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Everything posted by Erwin007

  1. Finally solved it with: <?php echo number_format($row['totalrum']);?>
  2. oh man......and that for a zero 🀒
  3. Fantastic! It works! Thank you very much. Unfortunately I have no clue about the coalesce function, I am trying but so far no exito.
  4. Maybe the reps table comes in handy reps.sql.txt
  5. It almost works. It doesn't show the reps that sold something other than product id=41. )the amount at product must be 0 but the total sales has an amount. if you put the from date 2023-04-01 and to-date 2023-04-30 you see 2 more reps (Jose Mendez and Honeydi) which didn't sell productid 41 but they sold some other stuff.
  6. Yes, I want to know the sales for productid 41 and the total sales for that rep. I just posted the 2 queries I made and they work flawless, but "combining" them...pppffffttt
  7. I have a query to find out the total sales for that rep for that period and it works 100%: SELECT reps.rep_name, sum(sales.sales_totaldollars) as total FROM `sales` JOIN reps on reps.rep_id = sales.sales_repid AND reps.rep_touroperator_id = '5' AND reps.rep_active = 1 WHERE (sales.sales_date BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to') GROUP BY reps.rep_name I have anothe query where I find the total sales of productid 41 for that rep in that period and it also works 100%: SELECT reps.rep_name, sum(salesdetails.salesdetails_pricedollars) as totalrum FROM `sales` JOIN salesdetails on salesdetails.salesdetails_salesticketnr = sales.sales_ticketnr JOIN reps on reps.rep_id = sales.sales_repid AND reps.rep_touroperator_id = '5' AND reps.rep_active = 1 WHERE (sales.sales_date BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to') AND salesdetails.salesdetails_productid = '41' GROUP BY reps.rep_name "Combining" these 2 has been a nightmare the last 20hours....
  8. Because US$ 502 is the total sales for Heike. The 1st columns is the sales for productid 41, the second column is the total sales for that rep in that period. Attached a report of sales per rep divided in products with the total
  9. I hope you mean this: Selection from 1st of May till 15 of May. The amount of 416 must be 502
  10. sales.sql.txt salesdetails.sql.txt
  11. I have sales.sql and salsdetails.sql...how to upload or send?
  12. I have no idea unfortunately.
  13. Ok, I will try again: This report I need: REP: Product(41): TOTAL SALES: Cely 76 206 Heike 192 502 The Report I get (with my query): REP: Product(41): TOTAL SALES: Cely 76 206 Heike 192 416 This is my query: SELECT reps.rep_name, sum(sales.sales_totaldollars) as total, sum(salesdetails.salesdetails_pricedollars) as totalrum FROM `sales` JOIN salesdetails ON salesdetails.salesdetails_salesticketnr = sales.sales_ticketnr AND salesdetails.salesdetails_productid = '41' JOIN reps ON reps.rep_id = sales.sales_repid AND reps.rep_touroperator_id = '5' AND reps.rep_active = 1 WHERE (sales.sales_date BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to') GROUP BY reps.rep_name"; The error (the missing 86 at total sales for Heike) is that is "skips" the 2 tickets that don't have the product id 41. The date I choose here is from May 8 till May 8, but it works 100% (just like the GROUP BY part) with other periods, also the part JOIN reps on... works 100%. Somewhere in this JOIN salesdetails on... is my error. I hope it's a little bit more clear.
  14. It probably can't be done...
  15. I have 2 queries: Query1 = SELECT reps.rep_name, sum(sales.sales_totaldollars) as total FROM sales JOIN reps on reps.rep_id = sales.sales_repid AND reps.rep_touroperator_id = β€˜5’ AND reps.rep_active = 1 WHERE (sales.sales_date BETWEEN β€˜$from’ AND β€˜$to’) GROUP BY reps.rep_name Query2 = SELECT reps.rep_name, sum(salesdetails.salesdetails_pricedollars) as totalrum FROM sales JOIN salesdetails on salesdetails.salesdetails_salesticketnr = sales.sales_ticketnr AND salesdetails.salesdetails_productid = β€˜41’ JOIN reps on reps.rep_id = sales.sales_repid AND reps.rep_touroperator_id = β€˜5’ AND reps.rep_active = 1 WHERE (sales.sales_date BETWEEN β€˜$from’ AND β€˜$to’) GROUP BY reps.rep_name Separately the result is 100%, combined it is not. Anybody?
  16. Hi, I solved the abovementioned problem but have now another problem but it's kind of complex, let me try: There are 5 tables in the DB: reps: rep_id, rep_name, rep_touroperator_id and rep_active touroperators: touroperator_id, touroperator_name products: product_id, product_name sales:
  17. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Only the reps with reps_touroperatorid 5 count. In my query that part worked. I do not get any result with your query.
  18. Table reps: - rep_id - rep_name - rep_touroperatorid Table sales: - sales_id - sales_repid - sales_totaldollars my query so far: SELECT reps.rep_name, sum(sales.sales_totaldollars) as total FROM `sales` JOIN reps on reps.rep_touroperator_id = '5' WHERE (sales.sales_date BETWEEN '$from' AND '$to') GROUP BY reps.rep_name and this as code: $result = mysqli_query($con,$query); $total = 0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ $total+=$row['total'] It is working but per rep I get the total of all sales for that period of time instead of the total sales per rep. I need something like this: Juan 3,500 Maria 2,000 Peter 1,500 But I get this: Juan 7,000 Maria 7,000 Peter 7,000 I hope I gave enough info to solve this. Thanks
  19. it looks like $admin does not have the value 1 (or whatever I put in the database) What am I doing wrong? It's driving me absolutely (more) nuts.
  20. I tried your suggestion but still the same result. In the table the admin is a varchar with length = 1, but I tried tinyint also with the same result.
  21. Thanks for the advice but first I need to have it working the "vulnerable" way
  22. HI, thanks for your reply, unfortunately it doesn't work
  23. Hi, hate to ask but after hours of trying I can't figure it out. Probably something incredible small... if(isset($_POST['login'])){ extract($_POST); $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `username` = '$username' AND password ='$password'"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$query); $num_row = mysqli_num_rows($result); if( $num_row > 0){ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $id = $row['id']; $_SESSION['$username'] = $row; $_SESSION['user'] = $username; $admin = $row['admin']; if( $admin = 1 ){ header("location:index_admin.php"); }else{ header("location:index.php"); } }else{ header("location:login.php?msg=error"); } it doesn't matter if the user has admin 1 or 0 it always goes to the index_admin.php
  24. Yes, it worked, thanks again.
  25. I celebrated too fast.... what exactly is "reps r", "sales s" and r.reps_id" in:? FROM reps r JOIN sales s ON r.rep_id = sales_rep_id
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