else { include_once("news.php"); } if (file_exists($file)) { include_once($file); } elseif (file_exists($filename)) { echo '<font size=2><pre>'; include_once($filename); echo '</pre></font>'; } else { include_once("error.php"); } ?> Then all I due is <a href="?p=pagefile"> or text ;-) I hope someone can help me out. This is really important for me...
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